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Davinópolis is a small town and municipality in southeastern Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 2,030 (2005 estimate) in a total area of 521.8 km².

  • Population density: 3.91 inhab/km² (2003)
  • Elevation: 771 meters
  • Became a city: 1958
  • Postal code: 75420-000

The municipality is located in the Catalão Microregion, 28 kilometers southeast of interstate BR-060, which connects Uberlândia to Cristalina. Catalão is 53 kilometers away. The municipality of Catalão lies to the north and Ouvidor to the southwest. The state boundary with Minas Gerais is formed by the Paranaíba to the south.

The distance to the state capital, Goiânia, is 304 km. Highway connections from Goiânia are made by BR-352 / Bela Vista de Goiás / Cristianópolis / GO-020 / BR-352 / Pires do Rio / GO-330 / Ipameri / Catalão / BR-050. [1]

Political data in 2005

  • Eligible voters: 1,724 (06/09/2004)
  • Mayor: Gomides Ferreira Gomes
  • Vice-mayor: Dileno Machado Rodrigues
  • Councilmembers: 09

Demographic data

  • Population growth rate 1991/2000: -0.05.%
  • Population in 1980: 2,450
  • Population in 1991: 2,118
  • Urban population in 2003: 1,319
  • Rural population in 2003: 714
  • Households in 2000: 665


The basis of the economy is cattle raising with 21,000 head in the region. There is some poultry raising (21,500 in 2004) and also limited production of agricultural products.

Economic data

  • Gross Domestic Product in 2003: R$11.505 million
  • Gross Domestic Product in 2002: R$9.212 million
  • State ranking of GDP in 2002: 233 out of 246 municipalities
  • PIB per capita in 2003: R$5,662
  • PIB per capita in 2002: R$4,532 (state average was R$5,921)
  • Industrial units: 03
  • Retail units: 17
  • Banking institutions: none (01/06/2005)
  • Dairies: Laticínios Davinópolis Ltda. (07/06/2005)
  • Automobiles: 187 in 2004

In agriculture there was modest production of rice, sugarcane, beans, manioc, corn, and soybeans. (no crop had over 10 km² planted)

Health and education

  • Literacy rate: 82.8%
  • Infant mortality rate: 24.59 in 1,000 live births
  • Schools: 03 (2005)
  • Classrooms: 19
  • Teachers: 33
  • Students: 599
  • Hospitals: 0 (July 2003
  • Hospital beds: 0
  • Walk-in public health clinics: 01

Geography and history

There are three main rivers in the region: the Paranaíba, São Marcos and São Bento, which all have great potential for tourism.

The origin of the town is connected to the donation of lands made by José David de Souza, in 1948, to the city government of Catalão, so that a school could be built. In the same decade houses began to appear around the school, forming the settlement that received the name of Gr upo, due to the fact that it had a "grupo escolar". Soon the school began to attract residents to the region. In 1963 the district became a municipality with the name Davinópolis, named after David de Souza, the man who had donated the first lands for the school.

Ranking on the municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 68.71
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.810
  • School attendance rate: 0.896
  • MHDI: 0.732
  • State ranking: 136 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
  • National ranking: 2,373 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)

(All data is from 2000)

For the complete list see Frigoletto

[edit] Sources of data