Talk:Data assimilation

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[edit] Work Needed

This article needs some work. I am not in a position to do it myself at the moment (I know enought to see the problems but not to correct them...). Firstly the structure is poor - it needs dividing up into sections. Secondly Data Assimilation is not only used in weather forecasting other fields used it first and continue to use it. Finally I think there are some errors in the article as well. In my very limited understanding the main division in techniques is not really 3D versus 4D but sequential assimilation (where the model uses the pieces of data one at a time in temporal order) versus variation data assimiation (in which all the observtions of one period - e.g. 6 hours - are used in one go to minimise an error function). --NHSavage 09:59, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

I have done what I can for this article but I think it needs to have a more general introduction on Data Assimilation theory, techniques and history before focussing on NWP. If this leads to the article getting too big we could later create a page like Data Assimilation in Meteorology for the NWP related stuff (and perhaps chemical data assim.).--NHSavage 10:39, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

Maybe we could also link to the data that is being assimilated. One possible way is through a link to Atmospheric Observational Databases and an enhancement of that article to include more meteorological data. Mkfwd 03:33, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

The article has citations in the text but the corresponding references at the end are missing. Instead they reference something else. Jmath666 05:53, 3 March 2007 (UTC)