Division (country subdivision)

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A division is a type of country subdivision. This term is used in some Asian countries for country subdivisions. Currently they exist as

Some of the hundred in England were subdivided into divisions.

In the People's Republic of China,also there exits a similar subdivision, it is translated as Prefecture(行政督察区/xíngzhèng dūchá qǘ专区/zhuānqǘ地区/diqǘ) in English, and was given different chinese names in the history, the subdivision is a level of division between the province(first-level political entity of China,as the States in India or provinces in Pakistan) and county(theoretically the second-level political entity,as the districts of a state in India or ones of a province in Pakistan) levels.because of a division of Bangladesh is the first-level political entity in the country,so it is translated as sheng(省,pinyin:shěng) in Chinese, it is similar a province,the first-level political entity of China.

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