Davor Domazet

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Davor Domazet Lošo (1948) is a Croatian writer, politician and former army leader.

Domazet was born in Sinj. He graduated from all the Yugoslav army schools, including the Military Academy, and started his military career in the JNA Navy.

As a Croatian patriot, Domazet (then a captain) defected to the Croatian Army in autumn 1991. He became actively involved in military operations and organized the military intelligence services. In 1992, he and Ante Gotovina were the chief commanders of the Livno front and the large area of military operations covering the northern and central Dalmatia, southern Bosnia and Herzegovina. His biggest strategic successes include the planning of major operations in Croatia and Bosnia (Operation Flash, Operation Storm, Operation South Move) and the fight against enemy intelligence, as well as the incursions into the enemy camp (the most spectacular being the wiretapping of Slobodan Milošević in his Belgrade headquarters).

He continued his career in the Croatian Army, becoming a rear admiral and finally an admiral in 2000. He was the head of the Office for Strategic Research (1991), the head of the Intelligence Service of the Croatian Army Headquarters (1992), the Deputy Chief of Staff and the Chief of Staff (1998-2000). He was forced into pension in 2000, after he and some other generals signed a protest note accusing the Croatian president Stjepan Mesić of participating in the attempt to denigrate and criminalize the Croatian War of Independence. Then he became one of the leaders of a political party, True Croatian Revival (HIP).

Ever since his days in JNA, Domazet has been publishing numerous expert articles on the issues of war, navy and submarines. He is a prominent military analyst in the area of geostrategy. His most important work in that area is Hrvatska i veliko ratište (Croatia and the Large Front, 2002). He published his last book, Gospodari kaosa (Masters of Chaos), in 2005.

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