Diego El Cigala

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Diego Ramón Jiménez Salazar, known as El Cigala (Spanish for 'Norway lobster', a nickname given to him by Camarón de la Isla) is a famous Roma Flamenco singer.

One of his great albums is 2003's "Lágrimas negras", a cooperation with then 85 year old Cuban pianist Bebo Valdés. The easy fusion of Cuban rhythms and flamenco vocals made this record an international success.

Like several other cantaores, El Cigala started singing in the street, in flamenco peñas (enthusiasts' clubs) and tablaos, until his excellent meter and ability to mark the rhythm turned him into one of the best at accompanying dancing. In this way, singing in the background for bailaores like Mario Maya, Faíco, Farruco, El Güito, Manuela Carrasco, Cristóbal Reyes, Carmen Cortés and Manolete, he has travelled around a large portion of the world, until he decided to sing from the front, which in flamenco slang means to sing on one's own, as opposed to accompanying the bailaor.

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