Dead On Target

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Dead On Target is the first book in The Hardy Boys Casefiles series. It was first published in the year 1987.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The book starts with Joe Hardy screaming - "Get out of the way, Frank". He is running to the place where an explosion just took place. Their car had a bomb in it and it exploded.

Joe Hardy's girlfriend - Iola Morton, was in the car when the explosion took place, killing her. Joe is unable to believe it. Frank & Joe begin their investigation. They meet a person who calls himself 'Gray Man' from a government agency called 'The Network'. Frank and Joe take his help to get to the person who planted the bomb. Soon they learn that it is not a person - but a group of terrorists who call themselves 'Assassins'.

Joe vows to kill them. As the story progresses, some Assassins are killed in encounters while others escape. They come to know that the head of The Assassins is a person named 'Al-Rousasa'.

When the book is about to end, Frank, Joe, Chet & their other friends begin searching a shopping mall when they learn that somebody is going to plant a bomb in it. Soon, Joe and Frank have a fight with Al-Rousasa at the top floor. Ultimately, during the fight, Al-Rousasa falls from the top floor & dies. Joe remembers what he had been told - "Nobody takes an Assassin alive".

[edit] Important changes in Casefile #1

  • Iola Morton is killed by a terrorist car bomb in the first volume.
  • The books become more grisly. Frank and Joe use firearms and investigate murders.
  • Chapters no longer have titles, and there are no illustrations.
  • The boys collaborate with the Grey Man, who represents a cloak-and-dagger crimefighting unit. (Similar to SKOOL and UGLI from The Secret Agent on Flight 101...)