David Litchfield

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David Litchfield (born 1975) is a renowned security expert from the United Kingdom, who focuses on the discovery and publication of computer security vulnerabilities with a special focus on database server software. Information Security Magazine voted him as "The World's Best Bug Hunter" for 2003[1].

David has found hundreds of vulnerabilities in many popular products, among which the most outstanding discoveries were in products by Microsoft, Oracle and IBM.

David founded a company named Cerberus Information Security which was acquired by @stake in July 2000. A year and a half later he founded Next Generation Security Software with five colleagues from @stake. He is the author of various software packages, and also of many technical documents on security issues. He is the author of the Oracle Hacker's Handbook and is a co-author of the Database Hacker's Handbook, the Shellcoder's Handbook and SQL Server Security. He was also a contributing author for Special Ops.

  1. ^ http://infosecuritymag.techtarget.com/ss/0,295796,sid6_iss288_art514,00.html