Difference of Gaussians
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The Difference of Gaussians (DOG) is a wavelet mother function which approximates the Mexican Hat wavelet by subtracting a wide Gaussian from a narrow Gaussian, as defined by this formula in one dimension:
and for the centered two-dimensional case (see Gaussian_blur):
In the general multidimensionnal case, the DOG is the difference of two Multivariate normal distribution with a total null sum.
In the early days of computer vision, images were often convolved with this function as part of an edge detection algorithm; see also Marr-Hildreth_algorithm. Today, however, there are much better edge detectors. Nevertheless, differences of Gaussians are still used for approximating the Laplacian of the Gaussian operator in real-time algorithms for blob detection and automatic scale selection; see also scale-space and scale-invariant feature transform. This form of approximation is, however, not always necessary.