David Munyasia

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David Munyasia, a Kenyan boxer, was the first athlete to be found in violation of International Olympic Committee anti-doping rules at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.

On 10 August 2004, the IOC announced that Munyasia, a bantamweight, had tested positive for cathine on 6 August. Four times the allowed limit of 5 micrograms per milliliter was found to be present in Munyasia's urine. He was immediately barred from participating in the Games. Munyasia confessed he was regular user of miraa (qat), a popular stimulant in Kenya.

One year earlier, he won the silver medal in the bantamweight division at the All-Africa Games in Abuja, Nigeria.

His ban will be lifted in 2006 and he plans comeback [1]

He is husband to Kenya women's volleyball team captain Lucy Chege.

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