User:Dark reaper6789

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I'm a loser, end of story. well i do have a comic ive been working on for about 4-5 years that alot of people i know really get into but its not "official" yet...but im woriking on it. --Dark reaper6789 19:51, 7 February 2007 (UTC)


[edit] my stories ... what do you think?

It was morning and the people of Midgard were barely waking up. Well except for our hero Vince who usually awoke around this time. He is a tall, around 6’5”, long dark hair. No one knows what his eye color was due to him being blind and all he wraps his face up in bandage wrap, he is pretty beaten up from all his run-ins with enemies that wanted to take over his city.

As our hero awakens he begins to wander around before he finally woke up and got dressed. As he was getting dressed there was a knock on the door and Vince went to answer it….it was Ryke his friend who was a drunkard who was a little shorter than Vince with gray spiky hair and a hunter ninja mask and cloak on so not much is known about his appearance. They both acknowledge each other and eat breakfast and drink before there was another knock at the door this time Ryke answered it, it was a woman this time she was angelic in her appearance and had long white and pink tinted hair that ended at her hips and light red eyes (pink), her name was Freya but they called her Hikari.

The three began to have a merry time when another knock at the door this time no one answered the door fearing it might be another invader being as everyone else they knew would either be away training or asleep so Vincent stood up and answered the door and with surprise it was….a little girl but something was wrong, she had blood on her hands and was shaking quiet a lot and started crying on Vincent’s shirt.. Vincent tried to get her to calm her then resorted to his secret weapon…making funny faces, she finally stopped crying and let out little giggles.

Vincent sighed in relief and patted her head and asked her who she was, her name was Hrist she was 17 at the time, our hero is 28 Bell is 19 and again no one knows anything about Ryke, she came from a little town outside of Vincent’s and wanted help from him to save her family and friends, you see a dragon had made his nest in the center of the town and didn’t feel like moving anytime soon, so Vince accepted the job for free and took up arms like his comrades and followed Hrist to the town of Fulla. Along the way they ran into another town and Hrist became scared and clung to Vince’s leg as she began to shake a bit in fear.

A quick look around showed that the town was desolate and barren. So Vince and his team (know as the Geo-Hounds) began to search houses but couldn’t find anyone but suddenly a wyrm (a dragon with no wings) burst from the ground and began attacking the houses. As he did this Vince grabbed the beasts’ tail and began to pull with all his might, at first nothing seemed to happen at first but the wyrm slowly started being pulled away so he was out of the town and was now in a one on one battle with Vincent.

They began to stare each other down but suddenly Vince drew his Zanbato (7-12 foot tall sword, usually made of cement or titanium) and swung at the dragon smashing it into the ground by its weight alone. Hrist was amazed at the fact he can one-hand a one ton sword without breaking a sweat. Vince began to move into his finishing blow as the wyrm trusted upward sending Vince flying threw the air into a tree knocking it out of the ground.

Hrist let out a scream as she saw this happening but to her surprise the other Geo-Hounds were all smirking and not even fazed at what just happened to him but when she look back at were Vincent was laying but she saw something different….. Vince wasn’t there. Hrist began franticly looking around to find were he had gone then saw him, on the dragons back about to finish the job, but just before he could her vision was blocked by Hikari's hand.

When she could see again she saw Vincent kneeling in front of her smiling and patting her head saying “everything will be fine from now on, because we’re here now. Hrist smiled and hugged everyone and as they turned to the town the townsfolk were standing in a crowd cheering for the Geo-Hounds. Hrist began to jump around smiling at the people and shaking there hands as if she was the one who banished the wyrm. Vince and the others laughed a bit as they saw here then continued on there way to there real destination but now they had a wagon and some horses to get them there faster, that the mayor of the town gave them for saving there homes, they continued on there merry way.

As they were traveling along they shared long tales of past adventures and people they met as a man in a cloak with a spiked staff stood in the center of the road with a small boy beside him. Vincent’s’ face lit up as the little boy tackled him “Spot, Dark, you guys finally found us I’m so glad you’re here” shouted Vincent before he got tackled. Vincent filled the two men in on what was going on and who the gorgeous girl clinging to his waist was. Spot seemed to be a bit jealous, because Vincent adopted him when he was very little and he is only about 5 years old, but he seemed to warm up to her very fast.

Then they continued to go on there way to Fulla, after a few days of travel they finally got there but the town was oddly happy for a town with a dragon in it. They began to look around as Hrist ran into a house the others followed but before they got all the way in there was a scream. Spot and Vince shot into the door way to see Hrist shaking on the floor then looked at what she was scared of, it was a woman that had writing all over her body and blood all over the walls spot quickly covered Hrist's eyes as Vincent picked the two up and took them out of the house.. “Guys this is bad, I think her family has been cursed by Argavald (the king of dark dragons that rules under Tiamat)” said Vincent in despair. The team began to talk amongst each other while Vince calmed Hrist down.

When she finally stopped crying again she listened as the team told her what happened and what they each knew and they formulated a plan. They split into 3 teams Ryke and Hikari as team #1, Spot and Dark as team #2, Hrist and Vincent and as team sunshine (named by Hrist). Team #1 went and talked to the townsfolk about the whereabouts of Argavald. Team #2 searched the town for men who can help and team sunshine, went to get some food since they haven’t eaten much.

“So Vince how is it you can see with those bandages covering your eyes?” asked Hrist curiously. “Well I'm a special type of human that can see everything” he said with a smirk on his face. Hrist buffed out her cheeks with childish anger and pulled on his shirt” why won’t you tell me how you can…” she suddenly remembered the fight with the wyrm and the tree smashing Vince “so… why didn’t that tree hurt you” she said nervously as she look at his back. Vince gave her a pat on the head lightly” I’m too strong to be hurt by a tree” he smirked again. The two began to walk some more and walked into the market place. They looked around but couldn’t find any good food and asked the merchant why “the dragon has eaten all our resent crops but keeps us full some how so we let him stay…although people have been mysteriously dying of a plague” said the shop keeper. The two looked at each other and went there separate ways.

As they turned the corner the bumped into another friend, his name was Drake, a man that was as tall and as built as Vincent and wrapped in a cloak with a fire design on it and two long thin blades on his back (Di-katana’). “I didn’t expect to see YOU here Vince, what’s the deal?” said Drake. Vincent replied “well this is a special occasion” Vincent looked down at Hrist and smiled. Vincent once again explained the situation and then headed off again to look for food and Argavald and bumped into group #2 but they had another member as well, Vince shook the woman’s hand and smiled lightly the woman had long silky hair that was light blonde, but she was weird for she had ears and tail of a cat, but she was really, really cute she had green eyes that stood out a lot. The two groups merged and looked for the whereabouts or Argavald.

About four hours into the search all the members had met up and greeted one-another but only a few had heard anything about Argavald. Hrist asked how they all knew each other and to her surprise they were all Geo-Hounds and really old friends, it seemed that Vince had helped each of them at some time or another and they were all loyal to him and she could understand why, she thought of him and blushed a little bit. Vincent stood up and declared that he had figured out were the dragon was, but as he said that….Argavald landed on the house behind him and wrapped his tail around his neck and lifted him up before anyone could do anything. He struggled to get out but couldn’t escape the mighty dragons grip and then the rest of the Geo-Hounds took up arms and stood, Spot began to form a whirlwind around himself that lifted him up, Dark began to chant a spell, Hikari began to sing, he voice was so sweet that it livened your spirit and made you feel stronger, somehow Drake had appeared on the mighty dragons head and slashed away at it, but Ryke just continued to sit at the fire drinking and laughing by himself, and Hrist just look on in fear.

The Battle had finally begun, and Vincent’s face was beginning to pale as he gasped for air, Argavald bellowed out fire but to Hrist's surprise Dark countered with his own inferno that appeared from out of the tip of his wand, and Spot seemed to be holding the dragon from flying away with a mighty downdraft, Hrist was so surprised that they all could fight so well together but was still shock at Vince……”where’s Vince!!” she shouted in fear as she couldn’t find him at all…..suddenly she saw him behind Argavald gripping his tail that was around his neck but he was now on the ground and pulling at it ferociously trying to pull the dragon, but he was moving, and it surprised Hrist that Vincent had the strength to pull a dragon 20 times his size and many times his weight.

Vincent pulled once more at the dragon’s tail but this time the dragon went flying over Vincent's head and into the forest were everyone but Hrist and Ryke running afterwards, well drake was still hacking at his head and leaving some nasty gouges in his head, and dark was still chanting in a weird language and just as she realized he had stopped chanting and a pentagram appeared in the sky and he too joined Ryke in merriment. Hrist was so confused that they weren’t fighting so she ran after them but dark stopped her. Meanwhile in the forest Argavald was getting wailed on by the Geo-Hounds he had no idea what to do but the pentagram in the sky started to spin at an alarming rate and then meteors shot forth from it and slammed straight into Argavald leaving him charred and battered with huge gouges in him, the battle was won…..until a bigger dragon appeared…it was the REAL Argavald.

The group didn’t seem to be shocked at all but laughed a bit as Argavald turned around to notice a gargantuan meteor was falling toward it and attempted to fly away but chains burst forth from the ground and entangled Argavald immobilizing him and the meteor crashed into the dragon killing it instantly but amazingly none of the Geos' were hurt in the blast. As the smoke cleared and the flak settled and the sky cleared the crater revealed…no one and Hrist began to worry but as she ran forward to check herself she say the hero’s emerging from the crater but only one person was injured, and that would be Vincent.

He was covered from head to toe with scratches and wounds and blood but he still had that dorky smile on his face but Hrist was still freaking out and ran to his aid. Before Hrist got to Vincent Kitty had already begun to treat his wounds and Hrist became very jealous and tried to aid Vincent despite Kitty’s warning and she accidentally wounded Vincent in one of his open wounds. Hrist apologized with all her heart and fled Vincent’s side into the forest crying her eyes out at how she failed someone she cared for. Vincent struggled to chase after her but was held down by his nurse. After he was fully treated he ran after Hrist and found her near a lake and sneaks up behind the crying girl and covers her eyes with his hands “guess who” Vincent said softly. Hrist began too giggle a little bit and spun around and hugged Vincent with all her heart and apologized for not being able help and then began to sob again but Vincent hugged her back and smiled “don’t sweat it, Kitty used to do that all the time”. Hrist looked up and smiled at him, after a little while the two returned to the rest of the Geo-Hound’s and then Vincent had an idea.

Vincent got Kitty and Hrist together and suggested that Kitty teach Hrist how to heal. They all agreed that that would be a good idea and then the training went underway. They went from house to house aiding the sickly and the wounded from the Argavald attack and let Hrist watch and help for a while but then they let her do it on her own. Hrist was a very fast learner and managed to learn how to heal in only 2 days when it took Kitty 2 months to learn it. Hrist was so happy that she could now aid the ones she cared for when they got hurt and no longer had to worry about hurting them in the process. Suddenly an explosion went off in the direction of the gate to the city and Hrist ran up there alone. When she got there she saw that a band of thugs that torments her city had returned again to collect money and women for themselves and thought that Vincent would help her even know his job was completed.

Hrist ran to the house Vincent was in but the bandits saw her running and barely missed grabbing her before she got into the house but Vincent was asleep and the other Geo-Hound’s had left already. The thugs entered the house one by one and cornered Hrist on Vincent’s bed and she started crying a bit but as she began to ball Vincent sat up and stood in-between them and her, Hrist was so happy she clung to his back in fear and joy at how he was willing to protect a girl in which he barely knew she started having a weird warm feeling in her chest and she blushed a bit, but the thugs were closing in and Vincent nudged Hrist into a closet and closed the door and right as the door shut banging and thuds could be heard and Hrist began to worry about her hero and as she opened the door the thuds stopped and Vincent stood encircled by the bodies of the thugs but his victory wasn’t without a cost for he was wounded as well by the thugs digging in there knifes into his shoulder and chest and Vincent keeled over and landed on his back.

Hrist screamed and rushed to his side and begun to heal him, she was successful in stopping the blood and closing the wounds but left scars on him but he didn’t mind he was just grateful that she helped him and without thinking he put his had on her cheek and stroked her head lightly, as Vince did this her eyes widened and that feeling came back to her and she rested her head on his chest and hummed lightly as they laid there. Some time passed while they were there and then spot entered the room and saw them hugging and jumped in the hugged and laughed like the little kid he is and then the three join d the other Geo-Hound’s and ventured home but before they left Vincent turned to Hrist and smiled “well meet again…I'm sure of it.” He bowed and got onto the wagon but as it was riding off Hrist ran up and jumped on clinging to him “you’re not getting away that easy” Hrist said smiling but with tears in her eyes and rolling down her face.

Vincent smiled and gave her a little hug and asked “so were are you going to go, how will you get back” Hrist quickly answered “I’ll stay with you,… that ok” she tilted her head as she asked this question and worried that he would reject her but to her surprise all he did was nod and smile. So as the group went on there merry way Ryke woke up from his booze filled dream to notice that… he was still in the house and that they had left him so he shot out of the house and ran towards them and finally caught up an hour later “I cant believe you….booze!” Ryke said as Vincent handed him beer mid way threw his speech and they all laugh and continued to share stories and then they finally got back to Hrist shot into Vince’s house and jumped on the lower bunk of a bunk-bed and spot hopped on the top on and laughed with Hrist as Vincent walked in laughing a bit too “so this is were your gonna stay?” he said smiling like always, “yup” replied Hrist and Spot with a huge smile on their face then the two began to laugh again as Vincent went to cook dinner.

Years passed and the group staid together, Hrist eventually married Vincent and adopted spot as there legal son, Ryke open a still and had beer for the rest of his life which was his dream just to let you know, Hikari married her sweetheart named Barrett who was Vincent’s old war buddy Drake tried to get together with Kitty but failed many times so he declared he was her bodyguard till he died, Kitty started working at a hospital near Vincent's house were she cured people for free and eventually married her love whom was named Kevin a powerful and well known monk, and Dark continued his search for his purpose (which happened to be finding a girl with wings that he had a dream about finding and has been looking for, for around fifty years now) the rest is unknown but for the Geo-Hound’s and there friends but they did in fact live very happily in there little city named Midgard.

[edit] my story #2

One fine day there were all the gods and goddess in Olympus having fun and partying except Hera because Zeus cheated on her AGAIN! She was always sulking sadly in the back of the halls wandering around trying to think of ways to keep Zeus’s interest in her then she thought of something. She decided to make a woman who disliked those who hurt ones who love them, but the most beautiful person in all eternity her beauty must even surpass Aphrodite in beauty and she gathered all the goddess in Olympus and started to work on this perfect woman. It took many years and then she was finally created but someone caught wind of this creation and told Hades and then Hades attempted to steal her and turn her evil but he only managed to steal her voice. After some time of looking for it they figured it would take a hero to get it back so they looked far and wide for one worthy of going to Hell but only one would go.

He was a man who frightened death himself and took his place, he’s name was Dark Reaper, the only thing people in our age know him as and his friend Vincent Maahon. These two set out to accept there quest by going to Olympus to speak in person and as they were about three days into there journey Hermes met them and took them to meet the woman. When they got to Olympus the two heroes hopped off the carriage and looked up upon the huge gods and incredibly beautiful goddesses they realized, they were no longer in the human realm and it made them feel kind of at home .

They began walking toward Hera then she started waving franticly, the two men jumped behind a statue and watched eagerly at what was about to happen then out of nowhere Zeus came marching in with a thunderous roar. He began to harass Hera and her hand maidens, the two heroes could take just watching and started to run out but as they were in the open Hephaestus pulled them back behind the statue and told them not to leave. Hephaestus told the two that he was told of Hera’s plan at that he would help her for Hephaestus thought Zeus was out of control so he made each of them specific armor and weapons that would help them with there quest, which they still didn’t know what that was, and they accepted graciously to the gifts and put them on and armored up.

Dark and Vincent once again continued to find Hera's room, and finally found it. They peered inside to find Hera weeping on her bed as she was told she was cheated on again and Zeus was going to eave her for good this time. The two couldn’t understand why she would still WANT him but they just pushed on and went up to her and helped to stop her crying. When she finally finished she thanked the two and gave them both winged mounts to ride to the underworld, dragons for they were fearless and not controlled by anyone...but Hera. She FINALLY managed to start to talk about the quest when a knock on the door was heard…it was Calypso the queen of the Nymphs she was very beautiful and wise for she was what the new maiden was based off of and surpassed by. The two goddesses continued to talk to the two heroes and they finally knew what they had gotten into.

They had to go to hell and steal Nerine’s voice back (Nerine is the maiden). After much talk the maiden finally walked in, she was covered from head to toe in silk and high quality cloth so you can’t really see who she is but Vincent had fallen for her the instant she stepped in the room and began to announce how he would single handedly defeat Hades and all the Hellions to get her voice back at any cost, Dark on the other hand could care less who she was but wanted to help none the less.

Dark and Vincent had finally figured out what they had to do and were determined to do what they could and as soon as they were about to set off the maiden came up behind Vincent and hopped onto his dragon and before he could get her down it took off, the goddesses couldn’t keep her there so they told her that Vincent was pure and liked her so she should go with him to constantly motivate him. Little did the goddesses know this, but she seemed to have fallen for him when she walked in as well, and clung to Vincent tightly as they flew to the middle of the earth to the gates of hell.

As they began to venture into the gates they were met with the Cerberus that guards the gates to hell. It began to lift its three heads when Vince and Dark pulled Nerine behind a rock, Vince declared that he would fight the best alone and that Dark had to stay with Nerine. So full of confidence Vincent stepped out from behind the rock and as soon as he did this the beast bellowed out a fiery blast of air and jumped toward Vince, Vincent wasn’t wearing his armor and was only holding his Zanbato and stabbed it into the ground and hid behind it fore the sword was wider and taller then he was so it acted like a shield but as he was doing this he began to glow and his armor appeared on him.

As soon as the beast was done roaring fire Vincent stepped out in his flashy and sleek armor and pulled his 2 ton sword from the ground, it wasn’t even scathed by his fire and the too beasts ran at each other and collided. Vincent had swung at the beast but it caught it in its maw and they were now deadlocked and for such a huge beast it didn’t seem to be very heavy for Vincent swung it back into the gates and it broke them down and made the ground shake. “Dude….how freakin strong ARE you?!?” said Dark with surprise, Vincent just looked back and smiled. Now things got started, for now there were two Cerberus’ and they were honing in on Vincent.

For some reason Vincent didn’t seem very frightened… he actually seemed pretty happy and now he lunged towards the two beasts and sliced at one. The two beasts jumped at Vincent and dog piled on top of Vincent and all you could see is blood spray into the air and then no movement. Nerine had a very afraid look on her face but dark was still calm and patted her head and pointed at the pile. The two beasts started to move again but it was weird they weren’t moving the same a as they got up…they split in half and Vincent was standing in the center perfectly fine with his sword stuck in the ground from cutting the huge beasts. Nerine’s face filled with joy and she ran up and smiled at him and Dark followed soon after.

The group finally made there way into the bowels of hell and all they could see are tormented spirits and demons floating around…luckily all demons in the area were frightened away by the big mutt flying threw the door. So as they continued on they got to a flight of stairs leading down and they all looked at each other and again Vincent went first, at first it seemed fine but as it went further down it got colder and colder but only Nerine was suffering from this for she wore only cloth and the two men wore plate armor which is very hot. So Vincent took his shit off and handed it to her and that did just the trick and made her blush a bit too.

So they had finally gotten to the next floor when they were met by a pretty big demon that seemed to be set there just to block there path so Vincent stepped up yet again but this time Dark pushed him back and lead the demon into a huge room and stood at separate ends of the room and then Dark pulled his scythe out and began chanting, the demon was lazy and just stood there, and when Dark stopped chanting chunks of the ground blasted into the air and fire spewed forth from the craves and swallowed the demon in an inferno. The demon rives in pain and falls back but quickly gets up and swings at Dark who, just as he was about to get hit, summoned a wall of white fire which incinerated the demons hand and as he was about to fall back Dark jumped up and decapitated the demon before it even managed to hit the ground and landed just in front of Vincent and Nerine.

Vince and Nerine both looked at each other and had a somewhat shocked look an there faces and Dark but then they continued down the stairs and the manage to get past a few little demons without any problem but when they got to the second to last floor they were met with an enormous serpent-like beast in the room leading to the next set of stairs and this time it was aiming for Nerine since Hades told it to get her and run but Vincent didn’t agree and grabbed the snakes head and stopped it dead in its tracks an now the two were in an immense grapple!!! Neither the 6 foot human nor, the 6 story snake gave any ground and Dark went to chanting yet again. And as he began to stop spikes shot forth from the walls, roof, and floor and pierced the beast and left it pinned in the center of the room and the heroes just walked past it and into the next room and as they turned and went down the stairs an explosion could be heard and Vincent and Dark were both smiling, because the spikes were full of explosive gas and the beasts stomach acid made tem ignite.

The group had finally reached Hades’ main hall and all along the walls were huge demons and creatures they had previously fought and a look of fear shot across the two men’s faces for they were every beast they had killed together…in one room, a life time of battle and its backed into one room “…this will be hard” thought the two but then they started to smile for the entire trip they hadn’t even gotten a scratch on them and the two guarded the doorway for if they were alone it would be easy because they could go ballistic but they had to protect Nerine and get her voice which they could now see hanging from a wall chained up and strung out, it looked just like her bet sadder and pale and it seemed to be fading out of existence.

The heroes knew that they had to act fast to save it before it faded but they also had to save Nerine from there old rivals. So the tasks were split, Dark would save the voice and Vincent would guard Nerine, so now they knew there role and set off to accomplish this without dying. So Dark ran past the crowd of monsters and to were Hades was and began to chant while holding his scythe, but Vincent just stood there staring at the huge mob and pointed his Zanbato into the crowd but then he stabbed it into the ground in between him and Nerine so that it was lodged in the doorway, preventing anyone from getting in or out so he could fight without worry since all the demons in hell were already in the room and the other way was caved in from the previous explosion.

So now we began, Vincent now unarmed stood in his fighting stance and started to take out the demons as they came with little resistance but he had yet to get to his rivaled demons. Dark on the other hand was in mortal combat with Hades and neither were giving ground, being that they both were masters of fire and manipulated each others attacks. Dark had finally stopped chanting but nothing happened this time but as Vincent took out the last of the mini-demons, a pair of swords burst from the ground, Vincent smiled and got an incredibly evil look on his face, those were the twin blades of hell forged for Vincent many years before, there purpose was killing the demons that Hades had summoned, so now they were on equal ground. Vincent took the two swords in his hands and chains that were connected to the hilt wrapped up Vincent’s arms and merged with his armor. Dark was losing ground in the fight with Hades now because he summoned more demons to help him but he was still doing fine but the spirit wasn’t.

They both knew that this was going to be hard so Vincent decided to do something that he was told never to do…ever, but he had too he started spinning in place and soon he was spinning so fast that you only saw a blurry pillar then out of no where everything began to cut into pieces, he let go of the swords and the chain was around his arms so he became a whirling fan of death, but as he started spinning only a few of the rival demons died from it a few had died previously from it and jumped as he started spinning and knew how to fly others climbed the wall and others just took the hit and lived but it wasn’t done yet. As Vincent spun sparks began to cover his body and lightning began to shoot forth from around him and soon filled the room with jolts of black lightning and killed everything close to him, Vincent’s part was done and now he ran to help dark! As Vincent ran Hades had taken darks scythe and was about to slice Dark in half when Vince intercepted the hit by cleaving the blade off, grabbing it, spun around and jabbed it into the heart of Hades. As he did this the demons disappeared, the chains broke frame the voice and Hades disappeared from the room.

Dark and Vince quickly took the voice and ran to Nerine and Vince pulled out the sword and saw that she was crying, she thought they lost when it got quiet, they placed upon her, her voice and they infused making her even more beautiful than before and she didn’t notice that behind her were the heroes but as she could now hear herself crying she looked up at the room filled with ashes and blood and almost started to cry again when Vince wrapped his arms around her, she was freaking out at that point but then calmed when she realized who it was and then hugged him back…”get a room you two…one I’m not in” stated Dark and the group laughed together as they walked back up to the gates of hell they passed many spirits they knew and they prayed for each of them…but they noticed that all the spirits they prayed for were looking less tormented and more comfortable, one of Nerine's abilities was she could do things gods can, like bring the dead back or grant wishes, she answered Vincent’s and Darks wish to please there fallen friends and then they headed out and got back on their dragon and fly back to Olympus but when they got there they found that it was in chaos for Hades went there almost died and Zeus was furious, being his brother and all, so the two men jumped behind the statue, again, but Nerine was too slow and Zeus caught here and took her with him. Vincent was incredibly sad at the loss of Nerine for he really liked her and now vowed to take her with him and he set out to find Hera and the other goddesses.

When they finally found then they were hiding in Hera’s room in fear of Zeus and his minions so the arrival of the heroes pleased them greatly but there armor was almost completely destroyed and they were somewhat wounded and not fit to take on Zeus AND Hades along with other gods but little did they know there wounds were healing as they pondered why they remember Nerine can grant wishes and when they wished for something else Vincent’s arm underwent a drastic change for his right arm was already artificial and now was becoming adamantine, the strongest material in existence, and turned into a cannon arm fusion and dark as he wished had runes placed about his entire body and his eyes now glowing with an inferno and his body glowing from the fire inside set off to fight but they were stopped by Hephaestus and he greeted the two and then gave them new and improved armor, the best he had ever made and then they were told not to kill the gods but just defeat them they agreed and before Vincent left the room, Dark went ahead, he told everyone how he felt about the maiden and that there mission was a success and then ran from the room.

The heroes were now face to face with heaven and hells strongest and most powerful gods in the same room but they weren’t scared at all for they had a plan. Vincent decided to take Zeus alone and Dark took on Hades and there dragon mounts took care of the little minions of Hades the biggest battle of any of there lives were about to take place.

Vincent started to square off with Zeus and they both countered each others lightning but Vincent absorbed all the excess energy and after some time his arm started to faintly glow and now Zeus had acquired a trident from his brother and was stabbing at Vince but Vincent managed to dodge it, then Zeus walked directly up to Vincent, grabbed his head and threw him in the air and as Vincent was falling to the ground Zeus trusted the trident upward and into Vincent’s stomach and now our hero was searing in pain and losing consciousness but was determined to win so he kept swinging his sword at the now unarmed Zeus but right before he cleaved at him Zeus pulled the trident from his stomach and blocked the attack.

Dark was in a blaze of fire that was pouring out of his body and now was in a tornado of blue flame but so was Hades and the two towers of fire collided over and over again but Hades had set a trap and water shot from the ground and weaken Dark a bit too accidentally let his guard down and was consumed but the opposing fire and badly hurt in it but dark had a trap as well for when he was burn the runes on his body began to glow then they exploded into needles of fire and shot threw Hades leaving him bleeding on the floor but Dark had sustained serious injuries too and passed out on the ground next to the devil.

Now it was up to Vincent and only Vincent for his backup plan had just passed out and he was about too as well so he put his had on the wound and with a flash lightning shot threw him, he had blasted himself to cauterize to wound so it stopped bleeding but it knocked him to his knees and Zeus took the opportunity to smack Vince across the head sending him flying across the room and into a wall were he laid silent. All seemed lost when the two dragons passed around Vincent and then burst into Sakura’s(pink petals, they were summoned by Calypso the queen of the Nymphs, she foresaw this and made the dragons so if they were to lose they would burst into these petals and heal them) and it worked, Vincent got to his feet with new anger in his eyes for they had gone completely white and sparks could be seen shooting out of them as he ran and tackled Zeus across the room and launched HIM into the wall, that was the first major damage Vince had caused to Zeus and then he ran up to him and stuck his sword into Zeus’s gut but as he did that the sword began to melt and left a minor hole in Zeus and now they were both equally messed up.

The final bout had finally begun and the too stared each other down vigorously and then in a flash the two started hurling lightning at each other and completely destroying the room and it seemed only Zeus was only getting hurt and the more Vincent got hit the more his arm started to glow and then after about 12 hour of fighting his arm turned black and Vince started to smirk as he started to form a jolt of dark lightning in his hand and then hi pointed his cannon like arm at Zeus and fired a huge blast straight threw Zeus knocking him out against the wall. He didn’t get a fatal wound, he is a god after all but he won’t be moving a lot for a long time.

Hera burst forth from the doors and ran up to the unconscious Zeus and held him in her arms as he lie there. Vincent scratched his head and smirked a bit but then remembered why he did all this and as he turned around he was tackled by Nerine who was weeping and holding him for dear life and Vincent just smiled and patted her back “maybe this will teach that leach to stick with one woman!...doubt it” said Dark who walked up behind Vince and patted his back and helped him and the just now stopped crying Nerine to their feet. “Well it seems that our job is finally complete but what do we do with Nerine?” said Vince sadly, “well I guess you get to Keep her… as payment for not killing Zeus…or Hades” said the goddess together as they all walked into the room. “But” said interrupted “if you plan on marrying her there is another task you must complete…alone.” Vincent was confused but rushed and agreed to whatever it was. So he now had to go to Apollo and get a flower from the fortress in between his back and the earth and bring it back…for any mortal who would marry a goddess and plan on living with them forever must earn that title, although beating the two strongest gods wasn’t “good enough” he had to keep on proving for now she was jealous of how much Vincent cared for Nerine and Hera didn’t like that Zeus didn’t do the same for her so in doing this she hoped it was make Zeus realize what he is missing.

Vincent hoped on a new dragon that Calypso had summoned for the same reason as last time and went to Apollo to get a flower, not just any flower but the flower of immortality so he could live forever with Nerine and be forever happy. So he had finally came into view of the giant, he had to fly over many miles to get to the other side of the planet and almost didn’t make it because he was attacked by another dragon on the way, so he flew up to the fortress to find out there was flowers everywhere and only one patch of flowers were the right ones so he went inside to see that everything inside the fortress was dead or dying from something draining there life and Vincent thought it might be another enemy but it seemed as though it was stronger than Zeus and Vincent lost to him. But he shook off the fear and went deeper into the first of 10 floors and looked around all he saw were bones and rotting corpses but then when he saw a skeleton in armor he remembered that his was blown to pieces and his weapon was left behind so he striped the corpse and put on the armor and grabbed his weapon and ventured even deeper.

When he finally got to the stairs he noticed that they were busted in certain spots so as he climbed the stairs he walked on the outsides of them fearing that they might cave in but as he was moving up he kept getting a little light headed and lost his balance and dropped the weapon into a hole in the floor. Vincent peered down into the hole to see if he could see the weapon but as he did this the entire staircase caved and he fell to the ground below. A few minutes had gone by and Vince finally awoke from the shock of the fall, he got himself to his feet and began to look about the room for his fallen sword.

So as he searched the tunnel under the fortress he realized that its walls were made of bone and flesh so he thought “maybe, just maybe this is the spinal column of Apollo. He was right and when he ventured upward for about 2 hours he got to a door in which had writing in a language he could barely understand and walked into the room. There he saw a massive brain with waves of tubes jutting forth from it into many different holes and light coming out of those holes but as he looked around more he noticed two huge eyes looking outward into the world but there was something weird, as he got closer to them the image in them began to change. He was now looking at a patch of pink and white flowers with hundreds of petals upon them but in the background was a dragon fiercer than anything he had ever seen. He ran back to the cave in and low and behold he saw the sword in the ground but it wasn’t the same… it was now larger and black with bandage wrap surrounding its blade but he payed no mind to this and started to climb the wall which was easier than you would think seeing as how chunks of the wall were ripped out and he now had grips to climb up. When he finally got to the top he jumped to the unbroken ledge of stairs and continued to the second room. In this room there were many more bodies but they weren’t there because they had simply died, there bodies were mangled and destroyed. Vince put up his guard and as he did this some raptor like monsters emerged from the darkness of the halls and began to pace around Vincent.

Vincent knew that if he messed up even once that it could mean his life. These weren’t just gods on a power trip but starved mega-hunters and would take his life as soon as they could. So he decided to make the first move by cleaving one of the beast’s tails off for he had aimed for the head but it jumped as he swung. One of the raptors saw opportunity in this attack and jumped upon Vincent’s back and dug its teeth into his shoulder but to its surprise it shattered his teeth sending it riving in pain and running away. The other beasts’ were surprised and frightened by this and Vince used there hesitation to cut one of them clear in half sending both sides of it to split and fall to the ground. And a few of them began to run away but he caught there tails and threw them into a spiked wall pinning them in the air and leaving them to die. Now only Vincent and the alpha male were left and this sucker was huge.

The two beasts stared each other down and Vincent swung at the raptor but it dodged and bit Vincent’s right arm but to the raptors surprise some of his teeth cracked and it jumped back. And Vincent now with holes in his armor took it off and now all he had on was his cape, shirt, scarf and his boots and gloves, and of coarse his new found sword. Now the table was set and Vince had to quickly take out this monster for he had 8 more floors to get too and only two says to do it. So Vincent charged at the raptor and caught it in the neck sending it into the wall but not before the raptor clawed Vincent in the back, then he stopped sending into the spiked wall and then to make it worse he swung his mighty sword and cleaved the beasts head off and then he began to walk again.

He got to the third story stairs and looked in and saw nothing abnormal and just walked up, and after he turned into the third floor hallway the stairs collapsed behind him and Vincent just kept on going and this time there was no bodies just lots and lots of ashes. And then Vincent saw it, from a hole in the wall he saw the dragon in the flower room flying around attacking the dragon Vincent fly in with and almost kill it but it fly to far and the huge dragon came back. Vincent ran threw the third floor but stopped as he saw the raptor shaking in a corner of the scorched room and Vincent went up to it and pointed his hand at it and the raptor shrunk down in fear for it had seen what he did to the alpha and now feared him. Vincent could see the fear in its eyes and got up and walked away and then he noticed it was following him around but not trying to get revenge, it thought he was there new leader for killing there Alpha and was now loyal to him.

Vincent kept noticing that as he went up the floors there were more and more raptors following him. He had finally reached the seventh floor and the smell of blood was horrendous. There were corpses everywhere and the pictures on the walls were getting more and more gruesome. He continued his way up to the ninth floor and now there was an entire pack of raptors behind him and they were walking along side him too. As he walked into the hallway of the ninth floor a look of shock spread on Vincent’s face as for the room was…….solid gold and incredibly clean and majestic and Vincent was confused as to how it went from horrid to beautiful but he didn’t really seem to mind and continued on in the rooms and found the final staircase. Vincent began his assent and when he got to the top and opened the door all he saw was the sky for the side of the building was blown out by the dragon and it was a really big hole.

As Vincent explored the room for signs of the dragon the door closed behind the raptors and the dragon fly into the hole landing on one of the weaker raptors and bite its head off and eat it and then all the raptors fled to the other side of the room for he was way out of there league but Vincent stood proud in the presence of the mighty beast and drew his sword from his back and pointed it toward the dragon and the dragon knew the sword, it belong to the man who sealed it there a long time ago and left it there incase someone needed a weapon to slay or repel the dragon, and it came in hand.

The dragon lunged itself at Vincent and got him in the right arm, why do they always go for the fake one, but Vincent grabbed his lower jaw and threw it forward but then he kicked up the dragons leg sending flying onto its back and into a wall which broke when he did this.

The dragon struggled to get up, due to the fact that the raptors had jumped on him and starter tearing at his belly leaving gouges in his chest, but he eventually got back up and started spewing fire everywhere. Vincent was used to heat from visiting hell and wasn’t hurt much by the fire and the raptors had adapted from years of living in the desert. So Vince once again charged in and jumped onto the dragon’s back, whose name is Rathalos, and stabbed into its shoulder, when he did this Rath flailed around and launched Vincent face first into a wall and messed him up quiet a bit but he got right back up and swung his sword which smacked Rath across the face knocking it senseless. Rath was on the verge of flying up when the raptors all jumped onto his wings and tore wholes it so it couldn’t catch any air and Rath began to run a rampage in the room ripping a few raptors in half as he did then turned his sights onto Vincent who got on guard as he charged again and as he was about to get bitten he swung low and cuts straight threw Rathalos’s legs sending it flying out of the hole and down around 100 stories but before it made its trip it clawed Vincent with it’s wing and smacked him into a wall with it’s tail and the raptors were amazed at how he managed to win this bout and laid next to him till he woke up, which was a day later.

He finally awoke when he remembered that he needed to grab the flower and only had 1 minute left to do this. He scrambled around to find it but he couldn’t but when he turned around he saw a door, ran inside, and low and behold he found them. Vince ran up and grabbed around 4 flowers and ran back down to the first floor and remembered…his ride was chased away and he had to walk all the way back to Olympus but as he made the trek down Apollo’s back he saw the raptors still following him. He felt kind of bad that he killed there leader and didn’t know if he could keep them, but being the kind hearted sap he is decided they could come. Since he let them one of the raptors when up and lay next to Vince like he wanted Vince to ride him, he got on and about four seconds later he was down on the earth again.

As Vince rode on his new found pets he passed many places and traveled threw many beautiful locations but one area hit him hard, it was his hometown and it was destroyed by some unknown force, which turned out to be the dragon he had killed, so he went door to door offering assistance to anyone he could but as he was midway into restoring the town an image of Nerine’s beautiful face shot threw his mind and he could no longer focus and apologized and went on his way but there was a problem…“raptors cant swim an ocean” thought Vincent and as they reached the beach they saw a huge boat with Hephaestus waiting in the front waving at the pack and as they all got on board Dark popped out from around the corner and shook Vincent's hand “I’m proud of you man…you killed the dragon and got the girl, way to go” “I saw this was a pretty good week if you ask me” said them both and Vincent went about feeding all his raptor. “So what do you plan on doing with all those over grown lizards?” questioned Dark “bodyguards for Nerine” said Vincent with a smile on his bloody face, he was still wounded really bad from the constant fighting and as he said that he collapsed and didn’t wake up again until they had reached Olympus. But before they got there he handed a flower to the biggest and best male and female raptor making them immortal and now he had three more and handed one to dark who didn’t eat it but kept it anyway.

The party went up into Hera’s room and Vincent barged in proudly and smiled at Nerine who ran up and almost tackled him with a hug but the goddesses grabbed her and pulled her back. “So you lived?!?!” shouted Hera with a very surprised look on her face. “Was I not supposed to?” remarked Vincent playfully. “NO YOU WERE NOT, you were supposed to lose, no one can love as much as you too do. My Zeus doesn’t even look at me anymore!!!” Hera said enraged and crying, but unknowing to Hera, Zeus was watching the entire moment since Vincent beat him and he walked in. “Hera!” shouted Zeus “…..” “I’m so sorry for how I treated you…those two made me understand that and I want to make it up to you!” Zeus said with a sincere look on his face. Hear burst into tears and hugged Zeus and then Nerine was released and jumped into Vincent's arms. Later that month the to got married and moved into Vincent's hometown with dark and there raptor pack who became guard’s to the town ant the two immortal ones became there leaders, Dark gave the flower to a dying girl which he had love since she was born and it made her young, beautiful, and healthy again and the two also got married, Dark was already everlasting and didn’t need the flower. Hera and Zeus never fought ever again, well not until the war but that’s a different story for a different time. Now to continue from were we left off...Vincent moved into his old house, which was one of the only ones to not be destroyed, and had a boy and a girl with Nerine, the boys name is Rin, and the girls name is Sakura. Dark didn’t have a kid yet but they have one on the way, it’s a girl there going to name Calypso but dark will call her Caly for short and as for the raptor the alpha raptors evolved into dragons like Rathalos but were still good, they evolved from the flower that had his blood on it. And the rest of the pack slowly changed and continued to guard the town and the town became very prosperous and they live very happily forever. Dark reaper6789 20:55, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] backgrounds on my characters

Ok now for a little history…

Vincent’s past goes like this…

He was born as a peace treaty of the gods and demons, his father was the leader of demons and his mother was the ruler of heaven and he was raised but the king of kings at the time. But when he turned 3 the king was murdered and Vincent was abducted by a band of thieves whom sold him to a slave family in Midgard. The family already had a son and his name was Barrett and he was the same age. Now Vincent and Barrett got along wonderfully and they grew very fast but one day when the family went on vacation, Vincent stayed to guard the house, a man named Dr. Splice kidnapped Vincent and when he did some tests Vincent’s demon awoke and destroyed the town which took 2 years to rebuild, no one was killed miraculously and they forgave Vincent when he explained what was done to him. He usually makes weapons and armor in his free time and enjoys testing them out. He enjoys fighting opponents much larger than himself and winning.

Now for a little of Hikari’s past…

Hikari was a little girl in the forest of Amazonia but she was no normal little girl. She was very beautiful and matured at a very young age, considering she looked 20 at age 11, and became the princess of Amazonia and heir to the throne but as she turned 12 her 5 year old sister was captured and Hikari pursued the kidnappers but it took her 6 years to get her sister back with the help of Vincent and Barrett, Barrett saved her life on many occasions at the risk of his own and because of this half of his body is synthetic. She later marries Barrett long after her sister dies at the hands of her kidnapper whom Vincent fights for many reasons.

Barrett’s history is as follows…

Barrett was an only child but had an adopted brother who was none other than Vincent. Barrett had a huge fascination with technology and became addicted to learning more about how things worked, he made Vincent’s fake arm along with his own, he also became a world renowned military inventor and he joined the army because of this, were he was reunited with Vincent, who joined the army to help prevent people from needless killing, which he was very good at, and they got stranded on a boat when the island they were fighting on sank due to Vincent’s demon arising yet again and they became the leaders of the Geo-Hounds.

Spot’s history is like this…

Spot is a dragon that has controls the wind and air around him. But most of the time he is in the form of a small eight year old boy. He was saved by Vincent when a dragon wanted to eat spot for breakfast but Vincent killed it. After spot hatched Vincent adopted him almost right away and then Barrett join the two. Shortly after that Vincent made Asgard, his hotel that they currently live in, spot is spokes person and mascot for this inn. Later on a girl named Rin falls in love with spots older form, which is named Spike and they date for a very long time but Spot’s older sister constantly fights for his attention and often chases spot with a pike hammer and hits him over the head. After a very long time he eventually helps Vincent fight in Ragnarok against the faceless (faceless are, huge featureless dragons).

Here is the history of Kevin the monk…

Kevin is a monk from the western continent, he is best friends with the mystery man Ryke, and he is the only one who knows about Ryke’s, they lived together fighting injustice and keeping the peace. Ok now for the story behind him becoming a monk. In Kevin’s city it was a custom that new monks would be sent into hell for a day to test there holy skills and it also helps evaluate the new monks and see what they should do. Kevin did especially well at this task for there was another reason…what ever rank of demon and devil you see you will be able to over come it when you make it back, for example if you saw a lesser demon you can easily kill one, but Kevin’s time was fated and as he was sent into hell Hel herself summoned all the demons and devils into one room for a talk and Kevin followed so he now has the ability to slay every demon on the planet except for a few in which do not have to listen to Hel.

Well it’s about time to shed some light on Ryke…

Ryke is one of the demons mentioned above, ones who are so strong they done need to listen to Hel. In fact he is thee strongest demon in existence but there is a trait to demons that Ryke is trying to accomplish and that is Darkined, that is when a demon takes a humans form and after staying hidden in that form it becomes impossible to be known as a demon, and you usually lose the ability to change back, but Ryke still has all his powers and can change back but is undetectable. Ryke is so strong in fact that he is the Demon that signed the peace treaty between the three races which means he is one of Vincent’s Founding Fathers, he helped make him and now he watches over him. Ryke is constantly drinking, demons can’t get drunk so I don’t see why, and he pretends to be a drunken ninja that never fights but he is just trying to take the attention off of himself and onto more important things. There is only one demon that can match Ryke’s power and he is Valfore, who was sealed inside of Vincent along with an archangel.

Dark’s turn for a history lesson…

Dark was once a very famous dragon slayer who one day decided to challenge Bahamut to a fight but his best friend, whom he loved. She was a girl who worked with him and was captured by Bahamut and as punishment he gave her wings and sentenced her to fly the skies for an eternity, or until Dark managed to find her and set her free. So as Dark began to search for her he found her at one point and almost set her free when he was attacked by a horde of dragons whom families he had killed before and had to take them out first. It took a tremendous amount of time for him to do this and he had lost her again, but there was something else that had happened. Dark had absorbed the souls of the dragons he had killed and now he had the power of fire and mass regeneration, not only that but he had become a dragoon that had the skin strength of a dragon along with the power of one. With his new found power he flew around the world many time in search for the girl with wings as he called her for when he transformed he forgot her name and about his past and since he was now everlasting all who knew him had died from old age. It was a long journey but one day when he was looking he was swatted out of the sky by a huge dragon, it was Bahamut, and it sent him hurling down to the ground and when he hit the floor his wing bones shattered and he wandered around looking for anyone who could help him, guess who he found, he saw Vincent fighting one of the Scarrs, Scarrs are tremendously powerful dragons that are tied to a specific element and this one was tied to ice, whom after he was defeated by Vincent aided him and was named Blizzard. After witnessing the battle Dark walked up to Vincent and declared that he would now help him if Vince agreed to help him find the girl with wings, of coarse Vincent agreed. After Ragnarok Dark found the girl and Vincent aided him in setting her free. After he did this they soon got married.

It is now Drake’s turn to be evaluated…

Drake was an experiment in between a Fury dragon and Dr. Splice. He took his genes and put them in her. Drake was born shortly after the experiment and was raised by his mother because the doctor thought the experiment was a waste of time. After a few years Drake looked like an ordinary 6 foot man but had the ability to change into his beastly Dragon form when ho so chose. When he did choose to change he grew to double his normal size and plates of bone covered his body and he became many, many times stronger than before but in this form he had to eat a lot to keep his strength up, Vincent had eating competitions with him, when Dr. Splice found that Drake was so strong he killed his mother and went to find him but when he did Drake knew it was him who ended his mothers life and attacked him. Dr. Splice had only one choice and that was to separate the Fury dragon and the Human in him but when he did this there was an unexpected error for Vincent went to aid Drake and got hit as well and when the diffusion complete there were four figures in the mist. One was a huge 6 foot wolf, one was a 12 foot plate covered Fury dragon, plates refer to huge sheets of armor or bone, and another was a man with marks up his left side of his body with long red hair and a vicious look in his eyes, and the last was a normal Vincent, who almost had his demon and angel ripped out of him. The new figure was Drake’s human side but it wasn’t normal, he still had the same strength as he did before but now he was much, much lighter and that allowed him to move at tremendous speeds and they quickly defeated the doctor and sent him packing. Dark uses his new found speed quiet a lot and him and Vincent often fight to see who is stronger, the 6ft wolf came out of Vincent instead of the demon and archangel. Drake aided Vincent in Ragnarok by defending the inn with him and helping in the defeat Evion.

Dark reaper6789 16:58, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] My version of Jason and the Argonauts

It was night out and the winds were strong, there wasn’t anyone in sight of the home in which our character lives. This was because it was time for the country to pick there new king and they were partying, you can probably tell they didn’t like him very much…and you would be right, the celebration lasted all day and night but our hero wasn’t too interested, his father was the last king and he was supposed to rule after him but the new king ran them out of town. Yes I know…our hero doesn’t seem like a normal hero but he has some serious help, his friends are great heroes and know what there doing.

The celebration ended around midnight and the streets were now quiet. Our hero had finally gotten to sleep when an alarm sounded. He sprung forth from his bed and put his clothes on, ran out the house and as soon as he opened the door he saw a huge fire. Someone from the party forgot to put out the bonfire and it had exploded and burnt down the faire. Our hero sighed a little bit and went back to bed for he thought it was another space raid trying to kill the townsfolk again. After about six or seven hours our hero woke up again and like a sloth wondered around his house getting ready for his day. About another hour passed by until his friends Vincent and Dark, his name was Grim but everyone called him Dark, walked threw the door “your not ready yet, god you’re a bum” said Vincent with a disappointed look on his face.

Dark looked out the window as the two friends sat around our hero’s house and made him get ready, because they were going on a mission. They were going to reclaim the throne from the current king so he couldn’t ruin anymore lives. Despite how brave or strong they were they couldn’t do it alone. So this leads to why they were getting ready and what they were going to do. Which was they were going to recruit some help from anyone who wanted to come. So after about 4 hours of nonsense they finally got to there meeting spot, which was in the shopping district. They sat around there for about another hour before there first appointment arrived. “I presume you are…Hercules?” “It’s an honor to have you aboard sir!” said Vincent along with our hero. “Honor to be here” replied Herk. So Herk and Dark went to talk about the mission together when there next appointment got there…as this appointment got into view, Vincent hid behind a wall with a scarlet blush on his face. As he did this, our hero began to laugh a bit and then he welcomed the new guest. Her name was Jill but she said to call her Rose because she always had one in her hair. The two talked for about a half hour before Vincent manned up and came out of hiding but when he saw Rose’s face he looked down at his feet trying not to get too embarrassed. Rose tilted her head a little bit “what’s wrong?” she asked. “Oh don’t mind him he is a bit shy…well he is really” before our hero could finish what he was saying Vincent hit him over the head and he started laughing. Vincent sat back down in his chair and didn’t do much while Rose was around. A little bit of time passed and Herk and Dark returned and joined the group there were about three more people, not including Rose, there was Evion, a psychic who loves to travel, there was Spike, a hot head who controls the wind, and there was Hera who was able to charm even the meanest of creatures, she proves that later on, and Rose who was good with her whip and her voice could motivate the dead to live again, as a figure of speaking.

That was it for the first day and the newly founded group went back to our hero’s apartment which was fairly big for three people living in it but was getting less roomy with all the new help arriving, there were now, our hero, Vincent, Dark, Herk, Rose, Evion, Hera, and Spike. But there was enough room for about five more people to stay but that was held till tomorrow. As our new heroes slept, Vincent guarded the door incase there was another raid, there was a war going on against the king and people involved were executed in public. As Vincent began to dose off there was a crackling in the background and he shot awake, you really can tell because he is blind and has his eyes covered with cloth, and he laid as if he were still asleep and as he suspected there were two men approaching the front door, why the front I don’t know but they did, and as the walked up and poked Vincent to see if he was awake he didn’t move a muscle. The two shady figures tried to open the front door but to no success as it was locked and when they turned to get the keys off of the sleeping body, he was gone. They both looked back at the door but little did they know Vincent was directly behind them and put his hands just behind there heads and slammed them into the steel door knocking them out instantly then he threw the KO’d bodies down the cliff they climbed up to get there, lets just say they never went back to the house.

It was morning and our hero walked out the door to see Vincent just sitting there watching some birds sing. “I love having a blind insomniac that can see people for a body guard…no one ever see’s it coming” our hero said proudly with a smirk on his face then Vincent got up and went to go eat when there was a visitor. It was a late appointment from yesterday whose name was Drake, a man who was fast with his mind and faster with his feet; he could move and think really fast! So our hero invited him inside and told him and the others about his mission to regain the throne and uncrown the king! The group ate and laughed together when the original three set off to the new meeting spot, it couldn’t be the same spot or the king would find out and raid it.

When they arrived at the Harbor a man and a woman appeared it was there new appointment, there names were Nerine and Rin, they were brother and sister who chose to help out, Rin could control light forces and Nerine could control dark ones. When Dark saw Nerine he had a strange feeling in his chest, he liked her, and tried to keep his mind off it, he was usually a hard case and didn’t like showing his feelings. Vincent also hid a little bit because Nerine was more beautiful than water nymphs, which were to be the most beautiful creatures on the planet. Our hero noticed right away that they were acting strangely and laughed again. The next person to show was also a woman whose looks rivaled Nerine’s. Her name was Aerith but she like being called Aeris. Her power was that she could invoke the gods power threw prayer and get them almost 100% of the time; she used holy magic to heal people as well. The last person to show up for that day was a man named Ryu, he was a skilled assassin who had some hidden special ability that he vaguely explained to them. The new formed members headed to the apartment to join the others when they were stopped by a man running after them, it was Nauplius a very famous navigator whom helped map the stars. A few months passed and there were about fifty or so members read to sail on the ship with our hero “oh by the way captain…what is your name” asked Herk to our hero. Our hero turned and smiled as he said “my name is Jason.” Here is a list of most of the people on the ship: 1. Acastus, son of King Pelias 2. Actor, son of Deion the Phocian 3. Admetus, prince of Pherae 4. Amphiaraus, the Argive seer 5. Great Ancaeus, of Tegea, in Arcadia 6. Little Ancaeus, the Lelegian of Samos 7. Argos the Thespian, builder of the Argo 8. Ascalaphus the Orchomenan, son of Ares 9. Asterius, son of Cometes, a Pelopian 10. Atalanta of Calydon, the virgin huntress 11. Augias, son of King Phorbas of Elis 12. Butes of Athens, the bee-master 13. Caeneus the Lapith, who had once been a woman 14. Calais, the winged son of Boreas 15. Canthus the Euboea 16. Castor, the Spartan wrestler, one of the Discord 17. Cepheus, son of Aleus the Arcadian 18. Coronus the Lapith, of Gyrton in Thessaly 19. Echion, son of Hermes, the herald 20. Erginus of Miletus 21. Euphemus of Taenarum, the swimmer 22. Euryalus, son of Mecisteus, one of the Epigoni 23. Eurydamas the Dolopian, from Lake Xynias 24. Heracles of Tiryns, the strongest man who ever lived, now a god 25. Hylas the Dryopian, squire to Heracles 26. Idas, son of Aphareus of Messene 27. Idmon the Argive, Apollo's son 28. Iphiclus, son of Thestius the Aetolian 29. Iphitus , the ruler of Phocis 30. Jason, the captain of the expedition 31. Laertes, son of Arceisius the Argive 32. Lynceus, the look-out man, brother to Idas 33. Melampus of Pylus, son of Poseidon 34. Meleager of Calydon 35. Mopsus the Lapith 36. Nauplius the Argive, son of Poseidon, a noted navigator 37. Oileus the Locrian, father of Ajax 38. Orpheus, the Thracian poet 39. Palaemon , son of Hephaestus, an Aetolian 40. Peleus the Myrmidon 41. Peneleos, son of Hippalcimus, the Boeotian 42. Periclymenus of Pylus, the shape-shifting son of Poseidon 43. Phalerus, the Athenian archer 44. Phanus, the Cretan son of Dionysus 45. Poeas, son of Thaumacus the Magnesian 46. Polydeuces, the Spartan boxer, one of the Discord 47. Polyphemus, son of Elatus, the Arcadian 48. Staphylus, son of Dionysus 49. Tiphys, the helmsman, of Boeotian Siphae 50. Zetes, brother of Calais. 51. Nerine, daughter of Odin 52. Rin, son of Odin 53. Spike, son of a wind god and god of storm 54. Evion, an outcast from the land of giants 55. Vincent, friend to many of the gods 56. Dark, he is a descendant of the Grim Reaper 57. Hera, a woman who happened to be a god herself 58. Aeris, a wondering beauty looking for her purpose 59. Rose, a woman looking to do something with her life other than singing.

So our hero once again woke up and eats his breakfast. He joined the rest of our group which had gone from three people to fifty six people. It was as crowded as ever but they were making it work somehow. “We leave in a month so if any of you have anything you want to do before we leave, you best do it now!” said Vincent in a serious tone. “You don’t want anything left undone…incase you don’t come back” replied Dark. The crowd had a distressed look on there face, a few of them raised there hands and said they would like to do different things and the others aided them in there cause. After the month was over, everyone had succeeded in completing there final request and were ready to set sail. It was a very dark and windy morning and the heroes were in a bit of a problem. You see that a shuttle can fly in bad weather, so they tried to figure out what was wrong, for you see this was no normal bad weather but was generated by some unknown force but unknown to the team, one of there members could control weather and the clouds disappeared and the sun poked threw the sky. All the Argonauts celebrated the sudden and mysterious miracle and boarded the ship and as Spike went aboard the Argo Vincent and Dark patted him on the back.

Most of the Argonauts were surprised at the ship they were in, they thought it was overseas but it was to a different planet. You see the Argo wasn’t a ship but a space cruiser that was made from many of his family’s best ships so it was relatively tough. The king was furious that his weather generator wasn’t working as well as the brochure said it would and he sent an army after the Argo and crew. The Argo was a very big and fast ship, not to mention beautiful. The crew was very pleased with how spacious there ship was and how easy it was to clean and maneuver. There were many planets they passed by but after about twenty planets, the kings army caught up.

The Anti-Argo was hot on the Argos’ tail and was barely able to dodge most of there shots but after a while they were finally hit. The Argo crash landed on a vast tropical rainforest planet and it was so beautiful some felt at home right when they crashed. Half of the crew decided to work on fixing the ship while the other manned the unmanned posts such as radar incase the Anti-Argo found them. Although a select few decided to search the planet for food or people. The search party consisted of Vincent, Spike, Evion, Aeris, and Jason. The search team looked around the ship and then went deeper into the forest towards a weird musical noise. It was drums beating, and when they reached a clearing, they saw a group of beautiful women who were gathering around a fire. They looked as if they were going to raid something then it hit them. They were going to attack there ship, so, being the hot head he is, Vincent ran out to confront them but Aeris pulled him down but they noticed the bushes rustling, and just before they saw Aeris, Vincent pulled her down and stood himself. The women quickly called him out and he did as he was told, he was soon tied up and carried off and the others were also caught besides Aeris who was put in a tree by Evion with his psychic powers.

After about ten minutes Aeris jumped from the tree and stealthily tiptoed up to one of the huts and looked inside. She saw was a gorgeous house with amazing craftsmanship and detail but she wasn’t there to sight see but to rescue her friends. She did however notice some of the clothes that the women were wearing, if you could call them clothes, so she put them on and perused the group again. It took about ten minutes but she finally got the group in her sights, she wasn’t being very sneaky but no one noticed she was an imposter. Aeris had joined the back of the group of amazons and was making her way forward. Meanwhile Vincent, Jason and the others were all now being put up and a huge wall surrounded by spikes and fire Aeris quickly joined the front of the ranks to see what was going on but a person she bumped into had noticed she had strange undergarments on and then noticed she was a new face, she had bumped into the chief of the city. The towns people were all yelling “let them burn” and “there evil, banish them” stuff like that. But Aeris pleaded to have them released from there doom and returned to her. Everyone got quiet as her heavenly voice echoed throughout the people with her pleading wish.

The chief turned towards Aeris and then looked up at a picture of the god Aphrodite, which Aeris looked stunningly alike too, and bowed down to her. The men were released and rejoined Aeris but when they got closer to her she was guarded by some amazons. “You can’t defile our god you heathens” they amazons shouted as they pointed the spears to the guys. They quickly grabbed Aeris and took her into a hut leaving Jason and the others surrounded “out of the oven and into the freezer I guess” said Evion as he smirked a bit and formed a little circle inside there own ranks so they couldn’t get ambushed. Aeris was struggling to get free but they had chained her up and disrobed her and left here there to join there friends. By the time the amazons had fully surrounded our heroes Evion had lifted them up into a tree top city were they hid from the people for a while.

Jason and the other guys had finally found the men of the group and walked up to the biggest one. “Why are you all up here? Why aren’t you down there with the women?” asked Jason. “Were not wanted by those kinds of women, there headstrong and manly, we like it better up here” Said one of the smaller people. “Were safe from persecution up here. Oh by the way, were you from?” said a taller thin one. “Really? But your men. Shouldn’t you be down there and the women up here?” asked Jason again “your right, but they have the gods on there side” said the biggest one. “Well they kidnapped our friend and we need her back, oh and by the way, were sons of the gods so it seems were on your side” said Vincent proudly. “Whatcha say we get this party started!” said Spike.

After a few minutes the men had armored up and gotten there fighting spirit back. The group of men headed down to get Aeris and there dignity back but while this was happening Aeris had a visitor. She was the most gorgeous looking girl in the group of women Aeris had seen before but she wasn’t anywhere as mean, she had very long dark blonde hair and green eyes, had a small nose and tanned skin. Aeris smiled and asked what she was there for and as the other girl stood up she unlocked Aeris and ran with her threw the back “I have no time to explain but your friends have done something very brave and very foolish, they have gotten the other men and rallied to free you” said the mysterious woman. “What is your name?” asked Aeris. The mystery girl looked back at Aeris and smiled innocently at her “I’m Iris, its nice to meet you.”

Back to the guys, Jason was leading the group of men to meet them women and as they confronted the chief walked out. “Why are you here, BE GONE!!! You are not welcome here and shall be banished for these acts against us” exclaimed there Chief. “Dude lighten up man, we came to take our friend back, by any means necessary” said Jason. “I challenge your strongest member to a series of challenges, if you win you keep the girl and we are banished and what ever else ya’ll want” said Vincent with a cocky tone. “Very well, if we win we get to do what ever we want to you and if you win we will respect what ever it is you want” said the chief.

Vincent was pitted up against a very, very, very big woman and was challenged to a strength test. Evion was pitted up against a very small and wise looking girl and had the task of making the other laugh. Spike was challenged by the chief of the Amazons to an arm wrestling competition. And Jason had to wrestle a normal looking woman. “Let us begin” said the two opposing factions it was Vincent’s turn to compete and he stood in front of the enormous woman “hi there” said Vince when he grabbed her hand and shook it. She had a confused look on her face because people were usually afraid of her. There task was to see who could chop the most wood, and as we all know how good Vincent is with a sword the winner of this competition is quiet obvious, so the two began chopping and Vincent went into hyper mode and hacked at the wood like a mad man and finished in half the time as his opponent did “well that was easy” Vincent said as he walked off. And now it was Evion’s turn. He had to make a little girl laugh, how hard could it be, other than she had no soul, so they started and she started tickling Evion and almost made him laugh but while she was doing this Evion dove into her mind and found her soul in a corner chained up and he released it from its prison and immediately the girls color went from pail to blush as Evion poked her side and sent her riving in laughter, Evion continued to tickler her even after the competition was over and they played for a bit, everyone was shocked at how they were all winning but when it got to Jason’s turn that changed. Jason had a unique challenge. He had to resist the woman. She was pretty cute and Jason seemed to like her and when she started making advances on Jason he didn’t know what to do and just before he “jumped” on her Evion clouded his mind and he barely won the challenge. Spike won his challenge very fast and the town’s people went to free Aeris but she was gone.

Vincent told the amazons that since they won they needed to treat the men as equals and not imprison them, and they had to help fix there ship. So Jason and the others went to search for Aeris but when the noticed the back door open they gave chase. Now back to Aeris. Aeris and Iris had finally stopped running and were at a very small shelter. “I’m glad we got to you in time, my goddess” said Iris. “Goddess? Heavens no, I'm a normal girl, like you” said Aeris with a smile on her face. A crowd had now gathered around Aeris and Iris, and Iris greeted them all, shortly after the situation was explained by Aeris. So Iris, growing fond of Aeris, decided to reunite her with her friends but when she said it they appeared from out of the trees and Aeris ran up and greeted all of them “I'm so happy to see you all again, I thought you were going to dye!!!” Aeris cried out. “Nah we were pretending to be captured” exclaimed Evion. “Do you really think that we would get killed that easily?” asked Vincent. “I guess not” said Aeris while wiping away her tears.

The search party had finally been reunited and was once again, but now they were being pursued by an unknown element. There was an evil aura hiding in the forest at it was heading towards Aeris. The trees were quaking with the approach of the unseen monster. Its roar could now be heard and everyone was now on guard. “Get back everybody!!” shouted Evion. The men in the group formed a wall and as the women backed away into a hut a huge stone colored lion with an onyx main leaped from the forest and landed with a crash in front of Jason. Jason jumped backwards to get away from the terrifying beast and he hid behind Evion. Vincent being a total hot-head ran up and tried to pin the lion down, he punched the mighty lion in the nose and all it did was make it twitch. “I don’t think hitting it will work, can you two hold it down?” asked Spike. So they now had a plan but before any of them could get a hold of the beast it leaped toward the tent the girls were in and right before it landed on it Evion used his telekinetic powers to uppercut the lion to make it land on its back just next to the tent then Vincent grabbed its tail and dragged it away (if you could fuse a lion, an elephant and a rhino you would get this creature, its HUGE). So Vincent started to spin the beast when it smacked into a tree then threw it into the forest again. “Why did you throw it, now he can ambush us” shouted Spike. “No it can’t” said Evion as he lifted his hands the Lion floated out from above the trees then fell to the ground in front of the heroes. The Lion leaped toward Vincent and sunk its teeth into his arm and Vincent wailed a bit before getting the lion in a head lock and started chocking it while his arm was still being torn. “You son of a…!” Vincent yelled as he strangled the lion. Evion used his powers to hold the lions arms on the ground and Spike used his powers to remove the existing air from the lions lungs but just before the lion passed out Aeris ran out from the tent and shouted “Don’t kill it, it was just trying to survive!” Aerith ran up and hugged the giant cat and the rage left its eyes. Iris also ran out of the tent and stood beside Aeris.

After a few hours later the lion finally woke up and it started to shake a bit as it saw Vincent and the others but when Aeris crossed his eyes he calmed down again and she went back to helping it recover. The lion had finally fully recovered and was about to leave when a few more lionesses walked out of the forest and tried to attack the town but the lion got in there way and got himself injured again. Vincent and the others managed to scare away the lionesses and tried to help the lion again. Unfortunately the medical supplies at the small camp weren’t enough to help the lion so they decided to take it to the shuttle.

After some serious mending the lion was as good as new with a few bandages, but when they tried to let it leave it just laid near the exit near Aeris. “Looks like we have one more crew mate” said Jason as one of the members told Jason it was ok to take off. As they were about to launch there was a knock at the hanger. It was a group of very feminine Amazons and the chief “here is your reward for defeating us in battle, our best maids in Amazonia; they volunteered to cook and clean for you on your journey.” Explained there chief. So now they had about twenty or so new members and among this group of people was Iris. Iris was the leader of the maid group called “The Valkyries” Aeris was very happy to see Iris alright and well, and now apart of the crew they both ran up and hugged each other and then looked at the lion laying next to them “what should we call him?” asked Iris and Aeris at the same time. “I’ve got it! We will call him Leo Nemaeus, or Leo for short” said Aeris and everyone nodded

The newly formed crew “The Argo Valkyries” and there mascot Leo, continued on there adventure. They were headed to there first stop when they spotted the Anti-Argo on there radar and then they landed on a floating chunk of a planet that still had an Ozone layer on it ant a mini forest. They landed and shut everything off but the radar to watch incase they were spotted but only Vincent watched the radar. The other 76 members went and had a picnic on the planet. The Valkyries finally got there first assignment and it was to cook a grand meal for they entire crew including themselves and they accomplished this relatively fast. So the entire crew except Vincent had the best feast they have ever eaten. “By Zeus this is amazing!!!” exclaimed Aeris. “Why thank you” said Iris as she walked out with another serving of plates for the guests. The entire crew was merry with games and music but as this was going on Vincent noticed that there was a blip on there radar and without even hesitating Vincent ran to a ship that was docked inside the Argo and took off to intercept the shuttle that was sent after them.

The Juggernaut took off in a flash and shot past the ship that was looking for them. It was a smaller ship than was expected by he Anti-Argo’s judgment, the judgment was a five person shuttle while the Juggernaut was a one-man vessel, the two ships looked at each other and the shot off into different directions then they gave chase to each other. The judgment was shooting at the Juggernaut when Vincent realized that he had taken the only ship without a gun on it, it had grappling arms to grab enemy ships and tear into them, so he did a barrel roll and landed behind the Judgment then grabbed a hold of there main thruster but before he could do any real damage a missile slammed into the Juggernaut and destroyed one of the arms and sent Vincent hurdling into space. Vincent finally regained control when the Judgment came right in front of him and opened fire but to both of there surprise the bullets just bounced off of its hull and Vincent used the grappler arm and punched the Judgment straight in the main control room which fractured the glass and the sucked the drivers out into space. Vincent grabbed the judgment and took it back down to the Argo and parked them both in the hanger.

As Vincent jumped out of the Juggernaut, he noticed all his friends asleep in a corner of the hanger, the flight and fight took about four hours and the party wiped them all out so they were really tired, only Aeris was still awake. “It’s about time you got back Vince, I was worried about you!” cried out Aeris as she ran up and hugged him. Vincent had begun to blush at this point and almost fell over when he was tackled by her. “I told ya I wasn’t going to dye, not without your permission anyway” said Vincent with a dorky smile on his face. She let him go after about three minutes of her saying how worried she was and him saying how sorry he was that he made her worry then there was an awkward silent moment when the two’s eyes met and then the began to lean closer to one another when Iris kicked the door open and yelled “SUPPER TIME!!!” when the noticed her the two spun around and put there backs together “umm…l-like I was saying we should go eat” said Aerith while laughing hysterically. “I a-agree” said Vincent while nodding his head. “You two are weird ya know that?” explained Iris as she walked back into the main lobby of the Argo. “That was close” whispered Vincent and Aeris under there breathe, but they both heard each other and blushed slightly. They leaned against each other and as there hands met at there sides they interlocked there fingers together.

Vincent and Aeris woke up all the other sleeping people and went to go eat there supper. After some time they finally took off again and headed to there original destination. Rin and Nerine were in charge of the radar this time and they seemed to know what they were doing so Vincent let them be and went to go to bed but as he walked passed the hanger he saw Aeris looking at the wounded arm of the Juggernaut and as she looked at the dented haul and the robotic arms scar she began to look very sad. So Vincent tiptoed up behind her and said “I was sloppy, I could have been more careful…for both our sake” Aeris spun around and looked up at Vincent. “You better be, or you’ll worry me to death” whimpered Aeris as she hugged Vincent once again but all Vincent did was pat her back then he looked up at the two destroyed ships “I should fix these up and make them better than they were before” said Vincent with determination in his voice.

Aeris smiled and agreed to help him under one condition, which was that the next time he flew he had to take her with him. The two finally went there separate ways and went to bed. In the morning they had another amazing meal and everyone was merry and happy except for Vincent who had begun fixing the two ships right as he woke up. He had already fixed the Judgment and renamed it “The Relinquished”. Then he began to work on the juggernaut it took about four hours to fix the hull and now all that was left was the arm. It took a very long time to fix the wires but he had managed to do it before he went to go eat a huge supper, he missed breakfast and lunch, Vincent was very hungry and he ate about four servings of a three coursed meal. After he was finished eating he quickly returned to the ship but Spike, Evion, and Dark noticed him and followed him, “dude I didn’t know we had Mini-Mech’s in here I’ve always wanted to test drive one of those puppies!” said Spike astonishingly. “Do you need help fixing that one?” asked Dark. “Nah I’m good I just need to find a way to make these Mech’s better at fighting” replied Vincent.

The four guys helped fix the Juggernaut and in about twenty minutes it was as good as new. “The Juggernaut seems like a cheesy name, don’t ya think?” said Evion. “Yea but the only other name I could think of is…” Vincent was interrupted “Bahamut. We should name it Bahamut!” said Dark. They all agreed and then began on remodeling the Mech and The Relinquished was renamed “Tiamat” because in history Bahamut and Tiamat were huge dragon gods and they were rivals so the two ships that fought should also be rivals.

It was finally time to get back on track to the main mission and that was getting to Jason’s destination. To this point there were no losses and quiet a huge gain on the team’s part but times weren’t always merry. Some of the crew didn’t adapt well to space and became sick so the Valkyries had to take care of them and do the cooking for the entire crew. The only relief they got was on there off time they got to play with Leo. Leo had adapted and became very friendly which was because Aeris raised it to be kind. Leo got a little bigger each week but no one really cared because he was so cute and playful but Dark and Spike grew worried that something might set off the dormant beast one day. So they finally arrived at the city of Kyzicos on the planet of 00138 one of the unnamed planets. They were welcomed merrily into the kings palace and had a grand feast but when it came time to leave they noticed that someone had vandalized there ships outer layer, they couldn’t get inside so they busted up the outside. The team decided to just leave and forget what happened and as they took off a sound alarmed and sentry guns and patriot missiles were beginning to target the Argo so Vincent and Spike jumped into the mini shuttles and took care of the anti-air guns but did quiet a bit of damage to the town in turn. It took them, about 20 minutes to catch up to the Argo and they had to repair once they were done and Jason quickly went to his next pit stop. Phineus was there next location and they got there without any interruptions. The king of this place was attacked by Harpies everyday and asked the Argonauts to aid him. They accepted but only took Jason, Leo, and Dark on this mission the rest had to stay behind and Spike, Evion, and Vincent had to man the Mini-Mech’s, the king had given them a third but older Mech and Evion was quiet good at using it, it was called the Quetzaquatl also a dragon.

The team of three stood inside the king’s chamber at night and after about 30 minutes the harpies had appeared. One by one they flew in threw the window and one by one they died at Leo’s hands and Jason’s sword. Dark ran outside and looked upward to see the thousands of huge birds and bird people “may the goddesses weep for your soul. For thou gods have plagued you with my fury.” Dark yelled into the air and birds began to swarm around him and completely envelope his body. It had seem that Dark had died from this swift attack but the birds burst forth into flames and Dark was left standing there completely surrounded by flames. He used this fire to spring a volcano into the sky lighting all the birds and harpies on fire killing almost all of them and those who didn’t die quickly succumbed to the fire. The king was relived that the harpies were gone and Leo had a nice breakfast as did the other Argonauts for the birds burst into fully cooked chickens for them to eat and they eat yet again. They set off very fast but not before they were warned about the rip in space just ahead of them and it would take to long to get around it.

This tear was known as The Symplegades and was known to smash together when something passed threw it. So they knew the Argo would be destroyed if it went but Vince volunteered to go first in the Bahamut. He jumped into the cockpit and began taking off but just as the doors started closing Aeris jumped in the back “I told you I’m not letting you go alone anymore. You’re not dying on me.” Stated Aeris as the doors closed and the bay doors opened. The tiny ship shot out of the hangar at tremendous speeds and shot up to the rift. They spun in circles a bit to catch up speed ad they took off directly into the middle. They could see the storm getting closer and closer but just before it hit they made it threw. And as it was opening again the Argo shot past it and every since they passed threw it has continued to drift into separate directions. Vincent climbed out of the ship and was applauded at the fine work he had done to get them all threw but he felt bad for he wouldn’t have made it if Aeris wouldn’t have found and hit the boosters. He thanked Aeris and the two went to bed as did the rest of the crew except Evion who was working on his new ship making it perfect for how he acts.

They had set sail towards one of there final destinations and were quiet bored from the lack of attacks on there ship which kind of spooked them. It was harsh territories and no one was going after them. They continued to drift when they saw something shoot across the radar and disappear into the opposite direction. “What ever that was it is big and fast…” said Rin while manning the radar “you sure it was big?” Asked Nerine “yea I’m sure” stated Rin. Rin told the three Mech pilot’s to get into there ships and await further orders. Vincent’s Bahamut had some minor edits for example: it now had a rail gun attached to the bottom left and one of his arms was fitted with a massive sword, he had a V24 launcher on his back which could shoot 24 of missiles at an opponent at once and he had two of them. Spikes Tiamat was very light and fast and had to cannons were the arms should be and a lot of mini guns around it, it also had a targeting system to man each of the small guns so it could fight hundreds of opponents at once. Evion’s Quetzaquatl had all of its parts dismantled so that Evion could maneuver every piece himself using his telekinesis it had four grappler arms and a missile launcher on almost every part of his body. It was a massive Mech and could potentially use every pert of its body as a weapon and Evion planned on that, it was the most armored of the Mech’s and could do the most damage. So the Dragon Brothers, as the called themselves, waited to be ordered to leave, they didn’t have to wait too long. Aeris and two other girls ran into the room and hoped into a Mech, Aeris jumped into the Bahamut, Nerine jumped into the Quetzaquatl, she could use her powers to make the impacts do much more damage, and Rose joined Spike so that she could motivate the computer into working harder. The team set off and just as they left, a huge beastly figure shot passed them. They quickly regrouped and looked around and as the shadow cam closer it was a gargantuan dragon named Io. It was rumored to be the king of dragons and was very mysterious. The Dragon fired at them and they easily dodged it but the team was hit by the dragon’s massive force and was sent into different directions with the exception of the Quetzaquatl which had grabbed a hold of the might beast.

Evion used his powers to slow the dragon down and then Vincent managed to hit it with his rail gun which took a big chunk out of its hide. Io swung around and headed straight for Bahamut and he swung his mighty claw into the hull of the Mech sending it whirling into space. Tiamat had begun filing Io with lead but the small cannons and mini guns did very little to Io’s think scales so Tiamat was launched away by Io’s tail. Now it was only Io and Quetzaquatl. The two monsters stood still facing each other and Evion shot himself forward and grabbed hold of Io’s jaw and began to rip it open. Io squirmed as it was unable to do anything because his arms were held by the other grappling arms and his tail was being knocked back by the elbows. Quetzaquatl seemed to be just about to finish him off when Io started to fire up a plasma breath but just before the flame hit his hull a shot plowed threw it and put out the fire. The shot had come from Bahamut’s rail gun and it was now firing off its 48 missile attack along with hacking away at Io’s hide for Vincent’s sword was just strong enough to tear it. The dragon was losing this fight very fast and to make it worse Spike was back and his ammunition was very affective in the cuts that Bahamut had made with the sword. Because of this the targeting system made huge holes in the hide and Io passed out soon after. The terrible beast was now asleep and the Mech’s had wrapped it up with chains and let him drift around.

They headed off after repairing all the damage that Io had caused and landed on a planet called Taneris. It was a modern planet and had many things that aided the Argonauts greatly. They bought more food and restocked medical supplies and bought medicine for space sickness along with ammo and a defense system for the Argo. Dark had also bought himself a Mech that was fiercer looking than the other three combined. Its main weapons were a huge cannon at the mouth of the Mech, and the four flame throwers on one of the arms the other arm had a huge scythe on it and the Mech was shaped like a man with a huge black cloak on it. Hercules had also bought a Mech; this Mech had two massive arms and looked like it was incredibly strong which suited him perfectly.

After about a week on this planet Vincent noticed some weapons upgrades he was looking for but they were prizes in a tournament so the Argo leaders joined in. it was an arena match and it was hand-to-hand and one-on-one or team depending on what you entered. Vincent joined both the team and one-on-one matches but the other guys only entered the team with him. The team consisted of Evion, Herk, Jason, Spike, Dark, and Vincent. Aeris and Leo also joined in secret and were allowed to enter as one person. So the Argo’s entered there match against the wall, yes there team name was the wall. They opponents were big grey men that looked like walls; there muscles were hard and tightly packed for there huge bodies and they stood to about twice the Argo’s member’s height. First up to take them on was Dark who used his magic to blow a hole threw the first wall with little trouble but was taken out when the wall fell on him and broke his leg, he was only out for that round. Next up was Jason who didn’t fair to well against a wall of muscle seeing as how Jason is pretty small. He jumped onto the back of the wall and punched it in the head repeatedly but it just grabbed him and threw him against a ...well…wall. Herk was next and he just picked the wall up and broke its back with one punch and this onslaught continued threw out the match. By the time of the second match Dark had healed himself and was ready to go again and Jason was still sitting out.

There next opponent was the pack which was filled with people who looked like raptors and could multiply themselves at will. Spike went up first and used his mastery of air to suffocate most of the members and there clones but one held his breath and knocked Spike out. The rest met there end to Darks fire magic and they quickly moved on. There third match was a lot harder since there was only five matches this was near the end. They were up against oblivion which was three huge robots and they looked mean. Jason went first in this match and was knocked out in the first twenty seconds as was Spike and Dark. Herk had a hard time but managed to rip one of the robots arms off and smash another’s head in before getting knocked out. Now all that was left was Vincent and Evion and they went up together. Vincent attacked the one with the missing arm and quickly made it have two missing arms. Evion used his powers and unscrewed the other robot and it caved in on itself. Evion used the parts of the dismantled robot and shot them threw his friend and the match was won.

The semi finals match was somewhat easy because the team they fought needed to be moving to do any damage and Evion used his powers to pin the against a wall and Herk made quick work of them. The final match was against the current champions named the Hell Slayers. “Cute name” said Spike to one of the dreadnaughts whom happened to be there leader. Herk and Vincent went all out in this fight and the battle raged on for about two hours before the Argo managed to barely limp away with the win. They were the new victors and little two there knowledge Aeris had one the woman’s league one and Vincent one the singles matches. They went home with all three grand prizes which from Aeris’ prize was a new armor for all the Mech’s and shield generators for them as well so now they were more powerful and well protected which should come in handy.

They set off to there new destination which hopefully was there last. They had been traveling for almost four months and were getting homesick. The team had seen many thing on this adventure but they missed there families so Jason skipped his other stops and went straight to his last stop. They landed near the planet Colchis and had to be very careful. For Colchis was the home of Ares the god of war. They decided to send the Mech pilots in first so they could distract anyone who tried to stop them. The five men and women went to there ships and took off towards Colchis. It took them very little time to get there but once they were there things got bad. There were monsters and dragons and giants everywhere and everything looked deadly. They barely managed to find an open spot for the Argo to land and when it landed the spot became unsafe again. The Argo was so big that almost every creature saw it and was headed straight for it.

The final mission had finally begun. The Argonauts had to defend the Argo until the Mech’s could go to find the Golden Fleece. The battle would have been impossible to even consider if it wasn’t for the upgrades to the Mech’s and to the Argo for it now had a defense system and was blasting away at ground threats. Hercules’ and Dark’s Mech were to stay behind and the other three had to find the fleece. But Jason hoped aboard Evion’s ship and went with them to the castle to talk to the king. Meanwhile the two Mech pilots that were left behind were having a hard time fending off flying targets. Herk’s Mech was not very good at flying and had to help on the ground so it was up to Dark to defend the Argo. He used the scythe to conserve ammunition and he torched the harder to kill enemies with the hyper-flame-thrower. But when it seemed like Dark and Herk were going to lose Leo joined the aid of Herk and the Valkyries helped Dark by shooting there arrows at the flying beasts. The battle was pretty easy from that point on but Dark and Herk were both incredibly tired and hurt after the battle and people switched off using the Mech’s.

As the trio of Mech pilots got to the castle they were gratefully welcomed in as guests of the king. Jason emerged from Mech and confronted the king and decided to claim the fleece as his own. King Aeetes of Colchis promised to give it to him only if he could perform three certain tasks. Presented with the tasks, Jason became discouraged and fell into depression. The team of heroes tried to cheer him up but failed. However, Hera had persuaded Aphrodite to convince her son Eros to strike Aeetes's daughter, Medea, with love for Jason. As a result, Medea aided Jason in his tasks along with his fellow heroes. First, Jason had to plow a field with fire-breathing oxen that he had to yoke himself his friends were not allowed to aid him in this challenge. Medea provided an ointment that protected him from the oxen's flames. Then, Jason sowed the teeth of a dragon into a field. The teeth sprouted into an army of warriors. Medea had previously warned Jason of this and told him how to defeat this foe. Before they attacked him, he threw a rock into the crowd. Unable to decipher where the rock had come from, the soldiers attacked and defeated one another.

The next task was for Jason had to kill a huge dragon that guarded the entrance to the fleece. Vincent and Evion were itching to fight the dragon with there Mech’s but were preoccupied with the hundreds of smaller dragons that the king had forgotten to mention so Jason and Medea went on alone. The dragon was fierce and never slept. It could only be defeated by the others but they were to busy buying them time. So Medea used her magic to put the mighty dragon to sleep while Jason went to steel the fleece which turned out to be a micro-chip with ancient secrets in it. Jason and the others ran out of there as fast as they could but the king noticed that he was tricked and sent Ares after them. Vincent noticed that the god was waking up and told the Argonauts to go without him, Aeris tried to get on board but Vincent would not let her join him. Vincent fused his Mech with Evion’s to make a huge six armed Mech with telekinetic powers but Evion managed to sneak on board and co-pilot the super Mech.

Evion and Vincent took the Mech and stood in front of the furious Ares whom was guarding the Golden Fleece. Dark noticed that his friends were missing and hopped into his Mech and fused it with the other one making the Mech look like a huge two armed man in black with draconic armor on and wielding a scythe with a huge blade and a giant black cloak on it. The last one to merge with the Mech was Herk who was left behind when the Argo took off because the boosters on his Mech were fried. Herk’s Mech made the other one much more powerful and now had the strength to battle Ares. The two got locked in a grapple but since only Evion and Vincent were able to pilot the Mech Dark and Hercules went outside and aided in the fight by tripping Ares and lighting him on fire. Vincent’s first started making some progress in the fight when Herk grabbed Ares’ leg and gave Vince enough time to punch him in the jaw with enough force to shatter a mountain.

The two teams were dead even and neither of them were giving up. Vincent decided to stop playing fair and began to use the missiles and mini guns that were hidden in the Mech. Aeris didn’t know what to do when they shot out of the cloak and was severely wounded but it used all of Vincent’s ammo. Dark was chanting his strongest spell and Herk was keeping Ares from stepping on him. Vincent was neck in neck with Ares until he stepped on Herk and was throw off balance and Vincent used this opportunity to slice Ares across the chest with the scythe. Ares became furious but when he was about to strike Vincent down Dark opened his eyes and a torrent of magma burst from the ground melting his armor and burning him alive. Ares wasn’t defeated but wounded badly. Ares had managed to disable one of Vincent's arms and he grappled him with all his might. But to Ares surprise Vincent was hiding his strongest weapon the whole time. He had integrated the hyper flame thrower and the rail gun into, an Omega Plasma Cannon, and pointed it straight at Ares head. The blast killed him instantly but knocked the four Mech’s apart and disabled Vincent's Mech entirely. He forced the other three people to leave him and return to the Argo but after they left Vincent noticed the flaw in his Mech and fixed it as fast as he could. By the time he repaired it he saw hundreds of ships shoot from the castle and towards the Argo which was much further away than before. He also saw on his radar that the Anti-Argo fleet had caught up and he radioed the Argo demanding that they leave now.

The Argo set off and left Vincent behind and Jason and Medea took her little brother with them. Vincent launched his Mech but followed far behind the Anti-Argo fleet so he couldn’t be spotted. This worked until the two fleets decided to fight each other and half of both fleets were destroyed and Vincent stayed behind and salvaged what he could find. He managed to find a decently fine ship with little damage on it. The only thing broken was the front mirror which sucked the entire crew out into space. He quickly fixed the problem and took over the ship putting his Mech close by. He took off but was not able to get to the Argo before it jumped into hyper mode. The Argo took off but was stopped by the king’s fleet.

Medea decided to throw her brother into space and the suction ripped him to pieces and the fleet stopped to collect them. They were never able to catch up again. The only problem that was in there way now was the sirens that had been rumored to reside in the area they were in. there song could be heard threw out space but Aeris and Rose sang to the men in a concert to drown out there song and they successfully passed them by. Vincent was worried that he wouldn’t be able to catch the Argo in such a small ship so he decided to take a shortcut threw a forbidden sector of space. He traveled threw this place with only the occasional Mech fight with a space pirate or a race to get away from pursuers but it was somewhat easy to do. He emerged about two months away from his home planet and his destination.

The Argo was fast and managed to already make the trip home. The Argonauts split up and returned home with the exception of Rose who stayed with Spike and Nerine who stayed with Dark. Aeris mourned the loss of Vincent and stayed with the group. One day when Aeris was helping the other girls clean Vincent walked into the room and passed out. The girls swarmed to help him and put him in bed; it took him two weeks to recover. When he finally woke up Hercules was visiting the group “glad to see your better man” said Herk “I never thought you would show up after we left you on that planet.” “I don’t remember how but I wasn’t going to leave Aeris alone like that…” said Vincent in a helpless voice. She smiles and tended to his wounds and then Leo and Iris walked in and placed the food down on the table next to them. “I didn’t know the Valkyries were still with you Aeris…” said Vincent as he smiled. “They offered to serve the king and take care of us; the king is still not giving Jason back the crown.

Medea went to negotiate with him though” said Aeris while placing a wet rag on Vincent’s head. Meanwhile Medea was in the castle talking to the king. “Please return Jason to his rightful place as king! He has completed your challenge and has earned his rightful place!” the king refused to return the crown to Jason but said that he would if he could defeat the space pirate crew known as the Forsaken. Medea agreed but she got him to sign a treaty that stated that if Jason won he would be king. They both signed it and went about there different ways. Medea returned to see everyone partying the return of there full crew. “Why is everyone so happy?” asked Medea “Vincent came back!” cheered Aeris. Medea smiled but took Jason in secret and told him of the challenge. “Everyone… I have some bad news. The king has sent me on a challenge to defeat the pirate crew known as the Forsaken.” “I will need your help to do this” said Jason with a sad look on his face. “Vincent… you are too weak to accompany me on this trip. I don’t want Aeris to lose you; I don’t think she could handle it. As for the rest of you… you will have to talk to your own loved ones.”

The small remainder of the Argonauts climbed aboard and went to the meeting spot that the Forsaken had demanded. Vincent snuck into the ship he had stolen and followed just far enough behind them that the radar couldn’t pick him up. It took a day to get to the spot but when they arrived there was a huge fleet of ships bigger than any they had ever seen before. The Argo was tiny compared to the ships they now faced and there was little hope of them winning. The leader of the forsaken told them that they had to defeat this armada to win the challenge. The only way they could win is if the gods gave them a miracle. Medea and Jason looked at the approaching fleet and decided to use the cannons attached to the outer hull to shoot there weak spots.