Dental spa

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According to the "Day Spa Association" and the "International Medical Spa Association" a "Dental Spa" is a facility whose dental program is run under the strict supervision of a licensed dentist in which services are provided that integrate both traditional and non-traditional dental and spa treatments (1). Lorin Berland, DDS, a Texas based cosmetic dentist is generally credited with coining the term "Dental Spa" in 1998.(2) In 2003, The American Dental Association showed that more than 50% of 427 practicing dentists serveyed at their annual session, offered some sort of spa or office amenity 93). Spa dentistry was first introduced in 1978 by the Holistic Dental Association. In 2005, as many as 5% of the American Dental Association's more than 152,000 members had declared themselves as "dental spas" (4). This number is growing daily, not only in the United States but in countries like Korea, Brazil, Finland and others. Some of the pioneer Dental Spas in the world include "Cocosmile" in Helsinki, Finland, "Cosmetic and Biological Dental Spa" in San Clemente, California, USA, "Dental Spa" in Pacific Palisades, California, USA and "Dental Spa" in Seoul, Korea.

References: (1)(2)(3) "Spa Dentistry" AGD Impact, Aug/Sept. 2004. (4)"Special Report Spa Rx" Sept/Oct 2005, page 141.