Disco (tv show)

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The music transmission Disco ran in the Second Channel of German Television in the years from 1971 to 1982 and in Hamburg, starting from approx. 1976 in Munich Unterföhring was noted.

133 consequences were radiated, Saturday at 19.30 o'clock, the length of the transmission amounted to 45 minutes. The transmission consisted of live-appearances from at that time current volume and singers and singers, Sketchen of moderator Ilja judge and other actors and of videos of volume, which wanted not to come or could. There was a price writing out in each transmission also, in that special prices (e.g. Records, Schallplattenspieler with inserted amplifier and boxes) and as main price an attendance in the Studio in Hamburg, were drawn by lots late Munich Unterföhring. For the conception „of the winner of the main price “the light was completely constituted and only one headlight was put on, so that/the lucky one in the radiating searchlight beam was to be seen. Legendarily therefore also Ilja of judge is saying: “Light out! Spot on!”. The greetings at the beginning of the transmission attained similar cult status. On Iljas “good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, hello of friends!” the public loud neck “hello Ilja answered!”.

Ilja judge did not have influence on the guest list. It the Sketche, which was devised by him and its nut/mother and also produced, was the more important. The Second Channel of German Television saw a means in the Sketchen to improve the acceptance of the transmission with the older fellow citizens. The predominantly recent public, which waited for newest star, felt for many years in the same way singing and grimassierend spoken Sketche however rather than patience sample.

1982, to its 30. Birthday, terminated Ilja judge the transmission, since it wanted to concentrate on its play activity.

The predecessor ending of Disco was 4-3-2-1 Hot & Sweet, which moderated Ilja judge together with Suzanne Doucet. Follow-up transmission of Disco was with the Second Channel of German Television then caution music. Since 2005 and to 2008 the transmissions are presumably repeated weekly on 3sat

[edit] List of bands and artists appeared on Disco