Die Marquise von O

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The Marquise von O- is a German novella by Heinrich von Kleist. The story begins with a marvelous one-sentence paragraph, in which the widow the Marquise von O. places an announcement in the newspapers in a prominent north Italian town, to the effect that she is pregnant and wishes the father of her child to make himself known to her, in order that she can marry him. The Marquise is the daughter of a Colonel G., who is in charge of the citadel of the town M. When the Napoleonic Wars come to Italy, the citadel is overrun by Russian forces, and in the confusion, the Marquise finds herself about to be raped by a gang of Russian soldiers. However, she is saved by the Russian commander of the attack, the Count F., who appears to her like an angel. After she is safe she falls unconscious from the excitement. The Count then completes the business of the storming, rescuing gunpowder and putting out a fire, attaining the surrender of the last pockets of resistance and garrisoning the fort with his own troops. He leaves soon after before the Marquise can thank him. They receive news shortly thereafter that he has been killed in nearby fighting. His last words are reported as "Guilietta, this bullet avenges you!" The Marquise is intrigued that someone the Count knows so well should have the same name that she does, Guilietta.

At the conclusion of the war, however, he appears at the house of the Colonel G. and asks to marry the Marquise. He is quite insistent that they should be married immediately, though he seems to understand that it is unreasonable that such a thing should happen when the couple hardly know each other. The family agrees that the Count should stay at their House in order for him to get to know the Marquise, since the match seems to be a good one. However the Count has a pressing military duty in another town and will be abandoning his post if he stays. They convince him that he should go, so that he will not lose his military post (which would make him a poor suitor) and that the Marquise will entertain no other prospective husband in his absence. While he is away, the Marquise finds herself pregnant. At first she does not believe it and neither does the Colonel's wife, her mother, but after it is confirmed by a doctor and a midwife, they are convinced.

The Colonel kicks the Marquise out of his house and forbids her ever to come back despite his wife's pleas against this. The Marquise takes her children and returns to her deceased husband's estate in V. While she is there, the Count returns to M., hears the news of the Marquise's pregnancy, seems unsurprised and tells the the Marquise's brother that he is convinced of her innocence. He then goes to visit her in V. and after being turned away by the porter, sneaks in through the garden and begs the Marquise to marry him. She runs into the house and locks the door.

This is the point where the Marquise put her announcement in the newspaper. The announcement is answered the following day by an announcement that the father will present himself at the Colonel's house on the 3rd at 11:00. The Colonel is furious believing that this is a ploy by his daughter to trick them into believing her innocence. The Colonel's wife, however, goes to visit the Marquise to find out for herself. She tells the Marquise that the father has already revealed himself to her, it is the groom, Leopardo, a servant of the household. When the Marquise seems to accept this for the truth, her mother reveals the trick and says that she now believes the Marquise's story of innocence. She brings the Marquise back to M. and tells the Colonel to apologize. She leaves the Colonel and the Marquise alone for the apology and when she returns he is kissing her "like a lover!" ("wie ein Verliebter!"); the Colonel's Wife is pleased. They eagerly await the arrival of the mysterious father and agree that unless he is too far below her status, that the Marquise should marry him immediately. At the appointed hour, Leopardo walks in... to announce Count F.

The Colonel's wife is satisfied, because she knows that he is well-off and of good character from her earlier investigations, but the Marquise herself is visibly upset and says that she was willing to marry a "monster" ("Lasterhaften") but not the Devil. Her parents believe that she is crazy and agree that she should marry the Count, as per her earlier agreement. She eventually agrees, unhappily, and the Colonel and the Count draw up a contract which says that the Count is entitled to none of the rights of marriage yet bound by all of its duties. They are married the following day. Their son is born and the Count makes the boy a gift of 20,000 rubles and makes The Marquise (now the Countess) his sole heir. Eventually, the Countess comes to be happy with him and they celebrate a second marriage, a much more happy one.

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