Design brief

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Design brief – A comprehensive written document for a design project developed in concert by a person representing the business need for design and the designer. The document is focused on the desired results of design – not aesthetics. Design Briefs are an extremely important part of the functions of Companies and corporations, especially engineering firms. A typical Design brief will follow the below layout:

  1. Title Page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Company Profile
    • Specializations
    • Chief Engineer/Designer Profile
    • Company Name
    • Past Accomplishments
  4. Problem Statement
    • Problem Description
    • Constraints
    • Budget
    • Time
    • Needs of the Problem
  5. Goals
    • What you plan to accomplish
      • Due dates
  6. Solution Analysis
    • Risks/Benefits
    • Planned Solutions
    • Sketches
  7. Synopsis
    • Evaluation
    • Conclusion/Summary