Diocese of Barbastro-Monzón

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The Diocese of Barbastro-Monzón (Latin, Barbastrum and Civitas Barbastrensis) is located in north-eastern Spain, in the province of Huesca, part of the autonomous community of Aragón. The diocese forms part of the ecclesiastical province of Zaragoza, and is thus suffragan to the Archdiocese of Zaragoza.

The city or Barbastro is at the junction of the rivers Cinca and Vero. The diocese is bounded on the north by the Pyrenees, on the east and south by the Diocese of Lérida, and on the west by those of Huesca and Jaca.

The cathedral, the episcopal palace, the seminary, and the college of the Clerks Regular of the Pious Schools, or Piarists, are among the most noted buildings in the city. Besides the seminary for the education of young ecclesiastics, there are, in the diocese, various communities of both sexes devoted to a contemplative life and the education of the young. The Piarists, the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Poor Clares, and the Capuchin nuns have foundations in the capital, the Benedictines in the town of Pueyo, and the Discalced Carmelites in Graus and Salas-Altas. There are schools in all the towns of the diocese.


[edit] History

[edit] Roman period:

The city or Barbastro was originally called, perhaps, Bergidum or Bergiduna. In the time of the Romans it was a part of Hispania Citerior ("Hither Spain"), afterwards called Hispania Tarraconensis.

[edit] Muslim period (711 - 1101):

It was taken by the Arabs, under the leadership of Muza (711), and the name Barbaschter given to it, from which the name Barbastrum, according to the generally accepted opinion, is derived.

It was held by the Saracens until about the year 1063, when it was retaken by Don Sancho Ramirez, King of Aragon, and an international force, led by William VIII of Aquitaine and Le Bon Normand, in the so-called War of Barbastro. The Arabs once more obtained possession, but Aremengol IV, Count of Urgel, reconquered it, and after a third Arab conquest it was restored to Spain, in 1101, by Pedro I, King of Aragon.

[edit] Diocese of Barbastro-Roda (1101 - 1149):

When the Moors took Lérida in 716, the diocese of Lérida was removed to Roda. Now, in 1101, King Pedro I constituted Barbastro an episcopal see, transferring the see from the ancient city of Roda to Barbastro. The first bishop, Poncio, went to Rome to obtain the pope's permission for this transfer.

Many provincial and diocesan councils have been held in the city; the Cortes of Spain has met there occasionally, and during one of its sessions, King Ramiro II, called "the Monk", abdicated the crown (1134).

[edit] See moved to Lérida (1149 - 16th century):

The city of Lérida was conquered from the Moors by the Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona in 1149, and the episcopal see was again transferred to its original seat.

[edit] Diocese of Barbastro (1571 - 1995):

Barbastro was annexed to the Diocese of Huesca in the sixteenth century, but in 1571 the Diocese of Barbastro was erected out of part of Huesca.

The Concordat of 1851 annexed it once more to Huesca, but preserving its name and administration, being administered by a vicar Apostolic.

In 1907 the diocese was composed of 154 parishes under the supervision of ten archpriests, or vicars. The population was about 240,000. The clergy numbered about 220, and there were 231 churches and 177 chapels.

In 1950 or 1951 it regained its full independence.

[edit] Diocese of Barbastro-Monzón (since 1995):

Since 1995 it's called Diocese of Barbastro-Monzón.

[edit] Bishops of Roda (until 1101)

After the Moorish conquest the Diocese of Lérida is transferred to Roda. All the names are given in Spanish:

  1. 887-922 : Adulfo — (since before 887 to 922)
  2. 923-955 : Atón
  3. 955-975 : Odisendo
  4. 988-991 : Aimerico — (since before 988 to 991)
  5. 996---?--- : Jacobo — (since before 996)
  6. 1006-1015 : Aimerico II — (since before 1006 to 1015)
  7. 1017-1019 : Borrell
  8. 1023-1067 : Arnulfo
  9. 1068-1075 : Salomón
  10. 1075-1076 : Arnulfo II
  11. 1076-1094 : Pedro Ramón Dalmacio
  12. 1094-1096 : Lupo
  13. 1097-1100 : Poncio

In 1101 the Diocese of Roda is transferred to Barbastro.

[edit] Bishops of Barbastro-Roda (1101 - 1149)

In 1101 the Diocese of Roda is transferred to Barbastro. All the names are given in Spanish:

  1. 1101-1104 : Poncio
  2. 1104-1126 : St. Ramón — (named Ramón II in the Catholic Encyclopedia)
  3. ---------1126 : Esteban
  4. 1126-1134: Pedro Guillermo
    • 1134 : Ramiro, a prince of the royal house of Aragon — (Elected)
  5. 1135-1143 : Gaufrido
  6. 1143-1149 : Guillermo Pérez de Ravitats

In 1149 the episcopal see is moved to Lérida.

[edit] Bishops of Barbastro (1571 - 1995)

In 1571 the Diocese of Barbastro is erected out of part of the Diocese of Huesca.

  1. 1573-1585 : Felipe de Urríes
  2. 1585-1595 : Miguel Cercito Bereterra
  3. 1596-1603 : Carlos Muñoz Serrano
  4. 1604-1616 : Juan Moriz de Salazar
  5. 1616-1622 : Jerónimo Bautista Lanuza
  6. 1622-1625 : Pedro Apaolaza Ramírez
  7. 1625-1639 : Alonso de Requesens y Fenollet
  8. 1640-1643 : Bernardo Lacabra
  9. 1643-1647 : Diego Chueca
  10. 1647-1656 : Miguel de Escartín
  11. 1656-1673 : Diego Francés de Urritigoyti y Lerma
  12. 1673-1680 : Iñigo Roto
  13. 1681-1695 : Francisco López Urraca
  14. 1695-1696 : Jerónimo López
  15. 1696-1699 : José Martínez del Villar
  16. 1700-1708 : Francisco de Paula Garcés y Marcilla
  17. 1708-1714 : Pedro de Padilla
  18. 1714-1717 : Pedro Teodoro Granel
  19. 1717-1739 : Carlos Alamán y Ferrer
  20. 1739-1747 : Francisco Antonio Bustamante
  21. 1748-1750 : Benito Marín
  22. 1750-1755 : Juan Ladrón de Guevara
  23. 1755-1766 : Diego Rivera
  24. 1766-1772 : Felipe Perales
  25. 1773-1789 : Juan Manuel Cornel
  26. 1790-1813 : Agustín Iñigo Abad y Lasierra
  27. 1815-1828 : Juan Nepomuceno de Lera y Cano
    • 1828-1896 : See administered by Capitular Vicars (Vicarios Capitulares).
    • 1896-1898 : Casimiro Piñera y Naredo — (Apostolic Administrator)
    • 1898-1905 : Juan Antonio Ruano y Martín — (Apostolic Administrator), born at Gijude del Barro, in the Diocese of Salamanca, 3 Nov., 1848, appointed titular bishop of Claudiopolis, and Administrator of Barbastro, 3 Nov., 1898 and transferred to Lérida, 14 Dec., 1905.
    • 1907-1917 : Isidoro Badia y Sarradell — (Apostolic Administrator)
    • 1918-1926 : Emilio Jiménez Pérez — (Apostolic Administrator)
    • 1928-1935 : Nicanor Mutiloa e Irurita — (Apostolic Administrator)
    • ---------1936 : Florentino Asensio Barroso — (Apostolic Administrator)
    • 1946-1950 : Arturo Tabera y Araoz — (Apostolic Administrator)
  28. 1951-1954 : Pedro Cantero Cuadrado
  29. 1954-1959 : Segundo García de la Sierra y Méndez
  30. 1960-1970 : Jaime Flores Martín
  31. 1970-1974 : Damián Iguacén Borau
  32. 1974-1995 : Ambrosio Echevarria Arroita

[edit] Bishops of Barbastro-Monzón (since 1995)

  1. 1995-1999 : Ambrosio Echevarria Arroita
  2. 1999-2004 : Juan José Omella Omella
  3. 2004-today : Alfonso Milián Sorribas

[edit] References

This article draws only from other Wikipedia articles and these three sources:

[edit] See also

This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.