Darling's Observatory

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Darling's Observatory
Organization Private
Location Duluth, Minnesota (USA)
Coordinates 46°46′47″N, ?°?′?″W
Altitude  ? meters (927 feet)
Webpage none
Unnamed Telescope 9-inch Brashear refractor

Darling's Observatory was a private observatory built by Mr. J. H. Darling in Duluth, Minnesota. The site of the observatory is about 325 feet above Lake Superior and 927 feet above sea level. Plans for the building were drawn by Richard E. Schmidt of Garden & Martin of Chicago. The wooden building has a stucco exterior finish.

[edit] Telescopes

The observatory contained a 9-inch refracting telescope made by John A. Brashear Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The mounting was by William Gaertner & Company of Chicago, Illinois.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • "Private Observatory in Duluth," Popular Astronomy, October 1917.