Dinkar Rao

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Sir Dinkar Rao (December 10, 1819 - January 9, 1896) Indian Statesman, was born in Ratnagiri District, Bombay. A Chipavan Brahmin.

At fifteen he entered the service of the Gwalior State, in which his ancestors had served. Rapidly promoted to the responsible charge of a division, he displayed unusual talents in reorganizing the police and revenue departments, and in reducing chaos to order. In 1851 Dinkar Rao became Dewan. The events of which led to the British victories of Mahaarajpur and Panniar in 1844 had filled the state with mutinous soldier, ruined the finances and weaken authority. With a strong hand the dean suppressed disorder, abolished ruinous imports executed public works, and by reduction of salaries, including his own, turned a deficit into a surplus. During the period of the Indian rebellion of 1857 Rao never wavered in loyalty to the British; and although the state troops also mutinied in June 1858 on the approach of Tantia Topi, he adhered to the British cause, retiring with Maharaja Sindhia to the Agra fort. After the restoration of order he remained Minister until December 1859. In 1873 he was appointed guardian to the minor rana to Dholpur, but soon afterward he resigned, owing to ill health. In 1875 the viceroy selected him as a commissioner, with the Maharajas Sindhia and Jaipur, and the three British colleagues, to try the Gaekwar of Barodo on a charge of attempting to poison the British Resident. He also serve in the legislative council of India, and was frequently consulted by viceroys on difficult questions. An estate was conferred upon him, with the hereditary title of Faja, for his eminent services, and the decoration of K.C.S.I.

He died on January 9, 1896. No Indian statesmen of the 19th century, gained a higher reputation, yet he only commenced the study of English at the age of forty, and was never able to converse fluently in it; his orthodoxy resented social reforms; he kept aloof form the Indian Congress, and he had receive no training in British Administration.

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