Demographics of Wales
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Demographics of Wales as at the 2001 UK Census:
- Population: 2,903,085, Male: 1,403,782 Female: 1,499,303
- Percentage of the population born in:
- Wales: 75.39%
- England: 20.32%
- Scotland: 0.84%
- Northern Ireland: 0.27%
- Republic of Ireland: 0.44%
- Ethnic groups:
- White: British: 95.99%
- White: Irish: 0.61%
- White: other: 1.28%
- Mixed: white and black: 0.29%
- Mixed: white and Asian: 0.17%
- Mixed: other: 0.15%
- Asian:
- Indian/British Indian: 0.28%
- Pakistani/British Pakistani: 0.29%
- Bangladeshi/British Bangladeshi: 0.19%
- Other Asian: 0.12%
- Black: 0.25%
- Chinese: 0.40%
- Percentage of the British population self-identifying as Welsh: 14.39% (controversially, there was no question on the Census form asking this—people had to write this in).
- Religion:
- Christian: 71.9%
- Buddhist: 0.19%
- Hindu: 0.19%
- Jewish: 0.08%
- Muslim: 0.75%
- Sikh: 0.07%
- Other religion: 0.24%
- No religion: 18.53%
- Not disclosed: 8.07%
- The largest single denomination of Wales is Calvinist Methodism (Presbyterian Church of Wales), followed by the (Anglican) Church in Wales with 30% of the population, the Roman Catholic Church with 3% and the Congregationalist Union of Welsh Independents with 1% of the population.
- Age structure of the population:
- 0–4: 167,903
- 5–7: 108,149
- 8–9: 77,176
- 10–14: 195,976
- 15: 37,951
- 16–17: 75,234
- 18–19: 71,519
- 20–24: 169,493
- 25–29: 166,348
- 30–44: 605,962
- 45–59: 569,676
- 60–64: 152,924
- 65–74: 264,191
- 75–84: 182,202
- 85–89: 38,977
- 90+: 19,404
- Knowledge of the Welsh language:
- Percentage of the population aged 3 or more knowing spoken Welsh only: 4.93%
- Percentage of the population aged 3 or more speaking Welsh but not reading or writing it: 2.83%
- Percentage of the population aged 3 or more speaking and reading Welsh but not writing it: 1.37%
- Percentage of the population aged 3 or more speaking, reading, and writing Welsh: 16.32%
- Percentage of the population aged 3 or more with some other skills combination: 2.98%
- Percentage of the population aged 3 or more with no knowledge of Welsh: 71.57%
- In Gwynedd, Anglesey, Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire, Welsh speakers are in the majority.
- Gwynedd has the highest proportion of Welsh speakers, but Carmarthenshire has the highest number of them in any one principal area.