Destron (Kamen Rider)

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Destron is the name of an evil organization from Kamen Rider V3. They are not to be confused with the Japanese name of the Decepticons from the Transformers series.


[edit] Bio

Destron was an international organization bent on conquering the world, through terror and destruction. Destron was formed under the guidance of the mysterious Great Leader by surviving members of Gel-Shocker. Although Destron had branches in every country and seeked to dominate the entire planet, its main headquarters was in Japan and so Japan was Destron's primary target. Initially the kaijin of the Mechanical Army followed the orders of the unseen High Destron without any direct supervision, but after repeated failures of the kaijin High Destron summoned Doktor G from Destron's German Division to take charge of the day to day operations of Destron's Japanese Division.

[edit] Membership

  • The Great Leader of Destron (Except for the last few episodes, he was not seen. Only his voice was heard): In the earliest episodes he led directly; later he let one of his generals lead for him. His cyborgs are patterned after a combination of a manmade object and an animal (such as camera fly or bazooka turtle). In the last few episodes, he appeared in person for brief periods of time, but he wore a robe with a hood which hid all of his features. In the final episode he is revealed as a living skeleton with a living heart, and called himself The God of Death. (Declines to stay dead, appearing in later series in new forms.). He was destroyed by V3.
  • Doktor G (13-30)/Crab Laser (30): Destron's first general from Germany in charge of Japan. Most of his monsters are cyborgs, of the same type as Destron Leader's cyborgs. Pronounced his enemy's name "Kamen Raiiiiiidâ V3!". Doktor G summoned the spirits of the dead, evil warriors to transform him into Crab Laser for his for his final battle with Kamen Rider V3. He was destroyed by V3's Tailspin Return Kick.
  • Baron Fang (or Baron Tusk) (31-35)/Vampiric Mammoth (35): The successor to Doktor G and the leader of the Fang clan. His powers are magical in origin. His monsters are mutated forms of wild animals. After his Fang Tribe was wiped out by Kamen Rider V3, Baron Fang later called on the spirits of Doovoo to give him the power to transform into the Vampiric Mammoth so that he could take revenge on V3 in his final battle. He was destroyed by V3's Revolving Triple Kick.
  • Archbishop Wing (36-40)/Zombie Bat (40, 52): The successor to Baron Tusk and leader of the Winged Corps. His monsters are all mutated versions of flying creatures. Archbishop Wing later takes on his true form called Zombie Bat in his final battle with Kamen Rider V3. He was destroyed by V3's V3 Mach Kick.
  • Marshal Armor (or The Armored General) (41-52)/Crayfish Demon (51-52): Destron's final general in charge of Japan. Most of his monsters are mutated versions of armored creatures. Pronounces Destron as "Deeeaaaastron". Marshal Armor became Crayfish Demon in his final battle against Kamen Rider V3. Strange that although Destron used the scorpion as its symbol it had no scorpion monsters. He was destroyed by The Great Leader of Destron.
  • Destron Legionaires: Destron has an apparently limitless supply of soldiers. They wear identical black, masked uniforms with a white scorpion design. They serve whoever is in charge.
  • Destron Scientists: The scientists who are loyal to Destron. They appear similar to Destron soldiers, but their masks and uniforms are white, with red print, instead of black with white print. They wear white lab coats over their uniforms. They are rarely found outside of a Destron base.
  • The Great Leader of Destron's bodyguards: They look like normal Destron soldiers, but they wear a brown military uniform over their Destron uniform (look like nazis).

[edit] Destron Kajin

Destron's Kaijins are sorted into different groups: The Mechanical Army, the Fang Tribe, the Wing Unit, and the Armored Division.

[edit] Mechanical Army

This is the Destron Group first used by the Great Leader and later led by Doktor G:

  • Scissors Jaguar (1-2) - A scissor-bladed jaguar monster that was responsible for killing Kazami Shiro's father, mother, and sister. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Double Kick.
  • Turtle Bazooka (1-2) - A turtle monster with a bazooka on it's shell. Destroyed by Atomic Bomb.
  • Squid Fire (3-4) - A squid monster with two propane tanks on it's back. Destroyed by V3's V3 Centrifugal Kick.
  • Television Fly (3-4) - A fly monster with 2 TVs for eyes. Destroyed by V3's V3 Centrifugal Kick.
  • Machine Gun Snake (5) - A cobra monster with a snake-headed Machine Gun for a lower right arm. Destroyed by V3's V3 Return Kick.
  • Hammer Jellyfish (5-6) - A jellyfish monster with a hammer for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Screw Kick.
  • Knife Armadillo (7-8) - An armadillo monster with a knife for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Drill Attack.
  • Electric Saw Lizard (7-8) - A lizard monster with a circular saw for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Double Attack.
  • Lens Ant (9-10, movie) - An ant monster with glasses lens for eyes. Destroyed by V3's V3 Tailspin Kick.
  • Destron Hell Corps (9) - Motorcycle riders that were turned into Destron servants by Lens Ant. They were assigned to kill Kazami Shiro.
  • Razor Starfish (9-10) - A starfish with a sword blade for a left hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Tailspin Kick.
  • Pickel Shark (11-12, movie) - A shark monster with an ice pick on top of his head. Destroyed by V3's V3 Return Kick.
  • Drill Mole (11-12, movie) - A mole monster with a drill for a nose. Destroyed by V3's V3 Return Kick.
  • Magnet Wild Boar (13, movie) - A boar monster with a magnet for a left hand. Destroyed by Suicide bombing.
  • Toad Boiler (14, movie) - A toad monster with a boiler for a torso. Destroyed by Suicide bombing.
  • Burner Bat (15, movie) - A bat monster. Destroyed by V3's Reverse Double Typhoon.
  • Missile Gecko (16, movie) - A gecko monster with a missile on it's back. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.
  • Spray Mouse (17-18, movie) - A mouse monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Kick.
  • Chain-Sickle Ladybug (17-18, movie) - A ladybug monster with a chain-sickle for a left hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Kick.
  • Porcupinefish Apache (19) - A porcupinefish monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Tailspin Kick.
  • Guillotine Saurus (20-21, movie) - A dinosaur monster with a small guillotine for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Kick.
  • Poison Needle Spider (20-21, movie) - A spider monster with a needle for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Return Kick.
  • Spear Gun Sea Lion (22) - A sea lion monster with a speargun for a left hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.
  • Cannon Buffalo (movie) - A buffalo monster with cannons on it's shoulders. Destroyed by V3's V3.
  • Propeller Rhinoceros Beetle (23) - A rhinoceros beetle monster with a propeller for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Return Kick.
  • Cockroach Spike (24) - A cockroach monster with a spikey device for a right hand. Destroyed by V3's V3 Return Kick.
  • Destron Ranger Corps (25-26) - Destron Legionaires that received special training from Mantis Boomerang. After Mantis Boomerang was destroyed, they worked with Heater Cicada.
  • Boomerang Mantis (25) - A praying mantis monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.
  • Heater Cicada (26) - A cicada monster with electric heaters for eyes. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.
  • Ring Throwing Stag Beetle (27-28) - A stag beetle monster that throws rings. He was assisted by revived Shocker monsters Dokudhalian, Shiomaneking, Newt Gesu, and Unidogma. Destroyed by Kamen Rider 1 and 2's Rider Double Kick and V3's V3 Kick.
  • Camera Mosquito (29) - A mosquito monster with a video camera for a left eye. Destroyed by V3's V3 Body Attack.

[edit] Fang Tribe

This is the Destron group led by Baron Fang:

  • Skull Wild Boar (31) - A wild boar monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Flying Kick.
  • Will-o'-the Wisp Walrus (32, 52) - A walrus monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.
  • Snow Wolf (33) - A wolf monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Tailspin Chop.
  • Primordial Smilodon (34) - A smilodon monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider 1, 2, and V3's V3 Rider Triple Power.

[edit] Wing Unit

This is the Destron group led by Archbishop Wing:

  • Flame Condor (36) - A condor monster. Destroyed by V3's Big Sky Punch and Big Sky Kick.
  • Tree in the Clouds Flying Squirrel (37) - A flying squirrel monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Triple Punch.
  • Murderous Poison Moth (38) - A moth monster. Destroyed by V3's Hurricane Last Dash.
  • Man-Eating Banana Plant (39, 52) - A banana plant monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Sky Kick.

[edit] Armored Division

This is the Destron group led by Marshal Armor:

  • Garumazillon (41) - An armored monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.
  • Snail Burā (42) - A snail monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Kick.
  • Sickle Neck Turtle (43-44) - A turtle monster that can extend his neck. Destroyed by V3's V3 Escape Power.
  • Rhinoceros Tank (45-46) - A rhinoceros monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Tailspin Kick.
  • Coelacanth Kid (47) - A coelacanth monster who transformed into Destron Riderman in attempt to ruin the reptuation of the real Riderman and to lead Kazami Shiro into a trap. Destroyed by V3's Certain Kill Tailspin Kick.
  • Ogre Starfish (48) - A starfish monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Triple Kick.
  • Chameleon (49) - A chameleon monster.
  • Vampire Chameleon (50) - A chameleon monster. Destroyed by V3's V3 Revolving Full Kick.

[edit] External Links