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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Discosorida

The class Discosorida is a class that is mostly filled by nautiloids. Not very many species have been identified in Discosroida because most of the animals in the family and other related families live deep in the ocean where hardly any scientific research has been done.

[edit] Nautiloids

The marine animals in Discosorida are mainly soft shelled and rise and fall in the water by pumping gas into seperate chambers in their shell. They have the ability to go without food for up to a month and their cousins, the octopus are now their enimies after a long period of evolution. Nautilids have chemical detecting tenticles that help them find their favorite foods; shrimp, small fish and crustacians. Nautilids live in depths of about 300m coming to 100m to feed at night. The nautilid's soft shell cannot whithstand much deeper than 750m.