Dimitris Hantzopoulos

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Hantzopoulos commenting on George Andreas Papandreou and the Greek soverinity in the Aegean Sea
Hantzopoulos commenting on George Andreas Papandreou and the Greek soverinity in the Aegean Sea

Dimitris Xantzopoulos is a Greek caricaturist and comics author. He was born in Patras, Greece in 1956. He studied physics in the National Technological University of Athens and animation in Canada. He has published the books "The loved ones" (Greek: Αί αγαπώσαι", "If only you know what you just reminded me of" (Greek: "Αχ και να ’ξερες τι μου θύμισες") and In the fallow of Rethimno (Greek: "Εις Άγραν Ρεθύμνου")
