Distance model

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In music a distance model is the alternation of two different intervals to create a non-diatonic musical mode such as the 1:3 distance model, the alternation of semitones and minor thirds: C-Eb-E-G-Ab-B-C. This scale is also an example of polymodal chromaticism as it includes both the tonic and dominant as well as "'two of the most typical degrees from both major and minor' (E and B, Eb and Ab, respectively) ([Kárpáti 1975] p.132)". (Wilson 1992, p.8-9)

The most common distance model is the 1:2, also known as the octatonic scale (set type 8-28), followed by 1:3 and 1:5, also known as set type 4-9, which is a subset of the 1:2 model. (ibid, p.25-26)

[edit] See also

[edit] Source

  • Wilson, Paul (1992). The Music of Béla Bartók. ISBN 0-300-05111-5.
    • Kárpáti, János (1975). Bartók's String Quartets. Translated by Fred MacNicol. Budapest: Corvina Press.