David Legates

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David Russell Legates is the Delaware State Climatologist, and an associate professor at the University of Delaware. [1] [2]

Professor Legates is known for using systematic examination of the scientific method used in climatological studies, in order to determine the validity of the data and the conclusions set forth in such studies. [3]

He is best known for his contrarian opinion on the causes and effects of global warming. Legates oppose the consensus scientific opinion on climate change, and was a signer of the Oregon petition, which stated: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth".[4]


[edit] Opinion on global climate change

In his testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Legates summed up his position as: "Where we differ with Dr. Mann and his colleagues is in their construction of the hemispheric averaged time-series, their assertion that the 1990s are the warmest decade of the last millennium, and that human influences appear to be the only significant factor on globally averaged air temperature."[5]

"The Union of Concerned Scientists published a study listing Legates among several scientists it described as "familiar spokespeople from ExxonMobil-funded organizations" that have regularly taken stands or sponsored reports questioning the science behind climate change warnings."[6]

In his lectures, Professor Legates has acknowledged that humans have a direct impact on the environment, however he has disputed large scale climatological studies where researchers fail to incorporate sufficient data involving; increased solar activity, water vapor as a greenhouse gas, data contamination through expansion of the urban heat island effect surrounding data collection points, and many other key variables in addition to the human chemical emissions that are the sole focus of many climatological studies.

[edit] Use of his title in public statements

In February 2007, Delaware governor Ruth Ann Minner prohibited Legates from using his title as state climatologist of Delaware in his public statements related to climate change[7]

[edit] References

  1. ^ David R. Legates is an adjunct scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis and an associate professor and director of the Center for Climatic Research at the University of Delaware. Global Warming Smear Targets, by David R. Legates, Washington Times, 2003-08-25
  2. ^ Legates is the Delaware State Climatologist, Coordinator of the Delaware Geographic Alliance (sponsored by National Geographic), and Associate Director of the Delaware Space Grant Consortium (sponsored by NASA)." Climate Science: Climate Change and Its Impact - About the Author
  3. ^ Statement of David R. Legates to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. March 13, 2002
  4. ^ Text of the petition. March 13, 2002
  5. ^ Statement of David R. Legates to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. March 13, 2002
  6. ^ Montgomery, Jeff. Del. scientist's view on climate criticized. The News Journal, February 6, 2007
  7. ^ State distances itself from climatologist

[edit] External links