Dennis Kelly

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Dennis Kelly (born 1970 in New Barnet, London) is a London-based writer.

He received a BA in Drama and Theatre Arts, Goldsmiths College, London (first).

His plays include Debris (Theatre 503, 2003, BAC 2004), Osama the Hero (Hampstead Theatre 2005) After the End (produced by Paines Plough at the Traverse, the Bush Theatre, 2005, UK and international tour 2006) and Love and Money (Royal Exchange, Manchester and Young Vic, 2006).

His work has been produced in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Holland, The Czech Republic, Italy, Australia, Japan and the United States. Other work includes translations of Peter Karparti’s The Fourth Gate (National Theatre Studio), Gerhart Hauptmann’s Rose Bernd (Arcola), and The Colony, a radio play which won Best European Radio Drama at the Prix Europa, 2004.

He has also co-written the BBC3 sitcom, Pulling [1].

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