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Dungeons & Dragons creature
Type Magical beast
Image Wizards.com image
Stats OGL stats

In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, the darkmantle is a strange magical beast which lives in caves.

[edit] Description

A darkmantle resembles something akin to a dark brown colored squid, roughly 4 feet long, with webs of membrane between the tentacles. Its part is shelled, and it has a muscular "foot" on the top of it. Though darkmantles have eyes, they "see" by using echolocation, much the way a bat does. Using a mixture of telekinetic ability and the flapping of its webbed tentacles, it can perform low level flying.

[edit] Habitat and society

The darkmantle attacks by attatching itself to the ceiling of a cave and disguising itself as a stalactite. It waits until someone is underneath, and then drops down, wrapping its tentacles around the head of the victim. It smothers them, and then proceeds to eat them from a mouth located under its head. Darkmantles also have an offensive/defensive ability in the ability to suck the light out of an area.

Darkmantles cannot speak.

They are neutral in alignment.

[edit] References

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Dungeons & Dragons creatures

Creature types: AberrationAnimalConstructDragonElementalFeyGiantHumanoidMagical beastMonstrous humanoidOozeOutsiderPlantUndeadVermin

Categories: Dragonlance creaturesEberron creaturesStandard creaturesUndead creaturesSpelljammer creaturesGreyhawk creaturesForgotten Realms creaturesExtraplanar creatures

Lists of dragons: ChromaticDragonlanceGemMetallicPlanarOther