David Skrbina

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David Skrbina (born June 11, 1960) is a pioneer of eco-philosophy. He stood for the office of Lieutenant Governor for the state of Michigan as the Green Party candidate in 2006, as the running mate of Douglas Campbell.

Skrbina was born and raised in the Detroit area. In 1993 he received his master’s degree in mathematics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. After several years experience on management in industry he attended Bath University gaining a doctorate in philosophy there in 2001. He is currently a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan's Dearborn campus

He has developed an ecologically-centered worldview encompassing ethics, metaphysics, and cosmology. He is Deputy Director of the Eco-Philosophy Center. He has been active in the University of Michigan calling for divestment from Israel,[1] which caused him to be criticized by the Michigan chapter of Stand With Us.

Skrbina published his first book, Panpsychism in the West (ISBN 0262195224), in 2005. Addressing the themes of historical acceptance of panpsychism, its treatment in contemporary scientific and academic discussions, and the ethical implications of panpsychism, the book was well received by critics.[2]

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[edit] References

  1. ^ U of M-Dearborn student government demands divestment from Israel
  2. ^ Review at Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.