Deutsche Bundesbahn

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Logo of the DB, "der Keks" (the biscuit), used 1949-1994
Logo of the DB, "der Keks" (the biscuit), used 1949-1994

The Deutsche Bundesbahn or DB (German Federal Railway) was formed as the state railway of the newly established Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) on September 7, 1949 as a successor of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG). The DB remained the state railway of West Germany until after German reunification, when it was merged with the former East German Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) to form Deutsche Bahn AG, which came into existence on 1 January 1994.


[edit] Background

Telegram announcing the formation of the Deutsche Bundesbahn
Telegram announcing the formation of the Deutsche Bundesbahn

After World War II, each of the military governments of the Allied Occupation Zones in Germany was de facto in charge of the German railroads in their respective territories. On 10 October 1946, the railroads in the British and American occupation zones formed the Deutsche Reichsbahn im Vereinigten Wirtschaftsgebiet, while on 25 June 1947, the provinces under French occupation formed the Südwestdeutsche Eisenbahn. With the formation of the FRG these successor organizations of the DRG were reunited, a situation codified by the Federal Railways Law (Bundesbahngesetz) that was ratified on 13 December 1951. The railroad in the Saarland joined on 1 January 1957.

[edit] Organization

The DB was a state-owned company that, with few local exceptions, exercised a monopoly concerning rail transport throughout West Germany. The DB was placed under the control of the Bundesverkehrsministerium (Federal Transport Ministry). With its headquarters in Frankfurt, in 1985 the DB was the third-largest employer in the FRG, with a strength of 322,383 employees. A special transit police (Bahnpolizei) provided security. The catering needs of the DB were supplied by the “Deutsche Schlafwagen- und Speisewagengesellschaft” (DSG), later “Deutsche Service-Gesellschaft der Bahn”, as the former DRG caterer Mitropa was situated in East Germany and serviced the Deutsche Reichsbahn in the GDR.

As West Berlin lay inside the GDR, local and long-distance rail service in the divided city was provided exclusively by the DR, although the DB operated a ticket office in the Hardenbergstraße near the main West Berlin train station Zoologischer Garten.

[edit] 1949-1970

The immediate tasks in the early years after the end of World War II involved the reconstruction of the heavily damaged infrastructure and the replenishment of locomotives and rolling stock. Contrary to the Deutsche Reichsbahn in the GDR, the DB was not subject to reparations and benefited from the influx of capital through the Marshall Plan. During the early years, new steam engines were constructed and placed into service. The last steam locomotive type (which entered service in 1959) was the Class 23, of which 105 units were built. Soon, with increase in mass motorization, the railway started to lose passenger volume. As a result rail busses were introduced on some lines, while other smaller volume lines were closed. Main lines became increasingly electrified. The later years of this epoch saw a decrease and eventual phasing out of steam engines, with the last one to cease regular service in 1977. Traction was provided increasingly by diesel and electric engines. With increased use of diesel and electric locomotives, progress was made in decreasing travel time for passengers. New types of passenger trains were introduced such as the Trans-Europ Express and the InterCity.

Transport of goods also had to compete with the ever increasing competition from trucks. Furthermore, traditional services such as coal and iron ore shipments declined with the changes in the overall economy.

[edit] 1970-1993

After the introduction of the TGV in France, the ICE system of high speed trains was developed. Significant stretches of new high speed track, like the Hanover-Würzburg high-speed rail line, had to be laid or upgraded. Other characteristics of this epoch are the introduction of computer systems and the steps taken towards an integrated system of European railroads. Externally, rolling stock displayed more colorful and varied livery schemes.

German reunification in 1990 presented new opportunities for coordination with the DR, including the extension of high-speed passenger train services to major cities in eastern Germany. However, the chief concern of German politicians was the ever-increasing annual operating deficits incurred by the DB (and by the DR after reunification). After several years of debate, the Bundesverkehrsministerium proposed a comprehensive reform of the German railway system (Bahnreform) which was approved by the Bundestag in 1993 and went into effect on 1 January 1994. At the heart of the reform package was the merger of the DB and the DR into the privatised Deutsche Bahn AG.

[edit] Presidents of the DB

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References