Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

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Federal Bureau of Investigation

Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity
Director: Robert Mueller
Department: Justice
Major units:
Key people:
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Directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are appointed by the President of the United States. They have to be confirmed by the United States Senate and serve ten year terms. J. Edgar Hoover, appointed by Calvin Coolidge, was by far the longest serving FBI Director, serving until his death in 1972 because there was no law limiting the amount of years directors could serve. The current FBI Director is Robert Mueller, who was appointed in 2001 by George W. Bush.

The FBI director is responsible for the day to day operations at the FBI. Along with his deputies, the director makes sure cases and operations are handled correctly. The director also is in charge of making sure the leadership in any one of the FBI field offices are manned with qualified agents. Before the September 11, 2001 attacks, the FBI director would brief the President of the United States on any issues that arise from within the FBI. Since then the director now reports to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) who in turn tells the President of the United States.

[edit] Bureau of Investigation (BOI) directors (1908–35)

Name Period Notes
Stanley Finch 1908–12
A. Bruce Bielaski 1912–19
William E. Allen 1919 Acting director
William J. Flynn 1919–21
William J. Burns 1921–24
J. Edgar Hoover 1924–35

[edit] Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) directors (1936–present)

Name Period Notes
J. Edgar Hoover 1936–72
L. Patrick Gray 1972–73 Acting director
William D. Ruckelshaus 1973 Acting director
Clarence M. Kelley 1973–78
James B. Adams 1978 Acting director
William H. Webster 1978–87
John Otto 1987 Acting director
William S. Sessions 1987–93
Floyd I. Clarke 1993 Acting director
Louis J. Freeh 1993–2001
Thomas J. Pickard 2001 Acting director
Robert S. Mueller III 2001–present

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