Democratic Ideals

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Democratic Ideals is a rhetorical phrase used to denote either personal qualities or standards of government behavior that are felt to be essential for the continuation of a democratic policy. Advocates for causes across the political spectrum use this phrase in attempting to engage in persuasion, particularly by contrasting some situation which has been allowed to continue for pragmatic or social reasons, but which those advocating action regard as being wrong in principle. Advocates for greater equality in the distribution of wealth, for example, will argue that inequalities create differing levels of opportunity, and that equality is a "democratic ideal". Other times, advocates of one political outlook or another will use the phrase to energize support among their constituencies, despite knowing that their political opponents use precisely the same phrase to do precisely the same thing. [1][2]


[edit] Basic concepts

such as justice, peace, etc., and standards of behavior that the government and its officials should be held to, such as honesty, respect for due process of law and the rule of law, adhering to the results of elections and engaging in civic dialogue.[3]

Frequently the importance of human rights is listed as a central democratic ideal[4][5], as well as instilling in military and civilian governmental personnel the attitudes and methods which will prevent their actions from infringing on those rights.[6]

Democratic ideals are often cited as a reason for patriotism, for example Woodrow Wilson's argument that America needed to enter World War I in order to make the world "Safe for Democracy".

[edit] Historical development

Democratic ideals are often thought to be embodied by important landmark documents in history, for example Magna Carta, Petition of Right, Declaration of the Rights of Man, the United States Declaration of Independence and other documents which. effected or established political change towards democracy.[7] It is also related to the attempt to link moral norms to civic ideals, for example, in the work of Alexander Hamilton[8] and Thomas Jefferson[9], both of whom argued that citizens and statesman alike had to feel a moral compulsion to do what was right in a Democracy, and that Democratic nations required Democratic moral values. This idea was elaborated by, among others Ralph Waldo Emerson[10].

[edit] Controversy

As much as the exact content of "Democratic Ideals" are a matter of controversy,[11] so is another aspect implied by their being termed as universal moral norms: namely, the export of Democracy, if necessary by force. Nations which have seen themselves as more Democratic have, in the view of some paradoxically, been willing to export their system to other states or nations by force, beginning, most famously, with Athens[12], but also including America at the end of the 19th century [13] and France[14] during the first decade after the French Revolution. Many have argued that the most important reason for George W. Bush invading Iraq was the aspiration of setting up Iraq as a functioning democracy, and as such, meant to advance "democratic ideals".

[edit] Other uses of the term

In historical texts, the phrase is often used to denote aspirations or norms of behavior, separate from a functioning democracy, including egalitarianism, self-government, self-determination and freedom of conscience.

[edit] See also

See also liberalism, republic, open society, pluralism, democratic socialism, constitution, political philosophy, The Federalist Papers

[edit] Citations and references

Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor et. al. "World History: Connections to Today." Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-434326-3

Schmiechen, James et. al. "A History of Western Society." Houghton-Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-90440-4

Davis, James E. "Addison-Wesley Civics: Participating in Our Democracy." Addison Wesley Publishing, ISBN 0-201-22463-1

Zvesper, John Republicans Must Emphasize Their Democratic Ideals April 2004

[15] Powell, Colin Secretary's preface to "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy" report May 17, 2004

Cummings, Briana "A Tame Revolution? Explaining Soldiers’ Restraint Toward Civilians in the American War of Independence" May, 2004

Eric Barr, et. al. A More Perfect Union - The History of Democracy 1999

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison The Federalist Papers 1787

Emerson, Ralph Waldo "Self Reliance - Essays (First Series) 1841

McGettigan, Timothy "The Big Fib: Democratic Ideals in an Unprincipled World" 2003

[edit] External links