Deyes High School

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Deyes High School
School type Secondary Comprehensive
Headmaster P. Reed
Location Maghull, Merseyside, England
Students ~1400
Specialist Status Science College
Website Deyes High School

Deyes High School is a Secondary School in the North West of England. This school is situated in Maghull in the district of Sefton.


[edit] About

The School is one of the largest high schools in Sefton with 1441 students on roll and a teaching staff of 100. There are 280 students in our very successful Sixth Form. We are a neighbourhood comprehensive school committed to the effective education of young people of varying abilities and aptitudes. In June 2006 we were designated as Merseyside’s newest Specialist Science College which means that there will be a significant investment in that curriculum area over the next four years. It also means that there will be a renewed emphasis on teaching and learning that will impact in all subject areas. The School seeks to maintain its position as an extremely popular school by setting out to excel in all its activities so that all our students flourish and fulfil their full potential. In March 2004 the School received a very thorough inspection organised by OfSTED (The Office for Standards in Education). Eighteen inspectors spent a week in the School examining all our work. The outcome was a very encouraging report on the School's achievements over the six years since the previous inspection. They described Deyes High School as “a good School with many significant strengths”. The School’s 2006 KS3 National Curriculum Test results matched our best since League Tables were introduced, and our GCSE 5A* - C results were the best the School has ever recorded. Our ‘A2’ and ‘AS’ results were encouraging and very much in line with predictions. Our state-of-the-art Technology Building opened in October 2003 and our Religious Education/ History Building in October 2004. In addition we have six new tennis courts, a Performing Arts’ Studio, a multi-function Fitness Suite, a completely refurbished and extended Dining Hall and three new changing rooms to supplement our totally refitted existing changing rooms and student toilets.

[edit] Vision Statement and Aims

To excel in all that we do so that everyone flourishes and achieves their full potential
To realise this vision we will;

  • place teaching and learning at the centre of all that we do
  • make the process of learning vivid, challenging and enjoyable
  • determine the needs of every student and set individual targets
  • encourage students to be active participants in their own learning
  • focus on the development of the whole child
  • have high expectations of every member of our School Community
  • celebrate and reward success in all aspects of school life
  • include everyone and respect difference
  • live the School’s Charter of Values
  • involve everyone in school improvement by informing,listening, valuing and responding
  • maintain an attractive and well resourced environment which stimulates and supports teaching and learning

The school teaches 13 subjects in Key Stage 3 (yrs 7-9) which vary every year. In year 9 students are able to choose 4 subjects (like other schools but restrictions may apply) You are able to choose from the following:

  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Child Development
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Electronics
  • French
  • Geography
  • German
  • Graphics
  • History
  • Information Systems
  • Information Technology
  • Media Studies
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Psychology
  • Resistant Materials
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Textiles
  • Enrichment Courses

Once you have completed KS3 (Key Stage 3) you go on to Key Stage 4 (KS4). In this Key stage you are studying for your GCSEs in the 4 options you have picked and also the core studies (English, Mathematics, Science & Religious Education). In Deyes High School we have had very successful GCSE grades and people exceding there targets.

After you have done your GCSEs you can choose either to go onto college or to stay on in Deyes High School's 6th Form (Years 12 & 13) there you will pick again from the options above and some extra courses only availiable at the moment to A level:

We offer between 27—30 subjects at ‘A’ Level or Applied ‘A’ Level according to demand. These subjects include:

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Applied Business Studies (Double Award)
  • Applied Business Studies(Single Award)
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • Dance
  • Design and Technology
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • History
  • Health and Social Care (Applied)
  • Applied ICT
  • Law
  • Mathematics—Pure and Statistics
  • Mathematics—Pure and Mechanics
  • Mathematics—Further
  • Media Studies
  • Modern Languages
  • Music
  • Applied Performing Arts
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Science (Applied)
  • Sociology

Once you have completed 6th Form you can leave Deys High School attend University or take up employment.

[edit] Communication with Parents

A monthly newsletter to parents is sent from the Headteacher. The 'Home School Agreement' is issued in accordance with DfES requirements and parents and students are invited to sign the declaration of support. Parents are most welcome to visit the School on any occasion, but it is helpful if advance notice can be given, so that the appropriate member of staff can be available at the time. Also at Deyes High School we have a parents' Forum,and a monthly newsletter informing the school community of the events happening in the school. Consultation Meetings (4.30pm to 7.00pm) are held throughout the student's school career, and regular information monitoring student progress is given in written form three times each year.

[edit] Monitoring Students' Progress

The progress of all students is systematically monitored and parents are given regular reports on progress and attainment. As well as the traditional parents' meetings there are two occasions in the year, in the Autumn and Spring terms, when a statement of a student's attainment in each subject is sent home. In the Summer term we hold a Review Day 19th July 2007) when parents and students meet with Form Tutors to discuss the year's work in all subjects and to set targets for the following academic year. There is an Annual Parents' Meeting when governors and parents may discuss the Annual Governors' Report and the carrying out by the Governing Body, the Headteacher and the L.E.A. of their functions in relation to the School. We are keen to ensure that parents have as much information as possible about the education of their children.

To supplement and extend the work covered in lessons, many visits are arranged, usually as day or evening excursions to places of interest; these include theatres, art galleries, museums and musical concerts. Numerous extended visits are organised by staff. In the past, France, Russia, Switzerland, the U.S.A., Germany, Holland, and Israel have been visited. Holidays to France, Italy and Austria have taken place regularly. A very popular Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme operates within the School for KS4 and KS5 students with many students progressing from Bronze to Silver and, ultimately, Gold. There are Student Councils for each year group which enable students to participate in planning activities in a responsible way. The School Council meets regularly with the Headteacher and other staff representatives, to discuss matters relating to student welfare, facilities and opportunities.

The School offers opportunities for student involvement in a wide variety of extra curricular activities which take place during lunch breaks, after school, at weekends and in holiday time. Some clubs are subject related. These include Art Club, Computer Club, Drama Club, Eco Club and Electronics Club. Additionally there is a Library Club and The Book Club. The music-based activities offered include Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Choirs and instrumental tuition. Sporting activities cater for many interests and include inter-form competitions, team practices and matches both local, regional and national, take place throughout the year, at lunch times, after school and at weekends, in the following activities; athletics, badminton, basketball,cross-country, dance, fitness, football, gymnastics, hockey, netball, orienteering,rounders, rugby, swimming, tennis, table tennis and trampolining.

[edit] Sports Facilities

The school has a four badminton courts size sports’ hall, a fully equipped gymnasium, a new fitness studio, a new dance studio, six new tennis courts with integrated netball courts and hockey pitches, two existing netball courts, a swimming baths on site with a 25m pool and beginners’ pool, plus a large grassed area. We also have the use of two football pitches at Northway Primary School. We have seven changing rooms.

[edit] External links