David C. Morrow
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David C. Morrow is an author, mainly of local history and specialized articles. He was born in Corpus Christi, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and served two years in U. S. Army. His main recent publication is How Women Manipulate: Essays Toward Gynology, a collection of essays written and published during the last 25 years with the objective of starting a science of gynology, which means the objective study of women. Western culture, American in particular, idealizes women and while this makes their lives easy in many respects it is detrimental to both men and women and their relationships. The essays here contain machiavellian analyses of women's behavior with the purpose in part of enabling men to learn to see women objectively.
[edit] From Infinity Press
How Women Manipulate: Essays Toward Gynology by David C. Morrow ~ 0-7414-2058-9 ©2004 A series of essays, most previously published, giving machiavellian analyses of American women’s behavior intended to free men from misconceptions and enable them to evaluate women objectively, and to be the basis for an objective science of women.
A Crowd of Twisted Things by David C. Morrow ~ 0-7414-1134-2 ©2002 Three men struggle with their driving passion. One tries to avoid the promiscuous girl who obsesses him, one to defeat social oppression and madness, one to understand the ancient ritual he doesn’t realize is his life’s own plot.
[edit] Online quotes from some articles
"Who Are The Feminists?" http://www.backlash.com/content/gender/1996/6-jun96/morrow06.html
From "The Atheist" http://atheist-community.org/library/newsletters/1998-12.pdf
Here's one criticism I have of the creationists' universe. Aside from the fact that it just ain't so, I mean. I tell people I don't accept the idea that there's anything supernatural, but there's also another dimension there. The created cosmos is ugly, poorly constructed and patched together, lacking in depth or size. It extends but a few thousand years past and future. Rather than brought into existence out of the very substance of the world, life is imposed by some external entity, forever foreign and out of place. The sufferings of creatures are meaningless to them and evil because they are imposed by a being who doesn't have to do that. Far from uplifting, since you aren't supposed to ask too much, the created universe is crass and materialistic, without subtlety or continuity, much like an automated amusement park in which turning your head at the wrong time shows the wires leading to the animals' feet and the wooden beams propping up the hollow rocks. Dead, false, dull. Unaesthetic. David C Morrow.
[edit] External links
Brief bio in Who's Who In America 2004, Volume 2, page 3668.
Complete outline of Shondan conlang: http://shondanlanguage.blogspot.com/