David Ross (trampolinist)

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David Ross (born April 30, 1950) is a Canadian trampolining coach and manufacturer of trampolines and trampoline equipment. Ross is probably the person most responsible for Canadian trampolinists becoming competitive on the international scene.

As a physics student at Queen's University, Canada, David Ross became interested in competitive trampolining. He finished 2nd in his first Canadian National Trampoline Championship in 1972. He also became interested in manufacturing high performance trampolines and spent years in researching the design and construction of woven trampoline beds and has his own business Rebound Products Inc. Ross hand woven trampoline beds, are now used in many competitions around the world. He has also produced custom trampolines and other rebound equipment for Cirque du soleil and similar shows. He opened the first custom built Canadian trampolining facility in 1990. It is located in Richmond Hill, north of Toronto, Ontario where many Canadian National Team athletes train. Ross has been the Canadian National Team coach for a number of years.