David Cameron

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The Rt Hon David Cameron MP
David Cameron

Assumed office 
December 6, 2005
Preceded by Michael Howard
Succeeded by Incumbent
Constituency Witney
Majority 14,156 (26.3%)

Born October 9, 1966 (age 40)
Oxfordshire, England
Political party Conservative
Spouse Samantha Sheffield
Children Ivan, Nancy and Arthur
Website www.davidcameronmp.com

David William Donald Cameron (born 9 October 1966) is the Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition in the United Kingdom, positions he has occupied since December 2005. He is regarded as a successful leader who has helped the party re-establish itself after a long period of decline.

He has been involved in British politics for much of his career. He worked for the Conservative M.P. Tim Rathbone in his gap year before reading Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford where he gained a first class honours degree and was described by his tutor Professor Vernon Bogdanor as "one of the ablest students" he has taught. In 1988 he entered the Conservative Research Department and was later appointed as adviser to Norman Lamont in 1992, and then to Michael Howard in 1993. In 1994 he became Director of Corporate Affairs at Carlton Communications where he worked for seven years; the company chairman Michael Green describing him as "board material".[1]

He unsuccessfully stood for parliament in 1997 but was elected in 2001 as Member of Parliament for the Oxfordshire constituency of Witney. Promoted to the Opposition front bench two years after entering Parliament, Cameron rose rapidly to be head of policy co-ordination during the 2005 general election campaign. He won the Conservative leadership after presenting himself as a young and moderate candidate who would appeal to young voters. His leadership has seen the Conservative party establish a clear lead in opinion polls.


[edit] Background

[edit] Family background

David Cameron was brought up near Wantage in Oxfordshire, England, the son of stockbroker Ian Donald Cameron and Mary Fleur Mount, the second daughter of Sir William Malcolm Mount, 2nd Baronet.[2] His father was born in Scotland at Blairmore House near Huntly, Aberdeenshire,[3] a house built by Cameron's grandfather Ewen Donald Cameron's maternal grandfather Alexander Geddes [4] who had made his fortune in Chicago in grain and returned to Scotland in the 1880s.[5]

The Cameron family were originally from the Inverness area.[6] His father's family had a long history in the world of finance: David Cameron's great grandfather Arthur Francis Levita (brother of Sir Cecil Levita) [7] of Panmure Gordon stockbrokers and his great-great grandfather Sir Ewen Cameron,[6] London head of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank played key roles in discussions led by the Rothschilds with the Japanese central banker (later Prime Minister) Takahashi Korekiyo concerning the selling of war bonds during the Russo-Japanese war.[8]

His great grandfather Ewen Allan Cameron, a senior partner with Panmure Gordon stockbrokers was also a notable figure in the financial world serving on the Council for Foreign Bondholders [9] and the Committee for Chinese Bondholders set up by the then Governor of the Bank of England Montagu Norman in November, 1935.[10] His grandfather Ewen Donald and father Ian Donald also worked for Panmure Gordon stockbrokers.[1]

David Cameron is a descendant of King William IV and his mistress Dorothea Jordan (and thus 5th cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II) through his father's maternal grandmother Stephanie Levita, daughter of the society surgeon Sir Alfred Cooper who was also father of the statesman and author Duff Cooper, grandfather of the publisher and man of letters Rupert Hart-Davis and historian John Julius Norwich, and great grandfather of the TV presenter Adam Hart-Davis and journalist and writer Duff Hart-Davis (David's second cousins once removed). His mother is first cousin of the writer and political commentator Ferdinand Mount.

[edit] Education

He was educated at Eton College, an English public school.[11]. During his gap year travels between school and university he visited Moscow and a Yalta beach in the Soviet Union, and was at one point approached by two Russian men speaking fluent English. Cameron was later told by one of his professors that it was 'definitely an attempt' by the KGB to recruit him.[12] He also worked for Tim Rathbone, Conservative MP for Lewes, in his Parliamentary office.

Cameron studied at Oxford, where he read for a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) at Brasenose College. His tutor at Oxford, Professor Vernon Bogdanor, described him as "one of the ablest and nicest"[13] students he has taught, whose political views were "moderate and sensible conservative".[1]

While at Oxford, Cameron was captain of Brasenose College's tennis team [1]. He was also a member of the student dining society the Bullingdon Club,[14] which was originally founded as a cricket and hunting club but recently has a obtained a reputation for a drinking culture associated with boisterous behaviour and damaging property usually in the private rooms of restaurants and pubs hired out to the club.[15] A photograph showing Cameron in a tailcoat with other members of the club including Boris Johnson surfaced in 2007, but was later withdrawn by the copyright holder.[16] He also belonged to the Octagon Club,[14] another dining society. Cameron graduated in 1988 with a first class honours degree.[11]

[edit] Marriage and children

Cameron married Samantha Sheffield daughter of Sir Reginald Sheffield, 8th Baronet on 1 June 1996 at Ginge Manor in Oxfordshire. Among the guests at the wedding were Jade Jagger, a friend of the Sheffield family.[17] The Camerons have three children. Their first child Ivan was born with cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy. Regarding the news of his son's disabilities, Cameron is quoted as saying: "The news hits you like a freight train... You are depressed for a while because you are grieving for the difference between your hopes and the reality. But then you get over that because he’s wonderful."[18]

The Camerons also have a daughter, Nancy (born 2003), and another son, Arthur Elwen (born 14 February 2006). When Cameron took paternity leave when his son was born the story was covered widely including on the BBC 6 O'clock News.[19] Cameron has been urged by a Telegraph commentator to mention his family less in public.[20]

[edit] Conservative Research Department

After graduation, Cameron worked for the Conservative Research Department between 1988 and 1992. In 1991 he was seconded to Downing Street to work on briefing John Major for his then biweekly session of Prime Minister's Questions. One newspaper gave Cameron the credit for "sharper .. performances" by Major,[21] which included supplying Major with a "a dreadful piece of doublespeak" by Tony Blair over the effect of a national minimum wage.[22] He became head of the political section of the Conservative Research Department, and in August 1991 was tipped to follow Judith Chaplin as Political Secretary to the Prime Minister.[23]

However, Cameron lost out to Jonathan Hill who was appointed in March 1992. He was given the responsibility for briefing John Major for his press conferences during the 1992 general election.[24]. During the campaign, Cameron was one of the young "Brat pack" of party strategists who worked between 12 and 20 hours a day, sleeping in the house of Alan Duncan in Gayfere Street which had been Major's campaign headquarters during his bid for the Conservative leadership.[25] Cameron headed the economic section; it was while working on this campaign that Cameron first worked closely with Steve Hilton, who was later to become Director of Strategy during his party leadership.[26] The strain of getting up at 4:45 AM every day was reported to have led Cameron to decide to leave politics in favour of journalism.[27]

[edit] Special Adviser

The Conservative's unexpected success in the 1992 election led Cameron to hit back at older party members who had criticised him and his colleagues. He was quoted as saying, the day after the election, "whatever people say about us, we got the campaign right" and that they had listened to their campaign workers on the ground rather than the newspapers. He revealed he had led other membes of the team across Smith Square to jeer at Transport House, the former Labour headquarters.[28] Cameron was rewarded with a promotion to be Special Advisor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont.[29]

Cameron was working for Lamont at the time of Black Wednesday, when pressure from currency speculators forced the Pound sterling out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. At the 1992 Conservative Party conference in October, Cameron had a tough time trying to arrange to brief the speakers in the economic debate, having to resort to putting messages on the internal television system imploring the mover of the motion Patricia Morris to contact him.[30] Later that month Cameron joined a delegation of Special Advisers who visited Germany to build better relations with the Christian Democratic Union; he was reported to be "still smarting" over the Bundesbank's contribution to the economic crisis.[31]

Cameron's boss Norman Lamont fell out with John Major after Black Wednesday and became highly unpopular with the public. Taxes needed to be raised in the 1993 budget, and Cameron fed the options Lamont was considering through to Conservative Central Office for their political acceptablity to be assessed.[32] However, Lamont's unpopularity did not necessarily affect Cameron: he was considered as a potential "kamikaze" candiate for the Newbury by-election, which included the area where he grew up.[33] However, Cameron decided not to run.

During the byelection, Lamont gave the response "Je ne regrette rien" to a question about his regrets over economic policy. Cameron was identified by one journalist as having inspired this gaffe; it was speculated that the heavy Conservative defeat in Newbury may have cost Cameron his chance of becoming Chancellor himself.[34] Lamont was sacked at the end of May 1993, and decided not to write the usual letter of resignation; Cameron was given the responsibility to issue to the press a statement of self-justification.[35]

[edit] Home Office

After Lamont was sacked, Cameron remained at the Treasury for less than a month before being specifically recruited by Home Secretary Michael Howard; it was commented that he was still "very much in favour".[36] It was later reported that many at the Treasury would have preferred Cameron to carry on.[37] At the beginning of September 1993, Cameron applied to go on Conservative Central Office's list of Parliamentary candidates.[38]

According to Derek Lewis, then Director-General of the Prison Service, Cameron showed him a "his and hers list" of proposals made by Howard and his wife, Sandra. Lewis said that Sandra Howard's list included reducing the quality of prison food, although Sandra Howard denied this claim. Lewis reported that Cameron was "uncomfortable" about the list.[39] In defending Sandra Howard and insisting that she made no such proposal, the journalist Bruce Anderson wrote that Cameron had proposed a much shorter definition on prison catering which revolved around the phrase "balanced diet", and that Lewis had written thanking Cameron for a valuable contribution.[40]

During his work for Howard, Cameron often briefed the press. In March 1994, there was a leak to the press that the Labour Party had called for a meeting with John Major to discuss a consensus on the Prevention of Terrorism Act. After a leak inquiry failed to find the culprit, Labour MP Peter Mandelson demanded of Howard that he give an assurance that Cameron had not been responsible, which Howard gave.[41]

[edit] Carlton

In July 1994, Cameron left his role as Special Adviser to work as the Director of Corporate Affairs at Carlton Communications.[42] Carlton, which had won the ITV franchise for London weekdays in 1991, were a growing media company which also had film distribution and video producing arms. In 1997 Cameron played up the company's prospects for digital terrestrial television, for which it joined with Granada television and BSkyB to form British Digital Broadcasting.[43] In a roundtable discussion on the future of broadcasting in 1998 he criticised the effect of overlapping different regulators on the industry.[44]

Carlton's consortium did win the digital terrestrial franchise but the resulting company suffered difficulties in attracting subscribers. In 1999 the Express on Sunday newspaper claimed Cameron had rubbished one of its stories which had given an accurate number of subscribers, because he wanted the number to appear higher than expected.[45] Cameron resigned as Director of Corporate Affairs in February 2001 in order to fight for election to Parliament, although he remained on the payroll as a consultant.[46]

Until August 2005 he was a non-executive director of Urbium PLC, operator of the Tiger Tiger bar chain.[47]

[edit] Stafford candidate

Having been approved for the candidates' list, Cameron began looking for a seat to contest. He was reported to have missed out on selection for Ashford in December 1994 after failing to get to the selection meeting due to train delays.[48] Early in 1996, he was selected for Stafford, a new constituency created in boundary changes, which was projected to have a Conservative majority.[49] At the 1996 Conservative Party conference he called for tax cuts in the forthcoming budget to be targeted at the low paid and to "small businesses where people took money out of their own pockets to put into companies to keep them going".[50]

[edit] Parliamentary career

Cameron was first elected to Parliament as Member for Witney in 2001, succeeding Shaun Woodward.

Upon his election to Parliament, he served as a member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee until June 2003, when he was appointed as a shadow minister in the Privy Council Office as a deputy to Eric Forth who was then Shadow Leader of the House. He also became a vicechairman of the Conservative Party when Michael Howard took over the leadership in November of that year. He was appointed to the opposition frontbench local government spokesman in 2004 before being promoted into the shadow cabinet that June as head of policy co-ordination. Just three months later he became shadow education secretary in the post-election reshuffle.[51]

[edit] The 2005 party leadership election

Following the Labour victory in the May 2005 General Election, Michael Howard announced his resignation as leader of the Conservative Party and set a lengthy timetable for the leadership election, as part of a plan (subsequently rejected) to change the leadership election rules.

Cameron announced formally that he would be a candidate for the position on 29 September 2005. Parliamentary colleagues supporting him initially included Boris Johnson, Shadow Chancellor George Osborne, then Shadow Defence Secretary and deputy leader of the party Michael Ancram, Oliver Letwin[52] and former party leader William Hague.[53] Despite this, his campaign did not gain significant support prior to the 2005 Conservative Party Conference. However his speech, delivered without notes, proved a significant turning point. In the speech he vowed to make people, "feel good about being Conservatives again" and said he wanted, "to switch on a whole new generation."[54]

In the first ballot of Conservative MPs on 18 October 2005, Cameron came second, with 56 votes, slightly more than expected; David Davis had fewer than predicted at 62 votes; Liam Fox came third with 42 votes and Ken Clarke was eliminated with 38 votes. In the second ballot on 20 October 2005, Cameron came first with 90 votes; David Davis was second, with 57, and Liam Fox was eliminated with 51 votes.[55] All 198 Conservative MPs voted in both ballots.

The next stage of the election process, between Davis and Cameron, was a vote open to the entire Conservative party membership. Cameron was elected with more than twice as many votes as Davis and more than half of all ballots issued; Cameron won 134,446 votes on a 78% turnout, beating Davis's 64,398 votes.[56]

His election as the Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition, was announced on 6 December 2005.

At the time of his election as leader, Cameron had been a Member of Parliament for just over four years, making him the most inexperienced parliamentarian to take the leadership of a major British political party since William Pitt the Younger, although he was active in politics before becoming an MP.[57] As is customary for an Opposition leader who is not already a member (for example Neil Kinnock, Tony Blair and Iain Duncan Smith), upon election Cameron has become a member of the Privy Council, being formally approved to join on 14 December 2005, and sworn of the Council on 8 March 2006.[58] Cameron was not the youngest post-war leader of the Conservative Party; this record belongs to William Hague, elected at the age of 36.

[edit] Drugs

During the leadership election allegations were made that Cameron had used cannabis and cocaine recreationally before becoming an MP.[59] Pressed on this point during the BBC programme Question Time, Cameron said "I'm allowed to have had a private life before politics in which we make mistakes and we do things that we should not and we are all human and we err and stray."[60] Hours before the second ballot of MPs on 20 October 2005, he stated in an interview with Channel 4 that he had not taken Class A drugs since being elected to Parliament in 2001.[61] [62] [63]

A 2007 book alleged that Cameron confessed to smoking cannabis while at Eton, aged 15, and despite being one of 18 boys to be punished by the school over drug taking, continued to smoke the drug while studying at Oxford.[64] According to friends he described his school experience as a "wake-up call".[65]

[edit] Career as leader of the Conservative Party

David Cameron campaigning for the 2006 Bromley and Chislehurst by-election.
David Cameron campaigning for the 2006 Bromley and Chislehurst by-election.

[edit] Shadow Cabinet appointments

His Shadow Cabinet appointments have included MPs associated with the various wings of the party. Former leader William Hague was appointed to the Foreign Affairs brief and David Davis was retained as Shadow Home Secretary. Hague, assisted by Davis, stood in for Cameron during his paternity leave in February 2006.

[edit] Standing in opinion polls

During the first month of Cameron's leadership, the Conservatives' standing in opinion polls rose, with several pollsters putting the Conservative party ahead of the ruling Labour party by margins of 1 to 9 points. In early Spring 2006 the Conservative and Labour parties drew even, but after the May 2006 local elections various polls once again generally show Conservative leads.[66] An opinion poll in February 2007 showed that a Cameron-led Conservative Party would have a 42% to 29% lead over a Gordon Brown-led Labour.

[edit] Policies and views

Cameron describes himself as a "modern compassionate conservative" and has spoken of a need for a new style of politics, saying that he was "fed up with the Punch and Judy politics of Westminster".[67] He has stated that he is "certainly a big Thatcher fan, but I don't know whether that makes me a Thatcherite."[68] He has also claimed to be a "liberal Conservative", and "not a deeply ideological person."[69] Cameron has stated that he does not intend to oppose the government as a matter of course, and will offer his support in areas of agreement. He has urged politicians to concentrate more on improving people's happiness and "general well-being", instead of focusing solely on "financial wealth".[70] There have been claims that he described himself to journalists at a dinner during the leadership contest as the "heir to Blair".[71]

On his first day as leader Cameron announced the launch of six 18-month policy reviews to develop new ideas in the specified areas. These included the Quality of Life Challenge,[72] under the chairmanship of John Gummer, covering a series of issues including climate change, urban landscape, traffic jams, and affordable housing, the Global Poverty Challenge and the Public Service Challenge.[73]

He and others in the "Notting Hill set" have sought to focus on issues such as the environment, work-life balance and international development -- issues not seen as priorities for the post-Thatcher Conservative party.[74] In a speech to the Conservative annual conference in October 2006, he identified the concept of "social responsibility" as the essence of his political philosophy.[75]

Some political commentators have suggested that his style is influenced by the Swedish Moderate Party leader and current Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, who advocates moving to the centre and supporting traditionally centre-left issues[76] and in fact, Reinfelt himself has been called the "Swedish David Cameron".[77]

[edit] Economic policy

Cameron has said that it is "essential to reduce taxes on employment and wealth creation in order to enhance our economy's competitiveness. But I don't think it's sensible today to write a Conservative budget for 2009 or 2010, with specific pledges on tax reduction."[78] He has stated that he hoped to cut taxes and raise public spending, "as the economy grows". [68] He has referred to this approach as "sharing the proceeds of growth".

Cameron has recently expressed interest in introducing "frequent flyer" taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe. But he has said that this would be a replacement tax as opposed to an additional tax.[79]

[edit] Social policy

In a July 2005 speech to the Centre for Social Justice (before becoming party leader) he stated, "the biggest challenge our country faces is not economic decline, but social decline". Cameron has also said, "there is such a thing as society, it's just not the same thing as the state" - a reference to Margaret Thatcher's remark that "There is no such thing as society, there are individual men and women...",[80] which Cameron believes was taken out of context.[69] In order to rebuild the "broken society", he said he wanted "to set free the voluntary sector and social enterprises to deal with the linked problems that blight so many of our communities: drug abuse, family breakdown, poor public space, chaotic home environments, high crime." Upon becoming leader Cameron set up a number of committees, such as the Social Justice Policy Group chaired by Iain Duncan Smith, to generate policy ideas on these issues.

In July 2006 Cameron made a second speech to the Centre for Social Justice in which he highlighted the problem of young offenders and called for more understanding. The News of the World headlined its report of the speech "Hug a hoodie, says Cameron",[81] coining a phrase which came into popular use, although Cameron never used the phrase.[82]

Cameron has criticised ASBOs as "reacting" to crime, rather than reducing it, and argued that they should be replaced with "challenging community punishments." In the same speech he also argued that young offenders should be shown "a lot more love" and more understanding into why youths commit crime, specifically calling for more youth counselling, education and training.[83] Cameron was mocked by many Labour MPs for the speech, but he received unexpected backing from right-wing peer Norman Tebbit.[84] Cameron has repeatedly defended his argument, saying that although "I understand, you break the law, you get punished" it was important "to understand what's gone wrong in these children's lives."[85][86]

[edit] Health

Cameron has endorsed the National Health Service, saying it is "vitally important to every family in this country" and "one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century." He has stated his political priorities can be explained in three letters: NHS.[87] Upon becoming party leader, he confirmed that the "patient's passport" policy from the 2005 manifesto (a subsidy for private treatment at 50% of the equivalent NHS cost) had been dropped and specifically ruled out converting the NHS to an insurance-based system.[88]

Cameron has pledged to develop policies to make the NHS a "more efficient, more effective and more patient-centred service." He wishes to grant the NHS much greater independence from the Department of Health in order to prevent it being used as a "political football" and to create "greater professional responsibility".[89] He has stated the Conservative party will propose an NHS Independence Bill to this effect in January 2007, and has publicly asked the Labour leadership to support the bill, after he supported Blair's education reforms.[89] [90]

[edit] Education

David Cameron has endorsed the government's creation of city academies, unpopular with many Labour backbenchers, as a way of improving standards in deprived areas. He has called on the government to go "further and faster" with the policy, and says that academies should be given even more freedom from central control.[91]

Regarding higher education, Cameron has reversed the Conservative's 2005 election manifesto policy on tuition fees; a future Conservative government under Cameron would not remove the fees currently in place.[92] [93]

[edit] Environment

Cameron has regularly stressed his green credentials since becoming leader, describing himself as "passionate about our environment." He has argued that "there is a price...for tackling climate change" but it is a "social responsibility to the next generation".[87] He has stated he is committed to achieving the 2010 emissions limit and has announced he would change the current Climate Change Levy to a carbon tax in order to counter global warming.[94] [95] Cameron proposed a Climate Change Bill which would include committing to binding annual carbon reduction targets.[96] However, a memo was leaked to the Labour Party suggested the binding targets proposal may be dropped,[97] and these do not form part of the proposed Bill as of November 2006.[98]

It has been widely publicised that Cameron on occasion cycles to work. However, an official car that followed him carrying his clothes and official documents was photographed by the media, leading to accusations that his bicycling image was "spin".[99][100] Cameron has since stated that this happened only "once or twice" and has vowed that it will not happen again, now that he has a pannier to carry documents. In the same interview he admitted that since becoming leader of the Conservative Party he is now only able to cycle to work once a week.[101]

David Cameron has also urged people to see An Inconvenient Truth by former US Vice-President Al Gore.[102]

[edit] Social issues

Regarding civil partnerships, Cameron has stated that marriage means something "whether you're a man and a woman, a woman and a woman or a man and another man."[87] In a free vote in 2004 he supported the Civil Partnership Act 2004, which gave legal recognition to same-sex couples.[103]

Cameron has stated that the government needs to change social attitudes towards disability by setting an example for the private sector.[104] Under a Conservative government the state would prioritise increasing the number of disabled people employed at Whitehall. Cameron has asked the disability charity Scope to advise on employment policy, claiming it is "morally wrong and economically stupid for five million on incapacity benefit who could work to be left on the scrap-heap." The government has disputed the figures.[104]

[edit] Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Cameron is in favour of drug law review and reform.[105] Cameron voted for recommendation 24 of the Home Affairs Select Committee report: 'The Government's Drugs Policy: Is It Working?', (published on 9 May 2002), which recommended that "the Government initiates a discussion within the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of alternative ways — including the possibility of legalisation and regulation — to tackle the global drugs dilemma".[106] He has said that drugs policy must be based on evidence and acknowledges that the evidence concerning cannabis has shifted since 2002.[citation needed]

In 2005 Cameron appeared as a guest on BBC 1's Friday Night With Jonathan Ross in which he and presenter Jonathan Ross debated their views on class-A drugs. Ross raised issues about the legalisation of class-A drugs, which Cameron dismissed, saying, "I don't think we should legalise drugs. Much more emphasis on treatment is the key. If you get addicts off the street it helps to collapse the market. The other key is education."[107][108]

In the past Cameron has smoked cigarettes,[69] though he is now reported to have quit after six attempts.[109] Cameron did not vote in Parliament on the bill that created the Health Act 2006, which introduced a complete smoking ban in enclosed public places in the UK.[110]

[edit] Immigration, asylum and integration

On economic immigration, Cameron has said "we think immigration is very good for Britain; we think that there are clear benefits in a modern economy from having both emigration and immigration, but that net immigration has to have a very careful regard to good community relations and the fair provision of public services."[69]

His stated views on asylum have contrasted with his predecessors, particularly Michael Howard, who proposed an annual quota on the total number of asylum seekers entering Britain. Cameron has claimed "I'm passionately committed to giving people who are being tortured and persecuted asylum, and that means not just letting them in, but taking them to our hearts, and feeding and clothing and schooling them".[69]

Cameron has stated that contact between different communities is essential for social integration and as such, the government should ensure that new immigrants learn to speak English.[111][112]

[edit] Foreign policy

Cameron has stated that he believes in "spreading freedom and democracy, and supporting humanitarian intervention" in cases such as the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. However, he claims to not be a neo-conservative because, as a conservative, he recognises "the complexities of human nature, and will always be sceptical of grand schemes to remake the world."[87] He supports multilateralism stating "a country may act alone - but it cannot always succeed alone." He believes multilateralism can take the form of acting through "NATO, the UN, the G8, the EU and other institutions", or through international alliances.[113] Cameron has also argued that "If the West is to help other countries, we must do so from a position of genuine moral authority" and "we must strive above all for legitimacy in what we do."[113]

Cameron has supported the alliance with the United States, viewing it as highly important. He has praised its role in the Second World War and the Cold War, about which he has said "Unlike some, I never had any doubts about whose side I was on". This was interpreted as a knock at sections of the Labour Party, some members of which had expressed support for the former Soviet Union. He has also claimed "we must be steadfast not slavish in how we approach the special relationship", arguing that "questioning the approach of the US administration, trying to learn the lessons of the past five years, does not make you anti-American."[87] Cameron also supports Israel and has described the state as being "a lone democracy in a region that currently boasts no others." He is a member of and has spoken for the Conservative Friends of Israel group.[114] However he criticised the country's 2006 invasion of Lebanon, describing the force used as "disproportionate."[113]

Before becoming leader, he voted in favour of the Iraq war, confirming this stance during an interview on the British TV show Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. In defence of the Iraq situation, he stated, "You've got to do what you think is right even if it's unpopular, that's the only thing you can do".[108] Subsequently he supported a motion brought by the SNP and Plaid Cymru on 31 October 2006, calling for an inquiry into the government's conduct of the Iraq war. This was after the government informed the Conservatives that an inquiry would not be accepted in 2007, the initial policy call of the party. The motion was defeated by a margin 25 votes, 273 MPs voting in favour and 298 against.[115] He was criticised for this in editorials in The Sun and The Times newspapers.[116] He was also criticised by some Conservative MPs who claimed it was irresponsible to support an enquiry while British troops were still involved.[117]

Cameron supports the War on Terror. He has praised it for the removal of "two of the world's most repressive regimes", Libya's abandonment of nuclear weapons procurement, and Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon.[87] He has argued "it must be a battle of hearts and minds, as well as force" and that "the threat cannot be negotiated away or appeased - it has to be confronted and overcome".[87] Cameron has accused Iran of encouraging the insurgency in Iraq and "the murder of British troops", and has criticised the regime for supporting Hezbollah.[87]

[edit] European Union

Immediately after his election as leader, he restated his pledge to withdraw the party's MEPs from cooperation with the European People's Party (EPP) within the European Parliament, viewing the EPP as excessively federalist. Previously the British Conservative Party had been part of the anti-federalist European Democrats as part of an ED-EPP coalition, but Cameron plans for the ED to break away in order to form a new grouping. Cameron aims to set up a group more focused on the Conservative Party's views, a move that has been resisted by some Conservative MEPs. After much speculation, he announced in July 2006 that Conservative MEPs would withdraw from the EPP in 2009. The stated reason for the delay was that the Conservatives' proposed future alliance partners, the Czech Civic Democratic Party, needed time to form a new domestic coalition in order to form a "eurorealist" grouping in the European Parliament.[118]

Cameron is currently against unilaterally withdrawing from the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy, as some on the Conservative Right have proposed.[119]

[edit] Constitutional issues

Cameron is a Unionist although he supports devolution, saying that the Conservatives, "fought against the idea of a Scottish Parliament long after it became clear that it was the settled will of the people." He has also defended the Barnett formula as "Other areas within the UK are subsidised more than Scotland is." He also believes "unionists have to develop better arguments against independence", and that "the case for the Union isn't just economic." Cameron has stated that he wants to address anti-Scottishness in England, "Scotland has certainly not been an occupied or oppressed country these past three hundred years but I recognise that it has not all been a triumphal procession either", and that, "the ignorance of English people about Scots and Scotland", has sometimes meant that Scotland does not get "the respect it deserves."[120] [121]

On the West Lothian question, he has criticised the ability of Scottish MPs to vote on English matters, "We need to make devolution work... one part of devolution that doesn't work is that Scottish MPs can vote on matters that don't affect their own constituents",[122] and has asked the party's Commission on Democracy, led by Kenneth Clarke, to look at possible solutions.[120]

Cameron has announced that he would scrap the Human Rights Act 1998 which came into force in 2000. Instead, it would be replaced with a Bill of Rights, based on "British needs and traditions". However, he has said that the country would remain within the European Court of Human Rights, on which the Human Rights Act is based.[123]

He has also called for investigations into ministerial misconduct to be a "genuinely independent mechanism" after cabinet minister Tessa Jowell was part of a fraud scandal. Additionally, in order to "clean up", he says ministers should not be allowed to set their expenses or salaries.[124] Cameron has also called for a reduction in the number of Members of Parliaments in the House of Commons.[125][126]

[edit] ID Cards

Cameron has spoken out against identity cards on a number of occasions. He has also confirmed that under a future Conservative government the present plans for ID cards would be scrapped.[75]

[edit] Fox hunting

Cameron is in favour of overturning the ban on fox-hunting and has stated that a Conservative government under his leadership would give Parliament time for a free vote on the issue.[citation needed] He himself has been fox-hunting on several occasions.[127] [69]. There is a history of hunting in his mother's family- her grandfather Sir William Mount, 1st Baronet fell off his horse after having a heart attack and was pronounced dead whilst out hunting with the South Berks hounds in 1930.

[edit] Criticism of other parties and politicians

Cameron has accused the United Kingdom Independence Party of being "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, mostly,"[128] leading UKIP leader Nigel Farage to demand an apology for the remarks. Right-wing Conservative MP Bob Spink also criticised the remarks[129], as did the The Daily Telegraph.[130]

Cameron has criticised Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown for being "an analogue politician in a digital age" and repeatedly refers to him as "the roadblock to reform".[131] He has also said that John Prescott "clearly looks a fool" in light of allegations of ministerial misconduct.[132] During a speech to the Ethnic Media Conference on 29 November 2006[133] Cameron also described Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, as an "ageing far left politician" in reference to Livingstone's views on multiculturalism.[134]

[edit] Criticism of Cameron

[edit] Presentation and policies

Some of Cameron's critics are unhappy with the Conservative Party's new emphasis and its presentation. They dislike his use of language and emphasis on style as much as substance, seeing it as the stance of an anti-politician. New Statesman has unfavourably likened his "new style of politics" to Tony Blair's early leadership years.[135] Cameron has been accused of playing excessive attention to image. ITV News broadcast footage from the 2006 Conservative Party Conference in Bournemouth which showed Cameron wearing four different sets of clothes within the space of a few hours,[136] On the right, Peter Hitchens has written that, "Mr Cameron has abandoned the last significant difference between his party and the established left", by prioritising publicly-funded government services.[137] Norman Tebbit has likened Cameron to Pol Pot, "intent on purging even the memory of Thatcherism before building a New Modern Compassionate Green Globally Aware Party".[138]

[edit] Allegations of social elitism

The Guardian has accused Cameron of relying on, "the most prestigious of old-boy networks in his attempt to return the Tories to power", pointing out that three members of his shadow cabinet and 15 members of his front bench team are "Old Etonians".[139] Similarly, The Sunday Times has commented that "David Cameron has more Etonians around him than any leader since Macmillan" and asked whether he can "represent Britain from such a narrow base."[140] Cabinet minister Hazel Blears has said of Cameron "You have to wonder about a man who surrounds himself with so many people who went to the same school. I’m pretty sure I don’t want 21st-century Britain run by people who went to just one school"[141].

[edit] Candidate selection

Cameron's "A-List" of prospective Parliamentary Candidates has come under sustained attack from many members of his party.[142] Among other criticism, it has been noted that of declared members of the A-List, there are more people from Kensington and Chelsea than from Yorkshire and Lancashire combined. [143] The "A-List" policy has now been discontinued in favour of gender balanced final short lists.

[edit] Satire and trivia

  • Cameron's relatively young age and inexperience before becoming leader have invited satirical comparison with Blair. Private Eye soon published a picture of both leaders on their front cover, with the caption "World's first face transplant a success."
  • Cameron is reported to be known to friends and family as 'Dave' rather than David, although he invariably uses 'David' in public.[144] However, critics of Cameron often refer to him as "Call me Dave" in an attempt to imply false populism.[145] The Times columnist Daniel Finkelstein has condemned those who attempt to belittle Cameron by calling him 'Dave'.[146]
  • Cameron was featured in the first, second and final episodes of BBC Two's satirical program Time Trumpet. In the earlier episodes the editors showed clips of Blair and Cameron singing David Bowie's "Changes", and in the final episode of the series (broadcast from the "future") it 'recollected' how Cameron became Prime Minister, but only for twenty days, before being forced to call another general election and losing to the British National Party (BNP).
  • Cameron was characterised as "Dave the Chameleon" in a Labour Party Political Broadcast. Cameron later claimed that the broadcast had become his daughter's "favourite video".[151]
  • Cameron holds the record for the shortest Budget response in the House of Commons in recent times, at eight minutes and thirty seconds.[152] [153]

[edit] See also

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b c d The David Cameron Story, BBC News, Brian Wheeler, 6 December 2005, accessed 27 March 2007.
  2. ^ Person Page 17890, thePeerage.com: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe, accessed 25 November 2006
  3. ^ David Cameron and Slains Castle, Aberdeen Civic Society
  4. ^ The Times, "Marriages", July 24, 1905
  5. ^ Highlands for the high life, telegraph.co.uk, March 26, 2002
  6. ^ a b Ewen Cameron, Cameron genealogies, accessed 9 March 2007
  7. ^ Enid Agnes Maud Levita and others thePeerage.com: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe, accessed 9 March 2007
  8. ^ Rothschild archive, Takahasi Korekiyo, the Rothschilds and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1907
  9. ^ The Times, "Council Of Foreign Bondholders", July 24, 1936
  10. ^ The Times, "Committee for Bondholders", November 2, 1935
  11. ^ a b David Cameron MP - About David, Official website biography, accessed 25 November 2006
  12. ^ Cameron: KGB tried to recruit me, BBC News Online, 28 May 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  13. ^ Too good to be true?, Times Online, 25 March 2007, accessed 29 March 2007
  14. ^ a b Patrick Foster, How young Cameron wined and dined with the right sort, The Times Online, 28 January 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  15. ^ Richard Alleyne, Oxford hellraisers politely trash a pub, telegraph.co.uk, 3 December 2004, accessed 6 November 2006
  16. ^ Cameron student photo is banned, BBC News Online, 2 March 2007, accessed 27 March 2007
  17. ^ "Diary", The Times, 3 June 1996.
  18. ^ Quoted in "Focus: Can Boy Wonder save the Tories?", The Sunday Times, October 9, 2005
  19. ^ Hansard, House of Commons Debates for 15 February 2006 (pt 3), 15 February 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  20. ^ Andrew Gimson, Leave your family at home, Mr Cameron, telegraph.co.uk, 6 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  21. ^ "Atticus", Sunday Times, 30 June 1991.
  22. ^ Hansard, House of Commons 6th series, vol. 193, cols. 1133-34.
  23. ^ Diary, The Times, 14 August 1991.
  24. ^ Nicholas Wood, "New aide for Prime Minister", The Times, 13 March 1992.
  25. ^ "Sleep little babies", The Times, 20 March 1992.
  26. ^ Nicholas Wood, "Strain starts to show on Major's round the clock 'brat pack'", The Times, 23 March 1992.
  27. ^ "Campaign fall-out", The Times, 30 March 1992.
  28. ^ Andrew Pierce, "We got it right, say Patten's brat pack", Sunday Times, 11 March 1992.
  29. ^ "Brats on the move", The Times, 14 April 1992.
  30. ^ Diary, The Times, 8 October 1992.
  31. ^ "Peace-mongers", The Times, 20 October 1992.
  32. ^ David Hencke, "Treasury tax review eyes fuel and children's clothes", The Guardian, 8 February 1993.
  33. ^ Michael White, Patrick Wintour, "Points of Order", The Guardian, 26 February 1993.
  34. ^ "Careless talk", The Times, 10 May 1993.
  35. ^ David Smith and Michael Prescott, "Norman Lamont: the final days" (Focus), Sunday Times, 30 May 1993.
  36. ^ "No score flaw", The Times, 22 June 1993.
  37. ^ John Grigg, "Primed Minister", The Times, 2 October 1993.
  38. ^ "Newbury's finest", The Times, 6 September 1993.
  39. ^ David Leigh, "Mrs Howard's own recipe for prison reform", The Observer, 23 February 1997.
  40. ^ Bruce Anderson, "Derek Lewis: Big job, little man, inaccurate book", The Spectator, 1 March 1997.
  41. ^ Patrick Wintour, "Smith fumes at untraced leak", The Guardian, 10 March 1994. See also Hansard, 6th Series, vol. 239 col. 292.
  42. ^ "Smallweed", The Guardian, 16 July 1994.
  43. ^ "Confident Carlton shrugs off digital licence doubts", The Express, 22 May 1997.
  44. ^ "We can't wait any longer to map the digital mediascape", New Statesman, 3 April 1998.
  45. ^ "Unsportsmanlike spinning", The Express on Sunday, 10 October 1999.
  46. ^ "Blackfriar", The Express, 1 March 2001.
  47. ^ Tania Branigan and Michael White, Cameron defends drinks industry links - and tells Paxman where he's going wrong, 18 November 2005, accessed 20 December 2006
  48. ^ "Pendennis", The Guardian, 1 January 1995
  49. ^ Michael White, "Seat-seeking missiles", The Guardian, 9 March 1996.
  50. ^ Jill Sherman, "Clarke challenged to show gains of economic recovery", The Times, 11 October 1996.
  51. ^ Contender: David Cameron, BBC News Online, 29 September 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  52. ^ Tory leadership: Who backed who?, BBC News Online, 17 October 2005, accessed 25 November 2006
  53. ^ Hague backs Cameron as new leader, BBC News Online, 12 November 2005, accessed 25 November 2006
  54. ^ Cameron targets 'new generation, BBC News Online, 4 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  55. ^ Cameron and Davis top Tory poll, BBC News Online, 20 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  56. ^ Cameron chosen as new Tory leader, BBC News Online, 6 December 2005, accessed 25 November 2006
  57. ^ Philip Webster and Rosemary Bennett, The great gamble, The Times Online, 7 December 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  58. ^ Privy Council Appointment of David Cameron MP, 10 Downing Street, 14 December 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  59. ^ Nicholas Lezard, What cocaine says about you, Guardian Unlimited, 10 November 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  60. ^ Cameron pressed on drugs question, BBC News Online, 14 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  61. ^ Gary Gibbon, Cameron denies taking drugs, Channel 4 News, 20 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  62. ^ Benedict Brogan and Jane Merrick, Cocaine and me, by David Cameron, Daily Mail, 21 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  63. ^ Michael White, Cameron surges into Tory lead and answers cocaine question, Guardian Unlimited, 21 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  64. ^ Simon Walters, Exclusive Cameron DID smoke cannabis, 12 February 2007, accessed 26 February 2007
  65. ^ Ned Temko and David Smith, Politicians and drugs: so who wins?, The Observer, 11 February 2007, accessed 26 February 2007
  66. ^ UK Polling Report
  67. ^ Jonathan Freedland, Enough of this love-in: Bush was a compassionate conservative too, Guardian Unlimited, 7 December 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  68. ^ a b Cameron: Tories need new identity, BBC News Online, 17 November 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  69. ^ a b c d e f Andrew Rawnsley, 'I'm not a deeply ideological person. I'm a practical one', Guardian Unlimited, 18 December 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  70. ^ Make people happier, says Cameron, BBC News Online, 22 May 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  71. ^ Andrew Pierce, Horror as Cameron brandishes the B word, The Times Online, 5 October 2005, accessed 25 November 2006
  72. ^ Quality of Life Challenge, accessed 6 November 2006
  73. ^ David Cameron, Quantity and quality, Guardian Unlimited, 9 December 2005, 6 November 2006
  74. ^ Jo-Anne Nadler, So who are the Notting Hill set anyway?, Sunday Herald, 15 May 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  75. ^ a b Cameron: We stand for social responsibility, conservatives.com, 1 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  76. ^ Sweden's 'Cameron' offers an electable right-wing, Independent Online, 18 April 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  77. ^ Profile: Fredrik Reinfeldt (English), BBC News, September 18, 2006.
  78. ^ Highlights of David Cameron's CBI speech, ConservativeHome.com, 28 November 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  79. ^ Tories plan to slap tax on frequent flyers, Timesonline.com, 11 March 2007, accessed 11 March 2007
  80. ^ Full text of Margaret Thatcher's quotation to Women's Own magazine, 31 October 1987, quoted in Epitaph for the eighties? 'there is no such thing as society', briandeer.com, undated, accessed 6 November 2006
  81. ^ News of the World, 9 July 2006, p. 16
  82. ^ Hoodie pic 'proves Cameron point', BBC News Online, 23 February 2007, accessed 23 February 2007
  83. ^ Cameron demands "a lot more love", BBC News Online, 2 November 2006, accessed 5 December 2006
  84. ^ Tebbit backs 'hug a hoodie' call, BBC News Online, 14 July 2006, accessed 5 December 2006
  85. ^ Cameron promises some 'real grit' , 5 December 2006, accessed 5 December 2006
  86. ^ Cameron defends 'hoodie' speech, BBC News Online, 10 July 2006, accessed 5 December 2006
  87. ^ a b c d e f g h In full: Cameron speech, BBC News Online, 4 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  88. ^ Patrick Hennessy, Cameron ditches health policy in high-risk manifesto, telegraph.co.uk, 1 January 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  89. ^ a b Cameron wants 'independent' NHS, BBC News Online, 9 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  90. ^ Matthew Tempest, Cameron plans bill to give NHS 'independence', Guardian Unlimited, 9 October 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  91. ^ Tory leader backs city academies, BBC News Online, 10 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  92. ^ Tories plan to keep student fees, BBC News Online, 9 January 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  93. ^ Cameron says Tories will keep tuition fees, Guardian Unlimited, 9 January 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  94. ^ Tories plan climate levy overhaul, BBC News Online, 21 April 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  95. ^ Cameron pledges to firm up green credentials with carbon levy, Guardian Unlimited, 21 April 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  96. ^ David Cameron: Labour's carbon targets amount to a cop-out, Independent Online, 27 October 2006, accessed 1 December 2006
  97. ^ Cameron climate policy 'too soft' BBC News Online, 1 December 2006, accessed 1 December 2006
  98. ^ Can I have the Bill please?, Conservative Party, accessed 23 February 2007
  99. ^ Cameron's bike ride to work - with a car in tow, Daily Telegraph, 29 April 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  100. ^ Oliver King and agencies, Cameron rejects accusations of green spin, The Guardian, 2 May 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  101. ^ Cameron reveals weekly bike ride, BBC News Online, 8 August 2006, accessed 26 November
  102. ^ Full text of David Cameron's speech, Guardian Unlimited, 4 October 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  103. ^ Civil Partnership Bill [Lords] — 12 Oct 2004 at 18:42 — Commons Division No. 256, reported by Public Whip, 12 October 2004, accessed 6 November 2006
  104. ^ a b Cameron job pledge for disabled, BBC News Online, 16 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  105. ^ Tania Branigan and Julian Glover, The drugs questions that won't go away, Guardian Unlimited, 15 October 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  106. ^ Select Committee on Home Affairs Third Report Summary of key conclusions and recommendations, The Stationery Office, 22 May 2002, accessed 6 November 2006
  107. ^ Jonathan Ross meets David Cameron, BBC Press Office, 23 June 2006, accessed 7 November 2006
  108. ^ a b Cameron backs Blair on Iraq war, BBC News Online, 23 June 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  109. ^ David Cameron's drug tears, The Sun Online, 30 October 2006, accessed 7 November 2006
  110. ^ Health Bill — New Clause 5 — Smoke-free premises: exemptions — as amended — 14 Feb 2006 at 19:04 — Commons Division No. 165, Public Whip, 14 February 2006, accessed 7 December 2006
  111. ^ George Jones, Cameron kills Tory taboos on gays and single parents, telegraph.co.uk, 5 October 2006, accessed 20 December 2006
  112. ^ Matthew Tempest, Cameron rejects 'pie in the sky' tax cuts, Guardian Unlimited, 4 October 2006, accessed 20 October 2006
  113. ^ a b c In full: Cameron on foreign policy, BBC News Online, 11 September 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  114. ^ Davis and Cameron promise to be friends of Israel, ConservativeHome.com, 25 November 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  115. ^ Iraq inquiry call rejected by MPs, BBC News Online, 1 November 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  116. ^ Mike Smithson, Has Cameron upset Rupert over the Iraq debate?, Politicalbetting.com, 1 November 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  117. ^ Tory Iraq vote 'absolutely crazy', BBC News Online, 4 November 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  118. ^ Stephen Mulvey, Q&A: The Tories and the EPP, BBC News Online, 13 July 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  119. ^ Toby Helm, Cameron drops plans to pull out of Europe's deal on fishing, telegraph.co.uk, 8 June 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  120. ^ a b Cameron: I will never take Scotland for granted, conservatives.com, 15 September 2006, 6 November 2006
  121. ^ Cameron warning of 'danger to UK', BBC News Online, 14 September 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  122. ^ Cameron makes pledge on Scotland, BBC News Online, 15 October 2006, accessed 20 December 2006
  123. ^ Q&A: Bill of Rights, BBC News Online, 26 June 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  124. ^ Cameron political 'clean-up' call, BBC News Online, 29 September 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  125. ^ David Charter, Restrict political gifts to £100,000, say Tories, 20 March 2006, accessed 20 December 2006
  126. ^ Video recording, Clean politics (transcript [1]), Webcameron.org.uk, 30 September 2006, accessed 20 December 2006
  127. ^ House of Commons Debates Monday, 30 June 2003, Hunting Bill New Clause 13 — Registered Hunting: Absolute Bans: Deer, Hares, Foxes and Terrierwork reported by TheyWorkForYou.com, 30 June 2003, accessed 6 November 2006
  128. ^ Nick Assinder, UKIP and Cameron's war of words, BBC News Online, 4 April 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  129. ^ Brendan Carlin, Tory MP defends Ukip in racist row, telegraph.co.uk, 6 April 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  130. ^ UKIP deserves better, telegraph.co.uk, 5 April 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  131. ^ Cameron attacks 'past it' Brown, BBC News Online, 22 March 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  132. ^ Cameron: Prescott looks a 'fool', BBC News Online, 2 May 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  133. ^ Ethnic Media Conference agenda, 29 November 2006, accessed 30 November 2006
  134. ^ Cameron attacks 'outdated' mayor, BBC News Online, 30 November 2006, accessed 30 November 2006
  135. ^ Nick Cohen, The birth of Blameron, New Statesman, 8 August 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  136. ^ Bradley, Tom. (2006). ITV News [Television series]. ITN.
  137. ^ Peter Hitchens, The Tories are doomed, Guardian Unlimited, 14 December 2005, accessed 6 November 2006
  138. ^ The Economist, 4 February 2006, page 32
  139. ^ Matthew Taylor, Under the Green Oak, an old elite takes root in Tories, Guardian Unlimited, 12 August 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  140. ^ Robert Winnett and Holly Watt, Focus: Reservoir toffs, The Times Online, 8 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  141. ^ Greg Hurst, Class attack by Blears on Tories, The Times Online, 21 November 2006, accessed 28 November 2006
  142. ^ Don't ditch Tory values, MP warns, BBC News Online, 13 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  143. ^ A List Meritocracy Cameron-style, Progressive Politics (blog), 27 September 2006, accessed 25 November 2006
  144. ^ Helen Rumbelow, "The gilded youth whose son steeled him in adversity", The Times, 21 May 2005, p. 33
  145. ^ The first such reference in the British press appears to be Richard Kay, Cameron taking the Michael, Daily Mail, 1 July 2005, p. 45.
  146. ^ Daniel Finkelstein, The Dave Test, The Times Comment Central, 5 October 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  147. ^ Results of a poll of 10,000 readers to determine the world's 100 sexiest men of 2006, New Woman's 100 sexiest men in the world 2006, New Woman magazine, 2 February 2006, accessed 19 June 2006, 6 November 2006
  148. ^ Is this the perfect comedy face?, BBC News Online, 10 November 2006, accessed 10 November 2006
  149. ^ "Olaf Priol" (anag.), Their wives met at yoga. Now Chris Martin plans to rock the vote for Cameron's Tories, Guardian Unlimited, 1 April 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  150. ^ "Talk to David" lyrics, Guardian Unlimited, 1 April 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  151. ^ Hugo Rifkind, Well, that worked, The Times "People" weblog, 17 May 2006, accessed 9 November 2006
  152. ^ Hansard, House of Commons Hansard Debates for 22 March 2006 (pt 6), 22 March 2006, accessed 6 November 2006
  153. ^ Video recording, Cameron attacks 'past it' Brown, BBC News Online, accessed 6 November 2006

[edit] External links

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[edit] Offices held

Parliament of the United Kingdom
Preceded by
Shaun Woodward
Member of Parliament for Witney
Political offices
Preceded by
Michael Howard
Leader of the British Conservative Party
Leader of the Opposition