Democratic Alternative (Finland)

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This article is about the Democratic Alternative of Finland. See also Democratic Alternative (Macedonia), Democratic Alternative (Malta), Democratic Alternative (Suriname) and Democratic Alternative (Colombia).

Demokraattinen Vaihtoehto (Democratic Alternative), a political group in Finland formed in 1986 by expelled members of the Suomen kommunistinen puolue (Communist Party of Finland) and its mass front SKDL. DeVa consisted of Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue (yhtenäisyys) (Communist Party of Finland (Unity), Vallankumouksellinen Nuorisoliitto (Revolutionary Youth League), Sosialistinen Työväenpuolue (Socialist Workers Party) and the Socialist Students League.

DeVa contested the 1987 parliamentary elections and won 4,3% of the votes.

In 1990 DeVa disintegrated, and many members joined Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance).

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