Talk:DeCavalcante crime family

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Are we sure that Steve Lenehan was an associate of the deCavalcante crime family?????? I don't believe that. I bet you Lenehen himself put that in there. I thought the people he was trying to hang around were the Philly crew, and they wouldn't take him. My call? Wikipedia should list him as an associate of the Real Deal family.

I also think it would be useful to have a "Flipped/Ratted Out" listing, particularly for this family.


  • Okay, somebody has pointed out to me that Lenehan knew Jack Panels - or CLAIMED to know Jack Panels (in the notorious Scott D interview), so I guess that does sorta barely qualify the guy for associate status with the deCavalcantes. But it is my personal belief that the guy was just a low-level knockaround guy that nobody would take on permanently as an associate, so he just bounced around from crew to crew and family to family (Philly/Scarfo crews and deCavalcante crews), trying to get work wherever he could, from whoever would take him at any given time. That's my call. Batman