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Alytes obstetricans
Alytes obstetricans
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Subclass: Lissamphibia
Superorder: Batrachia
Order: Anura
Suborder: Archaeobatrachia
Family: Discoglossidae
Günther, 1859
Distribution of Discoglossidae (in black)
Distribution of Discoglossidae (in black)

Genus Alytes
    Alytes cisternasii
    Alytes dickhilleni
    Alytes muletensis
    Alytes obstetricans
    Alytes maurus
Genus Discoglossus
    Discoglossus galganoi
    Discoglossus jeanneae
    Discoglossus montalenti
    Discoglossus nigriventer
    Discoglossus pictus
    Discoglossus sardus

Discoglossidae, common name Disc-Tongued Frogs or Painted Frogs, is a family that contains two genera, alytes and discoglossus. Amphibian Species of the World uses name Alytidae for it in its fifth edition. The former are somewhat toad-like and can often be found on land. The latter is smoother and more frog-like, preferring the water. Both are generally found in Europe and North-West Africa.

All discoglossidae have pond-like larvae.

Note that the genera Bombina and Barbourula also used to be under this family but have now been moved to Bombinatoridae.

Iberian or Portuguese Painted Frog (Discoglossus galganoi)
Iberian or Portuguese Painted Frog (Discoglossus galganoi)

[edit] References

Chordata - Amphibia - Families of Anura White-lipped Tree Frog

Allophrynidae - Amphignathodontidae - Arthroleptidae - Ascaphidae - Bombinatoridae - Brachycephalidae - Bufonidae - Centrolenidae - Dendrobatidae - Discoglossidae - Heleophrynidae - Hemisotidae - Hylidae - Hyperoliidae - Leiopelmatidae - Leptodactylidae - Mantellidae - Megophryidae - Microhylidae - Myobatrachidae - Nasikabatrachidae - Pelobatidae - Pelodytidae - Pipidae - Ranidae - Rhacophoridae - Rhinodermatidae - Rhinophrynidae - Scaphiopodidae - Sooglossidae