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Dievdirbiai (literally, god carvers) are Lithuanian wood carvers who create statues of Jesus and the Christian saints. It is a unique traditional Lithuanian craft.

The statues are carved according to artistic conventions developed over the centuries following Lithuania's adoption of Christianity. They are displayed along roadsides, in cemeteries, and in chapels or churches.

The most popular figures are of Saint Roch, the Pieta, John of Nepomuk, Saint Casimir, the Nativity, Jesus Christ (including the "Sorrowful Jesus - Rūpintojėlis"), Saint Florian, Saint George, Saint Anthony, Saint Agatha, and Saint Isidore.

Using basic tools, the sculptures were carved out of linden wood, or occasionally oak, and sometimes painted. Along with three-dimensional sculptures, relief and bas-relief were also cultivated. The works decorate the altars of rural churches, of portable church altars, processional banners, dwellings, and barns. The Stations of the Cross often feature these works as well.

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