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if you are driving along macon road headed towards houston-levee, upon passing berryhill at the stop-light intersection you will approach a storage place on the right and Lenow Rd on the left. After you pass these there will be a dirt road (Rebel Rd.) and many low-elevation factory plants on the right, among these plants are traces of the old ammunitions plant still standing, I can't be exact though, but you are free to look around if drive along the road the follows Macon behind the plant (Cordova Park Rd.) They buried chemicals used in the ammunitions manufacturing process so this is why a large portion of the dusty cordova park has not been commercialized. I am glad if i could be of any help, i contributed to a cordova documentary that my 8th grade film teacher had us do, it's been so long but i will never forget what i learned in that class.. if you want to obtain a copy of the movie (if its still around, talk to a Mrs. Lutterloh or Mrs. Shands at the Middle School (which use to be the Optional school), i am sure they would be glad to help you. cordova's history has intrigued me ever since i was a little kid 15 years ago and if you have any more questions email me at