Demons and Angels

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Red Dwarf episode
"Demons and Angels"
Episode № 5
Airdate March 19, 1992
Writer(s) Rob Grant & Doug Naylor
Director Juliet May, Rob Grant & Doug Naylor
Guest star(s) none
Series V
February 20March 26, 1992
  1. Holoship
  2. The Inquisitor
  3. Terrorform
  4. Quarantine
  5. Demons and Angels
  6. Back to Reality
List of all Red Dwarf episodes...

Demons and Angels was the fifth epsiode to air in the fifth series of Red Dwarf.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Kryten has a new invention, derived from the Matter Paddle, which he hopes will solve any supply problems that might arise on Red Dwarf, called a triplicator. It can create two copies of anything placed within its field. The machine soon develops several flaws. Firstly, the copies have a lifespan of exactly one hour. Secondly, while one copy is infinitely superior to its original, the other is infinitely worse. Finally, when Kryten reverses the procedure, Red Dwarf explodes. The crew escape and find out that the field was reversed and two copies of Red Dwarf, and her crew, were replicated. The 'high' copy has all the peace and love personalities of the crew and assist them in every way. However, the 'low' ship, which holds the other half of the triplicator needed to restore Red Dwarf as she was, is crewed by deranged, perverted, psychopaths. Most interesting of these is a fishnet-clad, eye-liner wearing, pierced-faced Rimmer, who promises to 'have' Lister after he is done torturing him.

[edit] Trivia

  • The working title for this episode was High and Low.
  • For the making of this episode, the visual effects department blew up their only model of the Red Dwarf ship.
  • The "Matter Paddle" from which the triplicator was adapted is the device discovered by Kryten in Meltdown. It is also possibly combined with the time drive in Tikka to Ride