Diamonds Team

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Diamon Crush icon

The Diamonds Team (tentative name) is a team of non-professional developers, put together for the free Diamonds Project and authors of an open source PC puzzle game named Diamond Crush to be released in 2006. All the team members are Italian but, since they are all spread throughout Italy, the team works in a collaborative way, coordinating everything by forums and instant messaging software.

[edit] Methodology

The team adopts agile software development methodologies, such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Extreme Programming (XP), both adapted to a context where the development team isn't located in the same place. These methodologies are summarized by the acronyms KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) and YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It), and they both fit perfectly in the team's programming philosophy. Their game, Diamond Crush, is programmed in Java, and makes use of the OpenGL libraries.

[edit] Trivia

  • Their official website has a hidden comment near the end of the source code, saying "Thank you MattoRatto!". Its meaning is unknown.

[edit] External links