Deutscher Genossenschafts-und Raiffeisenverband
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The Deutsche Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (DGRV) is the Co-operative federation for German Co-operatives.
Since 1972, the federation has been based in Berlin. Berlin. It came out from the union of the two genossenschaftlichen central associations at that time of Deutscher Raiffeisenverband and the Deutscher Genossenschaftsverband e.V. Since that time the DGRV is responsible for all spreading topics of the genossenschaftlichen group.
[edit] Tasks
The DGRV represents the common interests of the cooperative organization in economics, right and tax political affairs in relation to the public, the media and the policy.
Together with European and international organizations, for instance the CCACE (Coordinating Committee of European Associations) in Brussels, the ICA (International Co-operative Alliance) in Geneva or the European combination of the loan banks EACB (European Association of Co-operative Banks) in Brussels, the DGRV represents the interests of the German cooperatives on European level and world-wide.
Besides the DGRV is member of the Internationalen Raiffeisen Union IRU, which is a platform for exchange of experience between the international cooperative organizations. In addition the DGRV advises its genossenschaftlichen members in questions of the marketing and management, accounting and the genossenschaftlichen examinations system.
Furthermore the DGRV can accomplish all examinations of the genossenschaftlichen regional and federal centers, special institutes and federations as point test federation of the genossenschaftlichen group.
In addition the DGRV promotes the emergence of cooperatives at home and abroad. Particularly in countries of the third world, in addition, in central and Eastern Europe, thereby the economic development is advanced.
The DGRV uses itself however also for the establishment of new cooperatives in Germany. In the last years enterprises in the legal form of the registered cooperative in the most different industries were created.
[edit] Structure
With the DGRV all cooperative sections are organized up to the housing cooperatives. To it belong the credit cooperatives, the rural and the commercial cooperatives as well as the consumer cooperatives.
Therefore the Federal associations of the sections mentioned are member in the DGRV, in detail thus:
- der Bundesverband der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken e.V.
- der Deutsche Raiffeisenverband e.V.
- der Zentralverband gewerblicher Verbundgruppen e.V.
- der Zentralverband deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften e.V.
Further the DGRV is carried for the genossenschaftlichen group and central enterprises by the genossenschaftlichen regional and subject examination federations as well as. However the primary cooperatives, thus the cooperatives on the first stage of the genossenschaftlichen group, are not a direct member with the DGRV.
Under the roof of the DGRV (indirectly) about 5,500 genossenschaftliche enterprises and 16.6 million cooperative members are organized. In the cooperative organization approximately 400,000 humans and 35,000 training work. The genossenschaftliche group is thus an important restaurant factor of the German national economy and the economic organization member-strongest with distance in Germany.