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Dink could refer to:


[edit] People

  • Hrant Dink, a Turkish-Armenian editor and journalist.
  • The people who invented the word dink were three people named Kent, Dylan, and Charlie. This has been heavily disputed by Chaz and Michael who claim to have used "Dink" ages before Kent, Dylan, or Charlie.

[edit] Things

  • Dink Scooter, a scooter brand;
  • "A small auxiliary boat affixed to a sailboat, also known as a dinghy;
  • Dinky Toy, an early manufacturer of small, die-cast toy cars. This is now sometimes genericized into the reference "Dink" referring to Hot Wheels and other brands of similar toy cars.

[edit] In fiction

[edit] Slang

  • An onomatopoeia for the sound when a golf ball goes in the hole.
  • A ride given to someone on a pushbike;
  • A 'jerk' or 'goof'
  • A euphemism for dick.
  • A hypocorism for the given name Dennis.
  • A term used to mean "Mess With" as in "I'm going to dink with that until it works". Along similar lines, in computer science, to increment or decrement a counter. "In counting from 4 to 6, it dinks the counter two times".
  • A word in beach volleyball lingo referring to a soft attacking shot travelling in an arc at low velocity. A dink in this context is usually strategically directed away from the reach of the blocker and the non-blocking defender. A beach volleyball dink is also known as a 'roll-shot'.
  • A derogatory racial slur referring to peoples of asian decent, Mainly used by U.S soldiers during the vietnam war to refer to North Vietnamese soldiers. Examples in popular culture, see- Platoon (1986) movie.
  • D.I.N.K: Dual Income No Kids, a financial term used for couples with no kids.

[edit] See also