Degree (mathematics)

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This article is about the term "degree" as used in mathematics. For alternate meanings, see degree.

In mathematics, there are several meanings of degree depending on the subject.


[edit] Degree of a polynomial

See main article Degree of a polynomial

The degree of a term of a polynomial in one variable is the exponent on the variable in that term; the degree of a polynomial is the highest such degree. For example, in 2x3 + 4x2 + x + 7, the term of highest degree is 2x3; this term, and therefore the entire polynomial, are said to have degree 3.

For polynomials in two or more variables, the degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term; the degree of the polynomial is again the highest such degree. For example, the polynomial x2y2 + 3x3 + 4y has degree 4, the same degree as the term x2y2.

[edit] Degree of a field extension

See main article field extension

Given a field extension K/F, the field K can be considered as a vector space over the field F. The dimension of this vector space is the degree of the extension and is denoted by [K : F].

[edit] Degree of a vertex in a graph

See main article degree (graph theory)

In graph theory, the degree of a vertex in a graph is the number of edges incident to that vertex — in other words, the number of lines coming out of the point.

[edit] Degree of a continuous map

See main article degree (continuous map)

In topology, the term degree is applied to continuous maps between manifolds of the same dimension.

[edit] From a circle to itself

The simplest and most important case is the degree of a continuous map

f\colon S^1\to S^1 \,.

There is a projection

\mathbb R \to S^1= \mathbb R/ \mathbb Z \,, x\mapsto [x],

where [x] is the equivalence class of x modulo1 (i.e. x\sim y if and only if xy is an integer).

If f : S^1 \to S^1 \, is continuous then there exists a continuous F : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R, called a lift of f to \mathbb R, such that f([z]) = [F(z)] \,. Such a lift is unique up to an additive integer constant and deg(f)= F(x + 1)-F(x) \,.

Note that F(x + 1) − F(x) is an integer and it is also continuous with respect to x; therefore the definition does not depend on choice of x.

[edit] Between manifolds

Let f:X\to Y \, be a continuous map, X and Y closed oriented m-dimensional manifolds. Then the degree of f is an integer such that

f_m([X])=\deg(f)[Y]. \,

Here fm is the map induced on the m dimensional homology group, [X] and [Y] denote the fundamental classes of X and Y.

Here is the easiest way to calculate the degree: If f is smooth and p is a regular value of f then f^{-1}(p)=\{x_1,x_2,..,x_n\} \, is a finite number of points. In a neighborhood of each the map f is a homeomorphism to its image, so it might be orientation preserving or orientation reversing. If m is the number of orientation preserving and k is the number of orientation reversing locations, then deg(f)=m-k \,.

The same definition works for compact manifolds with boundary but then f should send the boundary of X to the boundary of Y.

One can also define degree modulo 2 (deg2(f)) the same way as before but taking the fundamental class in Z2 homology. In this case deg2(f) is element of Z2, the manifolds need not be orientable and if f^{-1}(p)=\{x_1,x_2,..,x_n\} \, as before then deg2(f) is n modulo 2.

[edit] Properties

The degree of map is a homotopy invariant; moreover for continuous maps from the sphere to itself it is a complete homotopy invariant, i.e. two maps f,g:S^n\to S^n \, are homotopic if and only if deg(f) = deg(g).

[edit] Degree of freedom

A degree of freedom is a concept in mathematics, statistics, physics and engineering. See degrees of freedom.

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