Den Kenjiro

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Den Kenjiro (田健治郎, 18551930) was the 8th Governor-General of Taiwan from October 29, 1919 to September 1923, and the first civilian to hold that position.

A graduate of Tokyo Imperial University, Den Kenjiro served as a member of the Japanese Diet for several years before being appointed as Governor-General of Taiwan. As Governor-General, he promoted a new policy of Doka, where Taiwan would be governed the same way as the Home Islands, and Taiwanese would be assimilated into normal Japanese society. Several major reforms were carried out during Den's tenure, including various administrative reforms, expansion of the public education system, the abolition of caning as a criminal punishment, construction of the Chyanan Reservoir, and the legalization of Japanese-Taiwanese intermarriage.

[edit] See also

edit Japanese Governors-General of Taiwan Flag of Japan
Kabayama Sukenori  • Katsura Taro  • Nogi Maresuke  • Kodama Gentarō  • Sakuma Samata  • Ando Sadami  • Akashi Motojiro  • Den Kenjiro  • Uchida Kakichi  • Takio Izawa  • Mitsunoshin Kamiyama  • Takeji Kawamura  • Eizo Ishizuka  • Masahiro Ota  • Hiroshi Minami  • Kenzo Nakagawa  • Seizo Kobayashi  • Kiyoshi Hasegawa  • Rikichi Ando
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