
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Daniel James Crangle is a person, born 19th April 1990 and is a Christian Believer. He is not known by much but where he is known he is infamous for being an individual and for not participating in many social cultures thereby making himself an object of ridicule by social contemporaries. Also know to be infirm by fact of having adult onset diabetes.

My thoughts:

To anyone who is reading this page, please help! The Maitreya (Share International) page has been vandalised by an unknown being whom I am convinced is an affiliate of Share International. They are editing the page to demonise Christianity and whoever affiliates with it especially User:Pastor Harry Walther.They have deleted any links that had been posted there and I am unable to repair the damage as when I place the links into the document and leave the web bots or an unknown entity replaces the links with a page already preset with the same biased text. If you are able to edit the page please do or at least Email me and please tell me how to do it as I believe this entity is trying to promote their own beliefs without any proof.

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