Divergence (Enterprise episode)

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"Divergence" is the title of a Star Trek: Enterprise television episode from season four.

Archer with Klingon ridges, a result of being injected with the Klingon virus.
Archer with Klingon ridges, a result of being injected with the Klingon virus.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

As the Enterprise crew (aided by Columbia) race to prevent the impending destruction of the Enterprise (resulting from sabotage by a group of Klingon-Augment hybrids), Phlox fights a desperate battle against time to come up with a cure for the virus before the Klingon fleet arrives to stop the diseases by eradicating the colony.

[edit] Background Information

  • Millions of Klingons are transformed into the type of Klingons seen in Star Trek: The Original Series, and it is stated that this condition will be passed onto their children, but may someday be reversible.
  • In DS9's "Inquisition", Sloan explains that Section 31 has been around since the inception of the Federation, and that they were officially part of the original Starfleet Charter (not, as some believe, the Federation Charter). Because Enterprise takes place before the foundation of the Federation, some fans felt that Section 31 should not exist yet. However, Starfleet clearly exists before the Federation does, so it is possible for Section 31 to predate the Federation. Harris also tells Archer what part of the Starfleet Charter allows them to operate.
  • The Klingon sub-routine that threatens to explode Enterprise if it goes below Warp 5 is similar to the bomb set to go off if the train went below 80 km/h in the Japanese film The Bullet Train (1975) and the bomb set to go off if the bus went below 50 mph in the film Speed (1994).

Preceded by:
" Affliction"
Star Trek: Enterprise episodes Followed by:

[edit] External link

Divergence article at Memory Alpha, a Star Trek wiki.