Template talk:Deln trk list entry

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The purpose of this Tl is for the situation where a list entry lks to a deletion-worthy article. Using it instead of the normal list-entry markup for the list page causes no change in appearance until deletion occurs. At that point, the entry disappears from the rendered list page, to be replaced by an unobtrusive lk to the deleted page. The piping of the lk is a single blank character, which may be invisible, appear as a red underlining one space wide, or with the question-mark rendering, according to the user's preference settings.
For lists with one line per entry, argument 1 should normally begin with a new-line (enter-key, typically) character. (But the principal objection to ending argument 4 with one instead is a slight disruption of the positioning of the next entry, and greater visibility.)
The intention is

  1. to lessen the urgency of removing the markup for deleted entries, and
  2. to provide editors with a rendering-detectible hint that the lk'd article was recently deleted, in contrast to the usual indistinguishibility between rd-lks awaiting the creation of their corresponding articles and those left by deletion of their corresponding articles.