List of Mutations in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder

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This list contains the monsters seen in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. These monsters are known as "Mutations" and can be made from the DNA of an animal, a plant, and a machine. There are a few monsters that aren't made from the DNAs that were just listed. To make a mutation grow, Mesogog activated what he called the "Hydro-Regenerator", which would cause the skies to turn dark and rain to fall, and the rain would revive the monster as a giant.


[edit] Monster List

[edit] "Birdbrain"

  • First Appearance: "Wave Goodbye" (2/20/04)

Birdbrain is the first of Mesogog's random mutations. He fights against the Rangers until he is destroyed by the Z-Rex Blaster, then the Thundersaurus Megazord.

[edit] Pollinator

Polinator is sent down with Zeltrax and Elsa to face off against the Dino Rangers when they come to invade Mesogog's Island Fortress. He is destroyed by the Z-Rex Blaster, and then once more by the Thundersaurus Megazord's Cephala Power Punch.

[edit] Donkeyvac

  • First Appearance: "Diva in Distress" (3/13/04)
  • Voice Actor: Jason Hoyte

Donkeyvac is sent to steal the youth from the citizens of Reefside for Mesogog to convert into energy. He steals the energy from famous popstar Kylee Styles, as well as Devin and Cassidy. He is destroyed by the Z-Rex Blaster and then again by the Thundersaurus Megazord.

[edit] Demagnetron

  • First Appearance: "Game On" (3/20/04)
  • Voice Actor: Dallas Barnett

Demagnetron zaps Ethan into a video game, where he must seek the help of a powerful wizard. He also sends Cassidy and Devin into the game, and the results of which sends Kira there as well. His energy accidentally brings the Triptoids into the real world. He is defeated by the Z-Rex Blaster and once again by the Thundersaurus Megazord.

[edit] Dysotron

  • First Appearance: "Golden Boy" (3/27/04)
  • Voice Actor: Andrew Robertt

Dysotron attacks the Reefside, when he is challenged by the Thundersaurus Megazord. He uses his powers to transport the Megazord to somewhere in the Arctic. The Rangers outsmart him and he is destroyed by Thundersaurus Megazord.

[edit] Golden Rod

  • First Appearance: "Golden Boy" (3/27/04)
  • Voice Actor: James Gaylyn

Golden Rod is created accidentally from Zeltrax's dna in an attempt to make himself stronger. Zeltrax sends Goldenrod to destroy Doctor Oliver, but he is unsuccessful. After he becomes stronger, he grows and takes down even the Thundersaurus Megazord. That is until the Black Ranger destroys him with the Brachio Staff.

NOTE: Both Zeltrax and Golden Rod were voiced by the same actor. This was probably intended to make both Zeltrax and Golden Rod more similar in their father/son relationship.

[edit] Scorpex

  • First Appearance: "Beneath the Surface" (4/3/04)
  • Voice Actor: Stepheyn Brunten

Scorpex is unleashed by Zeltrax after the Dimetrozord is unleashed. He is able to take on the Thundersaurus Megazord, but once Tommy tames the Dimetrozord, the Thundersaurus Megazord uses the Dimetro Saw Blade to destroy him.

[edit] Megalador

  • First Appearance: "Ocean Alert" (4/10/04)
  • Voice Actor: Paul Barrett

Megalador is a creation of a shark, a flower, and spare car parts. He is sent to kidnap Nikki Valentina, supermodel/actress of Ocean Alert. He infects Conner and Ethan with his flower blasts, causing an allergic reaction. He is destroyed by the Z-Rex Blaster. Megalador creates a wave to flood the city, but the Thundersaurus Megazord destroys him with the Stega Surfboard.

[edit] The Creature

  • First Appearance: "White Thunder (Part 1)" (4/17/04)
  • Voice Actor: Carl Bland

After finding the White Dino Gem stolen, Zeltrax sends the Creature to stop the White Ranger, but he is made quick work of and is destroyed by the White Ranger's Drago Sword.

[edit] Angor

  • First Appearance: "White Thunder (Part 2)" (4/24/04)
  • Voice Actor: Peter Feeney

Angor is sent down to attack the city of Reefside, and is apprehended by the Thundersaurus Megazord and the Parasaur Final Cut. Angor returns new and improved, and has to take on the Cephalazord, Dimetrozord, and Parasaurzord. Angor holds his own until the White Ranger destroys him with the Dino Stegazord.

[edit] Rojobot

  • First Appearance: "Leader of the Whack" (5/15/04)
  • Voice Actor: Mark Wright

Rojobot is a coward when he is created, but after being effected by a personality altering meteor, he wants a fight. He is destroyed by the Z-Rex Blaster with Super Dino Mode, and again by the Thundersaurus Megazord's Ankylo Double Drill and the Dino Stegazord.

[edit] Insectolite

  • First Appearance: "Burning at Both Ends" (5/22/04)
  • Voice Actor: John Leigh

A centipede/pansy/radiowave monster with an exoskeleton sent to make the Rangers think Trent became good after being blasted by his laser. His weapons were powerful enough to destroy the Ranger's Raptor Riders and was strong enough to break through barriers. The Rangers fought him and captured him in order to break through the forcefield the White Ranger was using to contain the captured Dimetrozord and Cephalazord. Insectolite was destroyed by the Dino Stegazord Cephalo and Dimetro Mode.

[edit] Fossilador

  • First Appearance: "The Missing Bone" (5/22/04)
  • Voice Actor: Glen Drake

Mind controlling fossilized skeletal dinosaur (resembled a theropod dinosaur like Allosaurus or Tyrannosaurus) project abandoned by Tommy and Anton Mercer when events involved with it went out of their control. Its support bone was contained inside a suitcase by Tommy for safe-keeping but was retrieved by Kira when Fossilador controlled her telepathically. With the main support bone, Fossilador reassembled and grew to gigantic size. Human-sized, Fossilador could fire blasts of purple electricity, as a giant, he was incredibly strong with the ability to expel toxic gas from his jaws and could regenerate severed body parts. The main support bone was a vital area and so, the Thundersaurus Megazord destroyed Fossilador by carefully aiming the Dino Drill at it.

[edit] Termitetron

  • First Appearance: "Bully for Ethan" (6/12/04)
  • Voice Actor: Scott Wills

A termite (or perhaps a housefly?)/pine tree/votive picture monster sent to capture Tommy to fight Zeltrax. Termitetron first appeared in Reefside High School along with Zeltrax to fight Ethan. Destroyed by the Thundersaurus Megazord Parasaur Final Cut.

[edit] Izzy and Pupperazi

  • First Appearance: "Lost and Found in Translation" (6/13/04)
  • Voice Actors: Matthew Sunderland and Patrick Wilson

They are first featured in the Japanese show based on the adventures of the Power Rangers and one of them was responsible for the creation of Ka-Ching. Real-life versions of them befriended Lothor while he was in the Abyss of Evil and were brought out with him. The paintbrush-wielding general was shown to have the ability to create monsters by painting them to life and was the one who created Ka-Ching. The real-life versions never spoke, only grunted, growled and laughed wickedly. They proved to be powerful enemies, the paintbrush-wielding general had the ability to create powerful streams of electricity from his paintbrush/staff, while the golden-horned general could shoot lasers from what appeared to be its' one red eye. Despite their combat prowess they are defeated (but not shown to be completely destroyed) by the Battlizer fire of the Red Wind Ranger and Triassic Ranger. Since they are never seen again, it is presumbed that they were in fact destroyed in this battle. They were based of Mikela and Voffa.

NOTE: These villains names come from an interview with Executive Producer Douglas Sloan.

[edit] Ka-Ching

A monster from a Japanese show based on the adventures of the Power Rangers. He was made from the DNA of a bear, a mushroom, and an ATM cash machine's technology. The villains of that show used him to spread greed throughout the city by hitting them with mushrooms that would grow freakish wigs on his victims; the wigs would then turn their victims completely greedy and money-hungry. Ka-Ching could also shoot giant coins as weapons. He had a bit of a wacky personality. He was destroyed by the Power Rangers in that show.

[edit] Mad Mackerel

  • First Appearance: "It's a Mad Mad Mackerel" (6/19/04)
  • Voice Actor: Cameron Rhodes

He was originally a human in a fish suit (Marty the Mackerel) who was turned into the Mackerel/olive/fishing pole monster. His fishing pole could catch people and store them in a special jar. The same energies that Mad Mackerel used to capture people with his fishing pole was also the same energy that got the Funky Fisherman stuck in a TV monitor and was thus used to free him. Upon being defeated by Thundersaurus Megazord Ankylo and Parasaur Mode, Mad Mackerel was turned back into Marty the Mackerel again, freed of the evil energy.

[edit] Copyotter

  • First Appearance: "Copy That" (7/10/04)
  • Voice Actor: Andrew Laing

Copyotter copies the White Ranger's Drago Sword, so Zeltrax can frame him. But after his plan backfires, and the White Ranger defects and joins the Rangers, Copyotter is destroyed by the White Ranger in Super Dino Mode; and then again by the Thundersaurus Megazord. But his weapon is salvaged and used by Zeltrax to make an evil clone of the White Ranger.

[edit] "Other World Monster"

  • First Appearance: "Triassic Triumph" (7/17/04)

This rhinoceros/sugar beet/psychic monster only appeared in a simulation where the White Ranger Clone was fighting three monsters. It appeared to have been destroyed by the White Ranger Clone.

[edit] White Terrorsaurus

  • First Appearance: "Triassic Triumph" (7/17/04)
  • Voice Actor: Mark Wright

A powerful dinosaur-like monster created by Zeltrax using the same energies he used to create the Evil White Ranger clone. The Evil White Ranger considered the White Terrorsaurus to be his pet and the Terrorsaurus seemed to have the same agility as the White Ranger as well as an attack dubbed the "Terrorsaurus Laser" in which the White Terrorsaurus unleashes a powerful stream of lightning. He also had a pair of extendable black wings and kidnapped the Dinozords. He proved to be strong enough to defeat the Rangers, it wasn't until the Shield of Triumph was activated and Conner became the Triassic Ranger that the White Terrorsaurus was destroyed.

NOTE: The White Terrorsaurus is also called the White Pterasaurus in the subtitles for the Fifth volume of the Power Rangers: Dino Thunder D.V.D. series.

[edit] Horn-Rimmed Monster

  • First Appearance: "Triassic Triumph" (7/17/04)
  • Voice Actor: Peter Daube

When Tommy brings in a substitute teacher, while he searches for Zeltrax, he calls in Doctor Morton; a volcanologist. Elsa knowing of his knowledge of volcanoes, turns him into the Hornrimmed Monster. The Hornrimmed Monster uses that to his advantage and causes in inactive volcano in Reefside to be active again. The Power Rangers are forced to deal with him, and the Black Ranger uses Super Dino Mode to stop him in his tracks, while Conner finishes the job with the Battlizer. When the volcano is about to erupt, the Thundersaurus Megazord catches a wave with the Stega Surfboard to estinguish the volcano and destroy the monster. This allows Doctor Morton to be returned to normal.

[edit] Jupitor

  • First Appearance: "A Ranger Exclusive" (7/31/04)
  • Voice Actor: Joel Tobeck

A Jupiter-esque monster sent to infect a satellite system that would be used to alter/destroy the planet Jupiter and therefore changing the environment on Earth. It was defeated by the Mezodon Megazord.

[edit] Tutenhawken

  • First Appearance: "Tutenhawken's Curse" (8/7/04)
  • Voice Actor: Derek Judge

An ancient hawk/lychee/treasure chest monster and feared Pharaoh from Egypt awoken by curse. He believed in the total extermination of his enemies and considered servents to be lower than dirt. He fell in love with Cassidy. Although he was not created from the Geno-Randomizer, Mesogog was able to revive him using the Hydro-Regenerator. He was destroyed by Hovercraft Cycle, and again by the Mezodon Rover.

[edit] Thornox

A leech/bellflower/jewel monster created by Elsa via green slime upon a plant. Elsa injected powerful steroids directly into the plant's DNA to make it stronger and was a pure evil creation although Mesogog merely regarded the immature organism as "lunch". Destroyed by Mezodon Megazord. Thornox's recipe seemed to include a leech/gentian/lapis lazuli formula.

[edit] White Terrorsaurus II

  • First Appearance: "Fighting Spirit" (8/28/04)
  • Voice Actor: Mark Wright

The White Terrorsaurus later returned when Elsa and the Evil White Ranger recreated him in a more powerful form. Elsa fed the monster a fragment of mineral that she and the Tyrannodrones mined that was supposed to have the same mineral components of the Dino Gems, therefore giving the Terrorsaurus more power and the ability to steal the powers of all but one of the Dino Rangers, destroyed by Black Ranger in Super Dino Mode, then later by the Thundersaurus Megazord.

[edit] Deadwood

  • First Appearance: "The Passion of Conner" (9/5/04)
  • Voice Actor: Andrew Faulkner

Mesogog sends Elsa after the Tree of Life, but Zeltrax gets to it first, and uses its energy to become superpowered. Meanwhile, Krista; a student at Reefside tries to save it from being demolished by Principal Randall; in an effort to perserve nature. Zeltrax turns the Tree of Life into Deadwood, who is destroyed by the first formation of the Triceramax Megazord. Deadwood returns, when the Jade Gladiator uses his bond with plant life to allow him to be reborn. However, he is shortly destroyed by the Dino Stegazord's Ankylo Drill and Parasaur Final Cut attacks.

[edit] Jade Gladiator

  • First Appearance: "Strange Relations" (9/25/04)
  • Voice Actor: Geoff Dolan

When Anton Mercer becomes Mesogog in Mercer's lab, he uses an experimental plant to transform into the Jade Gladiator. Jade Gladiator uses his botanic power to bring back Deadwood; the Tree of Life and brings to life a new monster; Skortch. After all five Rangers join together and defeat his creations, the Valkasaurus Megazord is formed and destroys the Jade Gladiator.

[edit] Skortch

  • First Appearance: "Strange Relations" (9/25/04)
  • Voice Actor: Jim McLarty

A phoenix/tree/firefighter monster created by Jade Gladiator that could shoot fire from its' eyes. It managed to defeat the Dino Stegazord Cephala and Dimetro mode but was later destroyed by Thundersaurus Megazord's Dino Drill.

[edit] Squidrose

  • First Appearance: "In Your Dreams" (10/16/04)
  • Voice Actor: Tony Blackett

A chameleon/squid monster mixed with the DNA of a balsam and a medicine prescription-type that appeared as Tommy's dream monster after Tommy ate calamari. He could use giant pills as weapons and could ensnare opponents in giant medicine prescription scrolls. Squidrose managed to steal Tommy Brachio Staff in his dreams but was defeated by Tommy's Super Dino Mode. He was destroyed by Thundersaurus Megazord Ankylo Drill.

[edit] Croco D'Vile

  • First Appearance: "In Your Dreams" (10/16/04)
  • Voice Actor: Ray Trout

A crocodile/fatsia/telephone dream monster caused by Kira's assignment on reptiles who fell in love with her, but she found him hideous. He summoned Triptoids to assist him and could expel hearts as an attack. He was defeated by the Z-Rex Blaster (although it was not shown that he was destroyed).

[edit] Rumba Monkey

  • First Appearance: "In Your Dreams" (10/16/04)
  • Voice Actor: Jonathan Burgh

A monkey/seven spring herbs/bongo drum dream monster caused by Ethan looking at a picture of monkey before going to sleep from his report. Rumba Monkey enjoyed dancing and could expel attacks from his fists and from kicking. He was destroyed by Thundersaurus Megazord. Before he exploded in the similar fashion all Power Rangers monsters and villains do when defeated, he warned Ethan that his fellow Rangers would not survive their nightmares.

[edit] Rude Elf

  • First Appearance: "In Your Dreams" (10/16/04)
  • Voice Actor: Tim Faville

Conner is consumed with having to do early Christmas shopping with his mother, when he dreams of Rude Elf. Rude Elf is being chased by the Power Rangers on their Raptor Riders, when he summons the Triptoids as his little helpers. Rude Elf proves to be very powerful with his holiday magic, but when the other Rangers realize that Conner is still under Elsa's dream spell, they use their Dino Gem power to strengthen him. The Red Ranger uses this energy to become the Triassic Ranger and takes Rude Elf into the Christmas Triassic Dimension, where he destroys him. Rude Elf grows and captures the Mezodon Megazord in his bag of toys. Unfortunately for him, the Black Ranger comes riding in on the Brachiozord and uses his Brachio Staff to take him down long enough to free the Megazord. The Triceramax Megazord if formed and destroys Rude Elf once and for all.

[edit] Fridgia

  • First Appearance: "Drawn into Danger" (10/23/04)
  • Voice Actor: Penny Ashton

Inside a comicbook world; drawn by Carson Brady, a famous comicbook artist, Fridgia lives in her frozen kingdom. Four of the Power Rangers are drawn into the comicbook by Carson, and are taken down by Fridgia for invading her kingdom. Fridgia is about to punish the Rangers by destroying them, when the White Ranger shows up to even up the score. The Power Rangers are able to take down Fridgia, but when they are released from the comicbook world, so is she. Taken away from her world, Fridgia plans to make this world her kingdom, but not before the Triassic Ranger destroys her with the Battlizer.

NOTE: Fridgia was the only female monster that the Dino Rangers faced that season.

[edit] Ruby Dragon

  • First Appearance: "House of Cards" (10/30/04)
  • Voice Actor: Bruce Hopkins

The Ruby Dragon card is part of game called Dragon War, and the most powerful card. Unfortunately for Ethan, Principal Randall takes the card from him, when she catches him and Devin playing on school grounds. As Elsa, she uses the Geno Randomizer to bring the Ruby Dragon to life. The Ruby Dragon's first mission is to defeat Trent, then he battles the other Rangers. The White Ranger shows up to take him down, but the Ruby Dragon knows Trent's keeping Mesogog's true identity from the other Rangers. The Ruby Dragon uses this to his advantage, but the Power Rangers are able to come together and defeat him with the Z-Rex Blaster, Super Mode. It takes the Thundersaurus Megazord, the Mezodon Megazord, and the Dino Stegazord's combined efforts to destroy him completely.

[edit] Ugly Monster

  • First Appearance: "A Test of Trust" (11/6/04)
  • Voice Actor: James Coleman

With Mesogog's newfound power after being separated from his alter ego; Anton Mercer, he creates this Ugly Monster to take down the Power Rangers. After the Rangers find out, Trent was hiding his father's secret, it takes a test of trust for the Rangers to work togther in order to bring this monster down. This Ugly Monster is able to defeat even the Triassic Ranger in their battle in space above the Earth. He is ready to finish the job, when the White Ranger stands in his way. The Power Rangers combine their efforts and their weapons to form the Z-Rex Blaster, Super Mode to defeat him. He is able to take down the Thundersaurus and Mezodon Megazords after absorbing their energy, but the Dino Stegazord destroys him.

[edit] See also

Power Rangers monsters
Mighty Morphin monsters (Season One) - (Season Two) - (Season Three) - Zeo monsters
Turbo monsters - In Space monsters - Lost Galaxy monsters - Lightspeed Rescue Demons - Time Force Mutants
Wild Force Orgs - Ninja Storm monsters - Dino Thunder Mutations - S.P.D. Criminals - Mystic Force monsters
Operation Overdrive monsters