David Wilmot

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David Wilmot
David Wilmot

David Wilmot (January 20, 1814March 16, 1868) was a U.S. political figure. He was a sponsor and eponym of the Wilmot Proviso which aimed to ban slavery in land gained from Mexico in the Mexican-American War of 184648. Wilmot was a Democrat, a Free Soiler, and a Republican during his political career. His opposition to slavery did not include the abolitionist position of ending slavery in the entire country, and his views on race, by today’s standards, can be classified as racist.[1]


[edit] Early Life

David Wilmot was born in Bethany, Pennsylvania to Daniel and Mary Grant Wilmot. His father was a well to do merchant, and David’s early life was a comfortable one. He was educated at the local Beech Woods Academy and later at the Cayuga Lake Academy in Aurora, New York. Moving to Wilkes-Barre in 18432, he read law under George W. Woodward and was admitted to the bar of Bradford County, Pennsylvania in August 1834. In 1836 he married Anna Morgan and the couple had three children, none of whom survived childhood. [2].

Wilmot practiced law for some time in Towanda, Pennsylvania and was involved in local politics as a strong supporter of Andrew Jackson. Wilmot was elected as a Democrat to the 29th, 30th and 31st Congresses, serving from 1845 until 1851 in the House of Representatives. He initially supported the policies of President James Polk and, representing the agrarian nature of his district, voted for the Walker Tariff of 1846 which created a moderate decrease in tariff rates. Only gradually did Wilmot begin to believe that the South was dominating the national government to the detriment of the rest of the nation. [3].

[edit] Free Soil and the Wilmot Proviso

Although he opposed the extension of slavery into the territories, Wilmot had supported Polk in the initiation of the Mexican War and was still considered a Democratic Party loyalist. However, on August 8, 1846, when an appropriations bill for $2 million to be used by the president in negotiating a treaty of peace with Mexico was introduced in the House, Wilmot immediately offered the following amendment:

"Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted."
Wilmot's house in Bethany, Pennsylvania.
Wilmot's house in Bethany, Pennsylvania.

Wilmot had modeled the language for what would usually be referred to as the Wilmot Proviso after the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The House, after first voting down a counter proposal to simply extend the Missouri Compromise line to the territory acquired from Mexico, passed the proviso by a vote of 83-64. This led to an attempt to table the entire appropriations bill rather than pass it with “the obnoxious proviso attached” but this effort was defeated “in an ominously sectional vote, 78-94".[4] The U.S. Senate adjourned rather than approve the bill with the proviso.

A similar measure was brought forward at the next session with the appropriation amount increased to $3 million and the scope of the amendment expanded to include all future territory which might be acquired by the United States. This was passed in the House by a vote of 115 to 105, but the Senate refused to concur and passed a bill of its own without the amendment. The House acquiesed, owing largely to the influence of General Lewis Cass. As the 1848 presidential election took shape, the Democrats rejected the Wilmot Proviso in their platform and selected Cass as their candidate to run on a popular sovereignty platform. The new Free Soil Party rallied around the Wilmot Proviso, nominated Martin Van Buren, and created a platform calling for, “No more slave states and no more slave territory.”[5]

By 1848 Wilmot was thoroughly identified as a Free Soiler, but, like many other party members, Wilmot did not oppose the expansion of slavery based on a moral rejection of the institution itself. In a speech in the House Wilmot said, “I plead the cause and the rights of white freemen [and] I would preserve to free white labor a fair country, a rich inheritance, where the sons of toil, of my own race and own color, can live without the disgrace which association with negro slavery brings upon free labor.”[6] Around the same time, however, Wilmot, in a New York speech, spoke of the ultimate demise of slavery when he argued, “Keep it within given limits …and in time it will wear itself out. Its existence can only be perpetuated by constant expansion. … Slavery has within itself the seeds of its own destruction.”[7]

Wilmot was presented as the Free Soil candidate for Speaker of the House in 1849 and was soon at odds with the mainstream Pennsylvania Democratic Party led by James Buchanan. Wilmot was forced to withdraw from the 1850 congressional elections in favor of the more moderate Galusha A. Grow. Wilmot was elected as a presiding judge of the 13th Judicial District of Pennsylvania from 1851 to 1861, and he was instrumental in founding the Republican Party in Pennsylvania. He chaired the Republican Party platform committee, was a delegate to the 1856 national convention, and worked avidly for the first Republican presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, in 1856. [8]

[edit] Later Career

In 1857 Wilmot was the first Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania in a losing cause. He was a delegate again to the Republican National Convention in1860 and was a key figure in obtaining the nomination for Abraham Lincoln. Wilmot was considered for a cabinet post by Lincoln, but he deferred and in 1861 he was elected to the United States Senate to fill the seat of Simon Cameron. He served in that body from 1861 until 1863. [9]

He was also a member of the peace convention of 1861, held in Washington, D.C., in an effort to devise means to prevent the impending American Civil War. Wilmot was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln as judge of the Court of Claims in 1863 and served until his death in Towanda in 1868. He is interred in Riverside Cemetery.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Foner pg. 60. Berwanger pg. 125-126.
  2. ^ McKnight p. 2121
  3. ^ McKnight p. 2121
  4. ^ Morrison, p.41
  5. ^ Levine p. 183
  6. ^ Berwanger p. 125-126
  7. ^ Foner p. 116
  8. ^ McKnight p. 2121
  9. ^ McKnight p. 2121

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Berwanger, Eugene H. The Frontier Against Slavery: Western Anti-Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Extension Controversy. (1967) ISBN 0-252-07056-9.
  • Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War. (1970) ISBN0-19-509981-8.
  • Levine, Bruce. Half Slave and Half Free: The Roots of Civil War. (1992).
  • McKnight, Brian D., article on David Wilmot in Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, edited by David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler, 2000, ISBN 0-393-04758-X.
  • Morrison, Michael A. Slavery and the American West: The Eclipse of Manifest Destiny and the Coming of the Civil War. (1997) ISBN0-8078-2319-8.
Preceded by
George Fuller
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district

Succeeded by
Galusha A. Grow
Preceded by
Simon Cameron
United States Senator (Class 1) from Pennsylvania
Served alongside: Edgar Cowan
Succeeded by
Charles R. Buckalew