Department of Conservation (New Zealand)

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The Department of Conservation (In Māori, Te Papa Atawhai), commonly known by its acronym, "DOC", is the state sector organisation of New Zealand which deals with the conservation of New Zealand’s natural and historic heritage. New Zealand's present Minister of Conservation is the Hon. Chris Carter, who retained his position after the 2005 election.


[edit] Responsibilities

Department of Conservation signs of this format are commonly seen around New Zealand national parks
Department of Conservation signs of this format are commonly seen around New Zealand national parks

The department was formed in 1987, when the Conservation Act was passed to integrate part of the Department of Lands and Survey, the Forest Service and the Wildlife Service. This Act also set out the majority of the Department's responsibilities and roles.

DOC administers most of the Crown land in New Zealand. This is almost a third of New Zealand's land area, including national, forest and maritime parks, marine reserves, nearly 4000 reserves, river margins, some coastline, several hundred wetlands, and many offshore islands. Most of the land under its control is protected for either scenic, scientific, historic or cultural reasons, or set aside for recreation.

Providing for recreation is a major part of its core work, and this covers the management of family picnic sites, as well as maintaining rugged backcountry tracks and over 1000 accompanying backcountry huts that are used by hunters and recreational trampers. DOC also administers the Nature Heritage Fund, and is responsible for rural fire control.

In addition to its work managing land and providing for recreation in New Zealand, DOC works to preserve its natural heritage. This includes preservation of historic sites on public conservation land, saving native threatened species, managing threats like pests and weeds, environmental restoration, caring for marine life, and assisting landowners to effectively preserve natural heritage.

The methods of achieving these goals have resulted in controversy, where some people claim that the Department of Conservation is overly biased towards the plight of environmentalists at the expense of New Zealand's economy. This is particularly a concern amongst some farmers and other industries that are major users of neighbouring land, many of whom have been affected by decisions of the department.

[edit] Significant events

[edit] Cave Creek disaster

Main article: Cave Creek disaster

In 1995, 14 people died when a viewing platform maintained by the Department of Conservation collapsed. Immediately following the tragedy, all of the department's 106 viewing platforms throughout New Zealand were checked. Fifteen platforms were closed for repairs [1].

A Commission of Inquiry [2] that followed the tragedy revealed that the department had acted illegally and negligently in constructing the viewing platform. The commission also stated that the department was seriously underfunded for the tasks with which it was delegated, resulting in a culture of sub-standard safety procedures having been used for the building and maintenance of some of its facilities. Many people in New Zealand criticised the government for the department's situation, and Denis Marshall, the presiding Minister of Conservation at the time, eventually resigned over the incident. Since the inquiry, radical changes have been made to the department's procedures to prioritise safety.

[edit] Raoul Island eruption

Main article: Raoul Island

In March 2006, a volcanic eruption at the Green Lake of Raoul Island, administered by the Department of Conservation, was believed to have killed DOC worker Mark Kearney. At the exact time of the eruption, Mr Kearney is thought to have been taking temperature measurements of the lake as part of a programme for monitoring volcanic activity. Five other DOC workers, who were also living on the island, were forced to evacuate back to New Zealand shortly after the eruption. Searches for Mr Kearney, which have been inhibited by the island's remote location and the risks of further volcanic activity, have since failed to find any signs of him.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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